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  1. #121

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Good job assuming what I think. Tell me what “top secret” documents were taken. What were in them? And why wait almost 2 years to go get them back? All presidents make the decision to declassify documents all the time and take them with them. Obama did it Clinton did it bush did it. They all do it

  2. #122

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Good job assuming what I think.
    You've said nothing to indicate I'm wrong. Do you think Donald Trump should be allowed to take, and keep, top secret documents? It's a simple yes or no. My answer is no. I have no problem giving straightforward, direct answers to such questions. Prove me wrong by saying 'yes' or 'no' without trying to equivocate, dodge, and change the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Tell me what “top secret” documents were taken. What were in them? And why wait almost 2 years to go get them back? All presidents make the decision to declassify documents all the time and take them with them. Obama did it Clinton did it bush did it. They all do it
    Do you believe Trump declassified those documents? Because he definitely didn't. His lawyers have specifically avoided claiming he did, even when asked specifically by the special master, because they know he didn't. Declassification of such documents requires a paper trail (Trump is lying when he says it doesn't). Among the reasons for this is that the declassification of top secret documents requires coordination among various government agencies which have responsibilities related to that classification. As for Obama doing the same thing, blah blah blah, no he didn't, and neither did Clinton nor Bush. Those lies might go unchallenged in right-wing echo chambers, but they will not go unchallenged here.

  3. #123

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Good job assuming what I think. Tell me what “top secret” documents were taken. What were in them? And why wait almost 2 years to go get them back? All presidents make the decision to declassify documents all the time and take them with them. Obama did it Clinton did it bush did it. They all do it
    If you are talking to who I think you are, just place him on the ignore list. I am guilty of something I forgot, stupid people only have power if they can see or say something to you. He has Trump derangement syndrome, and cognitive dissonance, no matter how much is shown to him, he is not adult or smart enough to alter his stance based on a fact.

    honestly, he isnt worth your annoyance

  4. #124

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    If you are talking to who I think you are, just place him on the ignore list. I am guilty of something I forgot, stupid people only have power if they can see or say something to you. He has Trump derangement syndrome, and cognitive dissonance, no matter how much is shown to him, he is not adult or smart enough to alter his stance based on a fact.

    honestly, he isnt worth your annoyance
    To think that we are using the truth to argue with a Biden voter that is still proud of what he did.

    We are telling him the truth because the truth should be told by the people that are doing the telling since there is nothing else to tell. I have been to the thread, and the thread is secure because the last administration did not secure it and I have seen it many times and we are telling you we have secured the thread because we told you we did and they didn't. Didn't I?

  5. #125

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    WTF happened to this thread??? I thought we were talking about sucking married cock. Shame.

  6. #126

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    @williamg, I'm wondering the same thing.

  7. #127

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by williamg View Post
    WTF happened to this thread??? I thought we were talking about sucking married cock. Shame.
    People don’t respect other people when asked to keep things separate. It drives me nuts.

  8. #128

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    People don’t respect other people when asked to keep things separate. It drives me nuts.
    You've been making just as many political comments on this thread as anyone. I notice you didn't answer the question about whether Donald Trump should be allowed to keep top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago. What do you think about that? Should Trump be allowed to remove top secret documents from the White House and keep them?

  9. #129

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Hello all,
    I am a 30 yr old married man. I believe I am bisexual but I?m not 100% sure. My wife doesn?t want me to experiment at all because she is worried that I will divorce her for another man. I have continuously told her that there was no chance that I would leave her.
    In the same breath that I say that I also say that she tries to hook me up with a friend of hers that has a crush on me. She?s clearly torn on if she wants me to experiment or not. I don?t really know what to do. I also don?t really know what I want to do.
    So getting back to the ORIG situation...
    You say your wife knows about your bisexuality. Good or bad, that is a huge plus in the relationship. Very few of us are able to bring this up in our marriages. This is especially true for folks like me where both were "straight" going into it. I love my wife dearly. Married over 30 years. But she could never understand me becoming at the very least bi curious.

    So this allows you some communication. Maybe you need to explain your desires clearer to her (I know you are still figuring it out). In my mind, I explain my sexuality as emotional & physical with a woman. But only physical with a man. Some men golf, fish, or even camp together. And some men suck cock together. But at the end of the day... You're back with your wife.

    So you have a line of communication with her. Maybe she feels "safer" with you hooking up with her friend? Is the sex good with your wife these days?

  10. #130

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by williamg View Post
    So getting back to the ORIG situation...
    You say your wife knows about your bisexuality. Good or bad, that is a huge plus in the relationship. Very few of us are able to bring this up in our marriages. This is especially true for folks like me where both were "straight" going into it. I love my wife dearly. Married over 30 years. But she could never understand me becoming at the very least bi curious.

    So this allows you some communication. Maybe you need to explain your desires clearer to her (I know you are still figuring it out). In my mind, I explain my sexuality as emotional & physical with a woman. But only physical with a man. Some men golf, fish, or even camp together. And some men suck cock together. But at the end of the day... You're back with your wife.

    So you have a line of communication with her. Maybe she feels "safer" with you hooking up with her friend? Is the sex good with your wife these days?
    The friend is out the window. He didn’t really want anything to do with me. Another poster was right he used his “bisexuality” to get into my wife’s pants. And it almost worked.
    im currently trying to rebuild my marriage over this bull shit lying mf.

  11. #131

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Best thing to do now, is continue to talk with your wife, and work though whats happened and how its changed things with the marriage and you both..........while its easy to suggest that all the * toys * are put back in the box and put away in the cupboard, that may not work, as both of your awareness have changed things for you both.

    Maybe reach an agreement that you both take the time, maybe a few months, to refocus on you both and your marriage, before revisiting the idea of a open marriage, and how better to safeguard yourselves from people like the * friend *.....its a learning curve for you both, so it will take you both time to work through things, and maybe a marriage / relationship counsellor could help with ways to work through this, thats not suggesting that your marriage is in trouble but sometimes we just need a outside set of eyes and ears to assist with moving forward.......

    SO what are the options of buying some toys for you both to play around with, just the both of you, to expand your sex life together, and also to get more of a feel about what interests you have ( both of you ) using role play etc........talking is easy, people can do it all day.......but in the bedroom with toys, and role playing, people can express themselves in ways that can surprise themselves and their partners.......and you both may find new and interesting ways to have fun while you both rebalance within the marriage........

    Any experience is a learning curve....and dammed if you both have not learned a lot over the last month, the key now is to use that experience to positive effect in the marriage......and also to take the time to look in the mirror at any negative reactions and emotions that may have surfaced.......things like your own feelings about your wife having sex with other men, because your feelings are just as valid as her own concerns about you having sex with other men........and how can you both address your bisexuality and also her interests in the future with somebody who is not going to play games.......

    I am a monogamous natured bi person myself, I am loyal to my partner, so I actually had to deal with compromising my own values in regards to my partner and the closed group.....but what made it easier for me, was my partner had her own * rules *, she did not want to play with people outside of the closed group who view themselves as FwB... and also the knowledge that my sex drive alone could not sate my partner who could fuck all 4 of us in one night and still want to make love with me......

    Part of the compromise also involved my partner saying that she needed me to have sex with another guy and female because that way she could indulge herself when it came to sex, like me being fucked deep into her from behind and her doing the same to me.....for me, its all about pleasing my partner rather than focusing on myself, and knowing she loves it, made it easier for me to sidestep my monogamous nature.......

    Your marriage does not sound to be broken, just different to when you first married... its a matter of how much can you both flex and adapt to your * new * marriage.....
    The only thing more painful than a broken heart, is catching yourself in your zip and having very cold hands

  12. #132

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Keep politics off my post. Period
    Thank you BiGuy. I don't come here to discuss or debate political issues. There are other places for that. Ok enough about that.
    Jazmine makes an excellent point and I'll second that. As have others here. Good luck on your journey and please keep us apprised of where it leads you and your wife. Hopefully to a good place.

  13. #133

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by DD788Snipe View Post
    Thank you BiGuy. I don't come here to discuss or debate political issues. There are other places for that. Ok enough about that.
    Jazmine makes an excellent point and I'll second that. As have others here. Good luck on your journey and please keep us apprised of where it leads you and your wife. Hopefully to a good place.
    Do you mean this thread for I can agree with you. If u mean the site forums then I have to take issue..
    Do not think so little of me as to grant me your tolerance. Allow me your acceptance and understanding of who and what I am with the love, respect and dignity with which I do you.

  14. #134

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Not quite a 1/2 gallon....

  15. #135

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by diver63 View Post
    Not quite a 1/2 gallon....

  16. #136

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    Seriously, you are making yourself sound stupider by the minute, please tell me you dont vote. The supreme court did NOT overturn abortion, they sent it back to the states to decide for themself.

    And, you know, just in case you were not aware, it was the supreme court who decided to do this, and they have these really cool things called transportation that you can go to a place that does allow it, hell, companies like Apple will even pay for it for you

    men like you make me embarrassed to be a man. This is why feminism is so essential. Patriarchal attitudes like yours are absolutely disgusting

  17. #137

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by beamish13 View Post
    men like you make me embarrassed to be a man. This is why feminism is so essential. Patriarchal attitudes like yours are absolutely disgusting
    So, now facts make you embarrassed to be a man ?

    Is it you cant handle actual facts...................or are you just so freaking in such a hurry to kill innocents ?

    I mean, it's not like our taxes pay for free birth control, oh wait they do
    Its not like you can get free condoms every where, oh wait you do
    Well, it's not like liberals got laws passed so a 9 year old can get Plan B without a parental consent................oh wait they can

    But hey, way to use bumper sticker slogans

  18. #138

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by darkeyes View Post
    Do you mean this thread for I can agree with you. If u mean the site forums then I have to take issue..
    I mean here darkeyes. Yes there are other boards in the forum that are for discussing politics. I respect BiGuy's wishes on no politics attached to his post. Is there a problem with that?

  19. #139

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    There is so much I could say about this, but it is all personal experience. My school years prepared me to question my sexuality by making me the school fag and school punching bag for most of my junior high, and high years. I lost my virginity to both women and men while I was still in the Coast Guard. This was decades before don't ask, don't tell. Once I realized I enjoyed both and saw nothing wrong with it, I asked my best friend in the Coast Guard about it and he explained bisexuality to me. I felt both enlightened and freed knowing that. I didn't experiment any further with men while I was in, but once I was out I played the field as I saw fit. By the time I met my late wife I was completely open about my bisexuality but I never thought of it as a being out of some closet I had to get out of. If there was reason for you to know I was bi, then you knew. If there was none, I never said anything. Then I met my late wife. I remember the months leading up to our wedding we discussed my bisexuality and how it would and wouldn't impact on our marriage. I assured her, I promised her that I didn't cheat. Period. My father cheated on my mother and while I knew even as a kid that she drove him away with her constant belittlements and nagging, he didn't have to drag me into it. Consequently, I don't cheat. Period. And I kept to it. But, after we separated I returned to screwing whomever I wanted to. If I started dating someone then, I was faithful. I found for me that was the best policy. I've been completely honest about my bisexuality and I've never used it as an excuse to cheat. I promise all the people I date that I won't cheat on them and I mean it. Life is complicated enough as it is to muddle up the important relationships in my life. That is my two cents worth.

  20. #140

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by beamish13 View Post
    men like you make me embarrassed to be a man. This is why feminism is so essential. Patriarchal attitudes like yours are absolutely disgusting
    There's nothing like a man who dresses up as a woman turning around and voting to turn actual women into second class citizens. Disgusting is right.

  21. #141

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    The friend is out the window. He didn’t really want anything to do with me. Another poster was right he used his “bisexuality” to get into my wife’s pants. And it almost worked.
    im currently trying to rebuild my marriage over this bull shit lying mf.
    Oh... Sorry to hear that. I missed that whole part.
    Well then perhaps bringing up the bi part of you is not in the cards then for a time given the situation. Best of luck to you!

  22. #142

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by diver63 View Post
    Not quite a 1/2 gallon....

  23. #143

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    The friend is out the window. He didn’t really want anything to do with me. Another poster was right he used his “bisexuality” to get into my wife’s pants. And it almost worked.
    im currently trying to rebuild my marriage over this bull shit lying mf.
    Figures. That's has to be tough. I hope you and your wife are able to work things out and stay together. Something just didn't sound right about her explanation when you first posted. The older I get the less trust I have in people. Good luck.

  24. #144

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    I am a closet and will remain so. I will get a cock in my ass.

  25. #145

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    I had the same problem with my wife, she wanted a threescore
    with a gay co-worker. We got together and everything worked out. She had a wonderful time watching us men sucking each other and rubbing her swollen clit. She kneeled over my face and as I licked her sweet pussy, she took her friends cock from behind. I counted her having three orgasms. A few days later I met her friend in town and he suggested I go to his apartment for a quickie. While we were enjoying each other's cocks he told me that my wife was so hot, and that she always had multiple orgasms when he fucked her. Then I realized he's a had been fucking her all along. And it was her idea that she wanted her bi husband to enjoy her friends cock.i never mentioned it to her, but I noticed that everytime we got together, she managed to fuck him and have multiple orgasms.

  26. #146

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Hello all,
    I am a 30 yr old married man. I believe I am bisexual but I?m not 100% sure. My wife doesn?t want me to experiment at all because she is worried that I will divorce her for another man. I have continuously told her that there was no chance that I would leave her.
    In the same breath that I say that I also say that she tries to hook me up with a friend of hers that has a crush on me. She?s clearly torn on if she wants me to experiment or not. I don?t really know what to do. I also don?t really know what I want to do.
    Has you wife stated that she's wants to be there when you are with her friend, to watch or just to feel more safe about it? It may make her feel more comfortable about it if she can be there. Would you want that?
    Maybe the three of you could sit to talk about it first and you could express to the guy that you are only looking for m/m sex but will never want to leave your wife...that it's just about sex.
    She might be much more comfortable if you approached it that way, the three of you sure that you are on the same page. Just a thought.
    Last edited by Rest85; Nov 11, 2023 at 12:14 PM.

  27. #147

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    So .. sounds like they wanted an excuse to cheat .. or at least he did. That is annoying .. but at least the cat is out of the bag if you like men. Don't let one ..jerk.. ruin it for you.

    It seems like some time has elapsed since -- I hope you managed to work things out somehow.

  28. #148

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    The topic suffered a SERIOUS thread shift. I tend to be conservative but I enjoy pleasing cock and letting a man please me. What, you think my mind is on politics when I'm involved in oral sex? What happens in the bedroom between consenting adults shouldn't be the government's business.

  29. #149

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Keep you're wife happy.
    She wants you to have it off with her friend.
    Then do so.
    Don't bother with us blokes.
    It will be better in the long run.

  30. #150

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    So a little update:
    It turns out that my wife is a freaky little thing and wants to do a threesome with this guy friend of hers. I?m terrified of my first time. And I?m terrified of losing my wife. But she has now played out a scenario of what she really wants to happen. I?m nervous and scared.
    As long as the dude sucks your cock as well. As she may just plain be hot for the dude and the 3 way is her satisfying her itch.




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