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  1. #91

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Oh, by the way, I particularly chuckled out loud at this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    And honestly, if you got your news by research, you would realize the majority of states do have a rape exemption
    "The girl, who was 9 at the time of the rape,[3] traveled to Indiana to get an abortion, because Ohio law on abortion does not provide an exception for minor children who become pregnant because of rape."

  2. #92

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    Oh, by the way, I particularly chuckled out loud at this:

    "The girl, who was 9 at the time of the rape,[3] traveled to Indiana to get an abortion, because Ohio law on abortion does not provide an exception for minor children who become pregnant because of rape."
    Apparently you need more help, the words were "Majority", now, majority means more than a minority..................let me know if you need any other help with reading comprehension

  3. #93

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    Stop dodging and admit it. You are fine with a state forcing a 10 year rape victim to bear her rapist's child. Stop trying to wriggle out out of it by talking about how she could do this or that to evade the laws of her state. You're fine with it. You believe the state should have that authority. Just admit it and stop dodging.

    I noticed you haven't tried to claim that such a thing hasn't happened, but just in case anyone reading this doesn't know about it -- here it is:

    That's what these people are all about.
    not wiggling out of anything.............I never said I was okay with no rape exemptions, you assumed. But thanks for playing. But hey, keep trying to make your argument on less than 2% of the cases

  4. #94

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    Apparently you need more help, the words were "Majority", now, majority means more than a minority..................let me know if you need any other help with reading comprehension
    So you're OK with Ohio forcing minor children to bear their rapist's child? That's a valid vote for you? Go ahead, just admit it. Or do you not want to own this particular opinion?

  5. #95

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    not wiggling out of anything.............I never said I was okay with no rape exemptions, you assumed. But thanks for playing. But hey, keep trying to make your argument on less than 2% of the cases
    You said states should decide it. That is what Ohio decided. So are you OK with states deciding it? Are you OK with Ohio deciding that? Go ahead and admit it. Here's the case again, just to make sure there's no confusion:

    Let's hear you say it. Take pride in your beliefs.

  6. #96

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    You said states should decide it. That is what Ohio decided. So are you OK with states deciding it? Are you OK with Ohio deciding that? Go ahead and admit it. Here's the case again, just to make sure there's no confusion:

    Let's hear you say it. Take pride in your beliefs.
    again, since you seem to be slow.

    Yes, states should decide, it is called the wil of their voters.
    No, I dont have to agree with everything................happy now ?

    still doesnt change a thing, and the fact you are still hanging on less than 2% is moronic. So I guess, since the majority of abortions are by minority women................and you support that, you are a racist.

    See, that is how stupid your argument is

  7. #97

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    again, since you seem to be slow.
    Yes, states should decide, it is called the wil of their voters.
    No, I dont have to agree with everything................happy now ?
    still doesnt change a thing, and the fact you are still hanging on less than 2% is moronic. So I guess, since the majority of abortions are by minority women................and you support that, you are a racist.
    See, that is how stupid your argument is
    So your answer is yes. You do think a state should be able to force a 10 year old girl to bear her rapist's child.

  8. #98

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    So your answer is yes. You do think a state should be able to force a 10 year old girl to bear her rapist's child.
    seems you still have trouble with reading comprehension..................I appreciate you living up to the stereotype. See this is why liberals are looked at as toddlers, you pick and chose what fits your narrative, its called cognitive dissonance, its really sad we dont have more mental health services in this country

  9. #99

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    seems you still have trouble with reading comprehension..................I appreciate you living up to the stereotype. See this is why liberals are looked at as toddlers, you pick and chose what fits your narrative, its called cognitive dissonance, its really sad we dont have more mental health services in this country
    Do you think Ohio should be allowed to force a 10-year-old to bear her rapist's child? It's an easy yes-or-no question. My answer is no. What's yours? Yes or no?

  10. #100

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Wow, this thread went sideways and into what the fuck orbit fast.

  11. #101

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by NWMichCPL View Post
    Wow, this thread went sideways and into what the fuck orbit fast.

  12. #102

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    Do you think Ohio should be allowed to force a 10-year-old to bear her rapist's child? It's an easy yes-or-no question. My answer is no. What's yours? Yes or no?
    either you are obtuse, or a troll, so let me help you with translation

    Yes I agree with states see skippy, this means I agree with setting their laws
    No I donthave to agree with all of them ............this means no, I do not think a ten year old should bear a rapists child.

    This doesnt change that your first comments were bigoted, and made blanket statements about a whole group of people.

    But hey, i also do not support the murder of over 400k minority kids every year,so there is that

  13. #103

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Finally put this troll on ignore................I can handle quality discussion, and a differing opinion, but, when someone has to focus on such a miniscule point to feel right..................they are honestly too stupid to speak too.

    My apology to the OP that your thread got hijacked, in reality, I should have taken the high road earlier and blocked this dipshit and didnt, so I am partially to blame.

    I personally dont care if you are liberal or conservative or ambivilant, I can respect your beliefs, I just cannot respect stupid people who has done nothing as far as I can see to help others like many of you have done

  14. #104

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazminedress View Post
    either you are obtuse, or a troll, so let me help you with translation
    Yes I agree with states see skippy, this means I agree with setting their laws
    No I donthave to agree with all of them ............this means no, I do not think a ten year old should bear a rapists child.
    But that does mean you believe Ohio should be allowed to have a law that forces a 10-year-old to bear her rapist's child. That is, after all, what I asked. I asked if you think Ohio should be able to do that. And you've said yes.

  15. #105

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Yup a troll. Just like tenni or maybe it is tenni. Probably never sucked a cock in their life, wouldn?t know what to do with a cock if someone slapped them in the face with it.
    Going with a Freudian diagnosis, most likely his mommy didn?t hug him enough as a child and has a inferior complex.
    Last edited by NWMichCPL; Sep 23, 2022 at 8:16 AM.

  16. #106

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by NWMichCPL View Post
    Yup a troll. Just like tenni or maybe it is tenni. Probably never sucked a cock in their life, wouldn?t know what to do with a cock if someone slapped them in the face with it.
    Going with a Freudian diagnosis, most likely his mommy didn?t hug him enough as a child and has a inferior complex.
    You know, I have chatted with tenni, truthfully, I dont have an issue. we see things different but he/she (never looked on the profile), sent me a PM with questions, it was respectful. Do we agree on things, no, but, it was kept adult between the two of us and we ended the discussion agreeing to disagree

  17. #107

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    A troll? Hmm... Funny how peeps throw troll at other peeps they disagree with... If he is, he is a politically sound troll to me.. I doubt it it's tenni btw.. He can be a bit unpredictable at times but he isn't a troll either. I've always rather liked him even though I disagree with easily half of what he says. Look back through forums and there u will see some proper dickhead trolls!! This site is as bad as it is because of them. Them that chuck the word troll at folk are often troll themselves. Not always but frequently. So folk should watch their cyber-gobs more than they do!
    Do not think so little of me as to grant me your tolerance. Allow me your acceptance and understanding of who and what I am with the love, respect and dignity with which I do you.

  18. #108

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by darkeyes View Post
    A troll? Hmm... Funny how peeps throw troll at other peeps they disagree with...
    Name-calling is the expected response from people who can't defend their politics.

  19. #109

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    This site is political in the sense being bisexuality is political. I wonder if that your wife is controlling out of fear. You mention that you are nervous about a first time. Maybe you need to get with a guy who is sensitive to first times other than your wife's choice. If her choice of a man may not be your choice first time. This is really about you and your sexuality.

    Previous posters have made statements about their straight partner woman wants to see your candidate so that they know and do not have to fear the unknown. Some straight partners ask to sit in the same room so that they know. Some bisexuals are with another bi male and go back to report what they did. It turns their partner on and the bi/straight couple have great sex.

    Thanks darkness and Jazz. Calling someone a troll is name calling and a violation of rule 2. I have not been on the site for more than a month and I come back to see that the merde has hit the fan in personal attacks on me. I noticed that a long time poster also attacked me with fictions lies.

    So much of this thread is off topic. Sorry the OP could not get advice on a serious bisexual political issue.
    Last edited by tenni; Sep 23, 2022 at 1:23 PM.

  20. #110

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    My apologies to tenni and to any I offended. The old silberwolf1960 came outta me, I do remember as darkeyes says the proper dickhead trolls that made the site it is now.
    We used to have a great site here, open discussion without the flaming. It is frustrating when longtime members leave or are chased off by a select few cast of moronic trolls.
    I miss a lot of the old chat gang that used to hang out on here. So my apologies for jumping the gun and throwing blame on those that don’t deserve it. And congratulations darkeyes on your nuptials.

  21. #111

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    You people really suck.
    I asked to keep this about what I posted not about politics and y’all can’t respect that. You have high jacked my thread of looking for advice and made it into a political discussion which has nothing to do with what I was looking for. You are all so obsessed with politics that you can’t keep it out of your day to day conversations. Y’all have trump derangement syndrome and can’t help but keep him in your mouth and at the forefront of every discussion. Our sexuality is not a political debate because in reality 99% of those of us that are conservatives don’t give a damn who you sleep with. The ones that are strictly religious conservatives may not approve of the lifestyle but as we say “hate the sin don’t hate the sinner.” I’m sick and tired of it being brought up in every single conversation. My life doesn’t revolve around politics. If yours does that’s fine but be respectful and keep it to yourself when someone asks you to shut up about it.
    the only people that make sexuality a political issue are the ones that are democrats and left leaning that think their sexuality has to be shoved down everyone’s throats 24/7. Trump is the only president that has gone out to try and make the entire WORLD a better place for people that are gay/lesbian/etc. Trump is the first president to hire a gay man to work on his presidential staff. I’m just so sick of people that clearly don’t do their own research and only blindly follow the mainstream media narrative.

    y’all are rude. Y’all are hateful. Y’all are disrespectful.
    keep your politics to yourself and stop bringing them on to my thread that I was asking for advice on.

  22. #112

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by tenni View Post
    This site is political in the sense being bisexuality is political. I wonder if that your wife is controlling out of fear. You mention that you are nervous about a first time. Maybe you need to get with a guy who is sensitive to first times other than your wife's choice. If her choice of a man may not be your choice first time. This is really about you and your sexuality.

    Previous posters have made statements about their straight partner woman wants to see your candidate so that they know and do not have to fear the unknown. Some straight partners ask to sit in the same room so that they know. Some bisexuals are with another bi male and go back to report what they did. It turns their partner on and the bi/straight couple have great sex.

    Thanks darkness and Jazz. Calling someone a troll is name calling and a violation of rule 2. I have not been on the site for more than a month and I come back to see that the merde has hit the fan in personal attacks on me. I noticed that a long time poster also attacked me with fictions lies.

    So much of this thread is off topic. Sorry the OP could not get advice on a serious bisexual political issue.
    You are correct I used the troll word, not at you, because, as I said, I always found you respectful in that you will argue your point, but in an adult manner. We may not agree, and thats always okay

    I was incorrect as in I let this person continue in stupidity, when I should have just blocked them after the first one or two things, and instead decided to be a touch bitchy, for lack of a better word. I did use troll as (I looked it up) they wanted to only focus on .02% of an issue, this is done so you can control the narrative and be right and not allow any dissenting opinion, but bottom line, I allowed stupidity to run my actions.

    I have since blocked this person..............only one I ever have

  23. #113

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    You people really suck.
    I asked to keep this about what I posted not about politics and y’all can’t respect that. You have high jacked my thread of looking for advice and made it into a political discussion which has nothing to do with what I was looking for. .
    As I already apoligized, I would not blame all left leaning people, I am as right wing conservative as they come, and I took part in the argument. Again, you have my apology, but in this case, I was just as much to blame. And I agree, it should have been moved to a different posting

  24. #114

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    You people really suck.
    Y?all have trump derangement syndrome and can?t help but keep him in your mouth and at the forefront of every discussion.
    If you don't want people discussing politics on this thread, then you're free to stop making comments like that one. Trump has definitely been at the forefront for me, and a lot of other people, ever since 2016. And since he's still making headlines for stealing classified documents and lying about it, as well as threatening to run for President again, you can be sure he will continue to be at the forefront. I don't believe in safe spaces for fascists, so I'll be continuing to comment on Trump every time the topic comes up. Trump supporters, who cannot defend their politics, can continue to resort to their impotent collection of insults.

  25. #115

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    If you don't want people discussing politics on this thread, then you're free to stop making comments like that one. Trump has definitely been at the forefront for me, and a lot of other people, ever since 2016. And since he's still making headlines for stealing classified documents and lying about it, as well as threatening to run for President again, you can be sure he will continue to be at the forefront. I don't believe in safe spaces for fascists, so I'll be continuing to comment on Trump every time the topic comes up. Trump supporters, who cannot defend their politics, can continue to resort to their impotent collection of insults.
    Dude you don’t even know what a facist is. Stop trying to play games. Stop being brainwashed and do some research. Stay off my post when you have nothing but politics to be involved in. I know you can’t help it but your personality shouldn’t be nothing but politics. Trump didn’t steal classified documents. Stop believing the bull shit lies.

  26. #116

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Dude you don’t even know what a facist is.
    You can't even spell the word correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    Trump didn’t steal classified documents.
    You really shouldn't write things like that in the same breath you are telling someone they are brainwashed.

  27. #117

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Wow... is this political fussing still going on?

  28. #118

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by xdoorb View Post
    You can't even spell the word correctly.

    You really shouldn't write things like that in the same breath you are telling someone they are brainwashed.
    my bad I mistyped. Was driving when I posted it.

    every president takes shit with them for one. For two trump went out and had them come look through the documents and they took what they deemed necessary. Y?all don?t do any research yourselves do you?

  29. #119

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Yea of course it’s still going on. People don’t respect other peoples requests

  30. #120

    Re: Bisexual Married Man

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    my bad I mistyped. Was driving when I posted it.

    every president takes shit with them for one.
    "Shit" like top secret documents that don't belong to them? No, every president does not do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 View Post
    For two trump went out and had them come look through the documents and they took what they deemed necessary.
    At least the second part of that sentence is true. But your position seems to be that it's fine if Donald Trump took top secret documents with him when he left the White House ("every president takes shit "), so why bother coming up with a defense? If you think Trump can go ahead and take whatever top secret documents he wants, and do with them whatever he wants to do with them, then there's not much of a debate to be had. You think Trump is above the law. I don't.




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