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Thread: Spanking?

  1. #1


    Something odd happened during a recent sexual encounter with my long-term buddy, Dave, and frankly, I'm not sure how to feel about it. I?ve tried writing this up a couple of times now, but I keep deleting my post because it?s just so weird and embarrassing.

    For what it's worth, neither Dave or I have ever been into any form of sex play that causes intentional pain or humiliation. Well, over the Labor Day weekend we sort of crossed that line.
    After an extended play session in the hot tub, Dave asked permission to fuck me, something I've only allowed him to do a handful of times over the last six years. Anal sex is, frankly, not my favorite thing, but since Dave had been hinting at this all summer, I acceded to his wishes.

    The next thing I know, we're up in his bedroom. I'm standing at his bedside, prepped, lubed and bent over with my torso resting on the mattress. Dave enters me from behind and begins thrusting -- slowly and gently at first, then deeper and more vigorously.

    After a few minutes of fucking me in earnest, Dave withdraws his cock. I asked if he'd already come, and he says no. Then, WHACK! I feel a stinging pain on my right ass cheek. Five of six more stinging blows follow. I put a hand behind me to shield my backside from what I would later discover was the flat side of a hairbrush!

    Dave says something about mixing pain and pleasure and making my ass glow cherry red before we're done. He says paddling me during sex is something he's always wanted to do, but at that point, the only thing I wanted to do was leave.

    Dave pleaded to let him finish what we started, but the mood was gone. Accommodatingly, I brought him off by hand, then got dressed to leave.

    Has anyone ever experienced this? Did you find it in any way sexually arousing? Is it common for a top to spank a bottom during sex, or was this very abnormal?
    Last edited by Ken Hadashi; Sep 15, 2024 at 6:35 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Spanking?

    Something similar happened to recently.
    A guy contacted me about spanking him.
    An ex asked me to smack her ass once but it wasn't for us.
    So things have been dry since covid so I figured what the fuck it's some kind of naked man fun.
    We met at my place and had a chat when I asked if he was ready. In short we got naked and he looked suckable to me but I asked how he wanted to do this and he stood at the bed side and leaned over and I gave him a few smacks, not really into it I asked if he wanted more, he did but I didn't care for it ay more.
    I think he knew and we maneuvered into a nice side by side 69. But It wasn't working and I think he knew it so I told him. He was a gentleman about and we got dressed and said good by.
    It didn't work but ended better than it could have.

  3. #3

    Re: Spanking?

    i enjoy it with certain people i know but its been along time

  4. #4

    Re: Spanking?

    It really depends on my mindset. If my lover has been firm but careful and I have tilted into a deep submissive mode, a skillfully administered spanking, started gently and progressing to more deliberate smacks will actually move me to an orgasm, and if he or she cares for me afterwards with caressing and kisses, I'll probably be ready for it again next time. Part of submitting is the abandonment of conventional courtesies and the surrender of wills and desires to the control of others. If the dom or domme assumes the responsibilities in a caring manner, my ass is his (or hers) to use as they wish.

  5. #5

    Re: Spanking?

    I enjoy being spanked. Used to get spanked at times when I was very young. Maybe this is why I used to cause so much mischief, started liking them. LOL

  6. #6

    Re: Spanking?

    Spanking? Yes, harder please.

  7. #7

    Re: Spanking?

    I find a mild spanking very erotic and is a turn on.

    I have met guys who can cum from being caned also had a girlfriend one who became really horny with a good spanking




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