My wife and I have a passionate vibrant marriage and that’s led us to discuss our fantasies at length. Whereas I’m extremely bicurious, she’s not nearly as curious. She’s not sure she wants to see me with another man and though she’d like to be with an experienced woman, she’s got no interest in being with another man. I have no interest in experiencing anything without her so it would seem that a bisexual couple could ultimately be the right scenario for us both. But again although she’s working on herself she has misgivings about opening our relationship in any way for fears that it’s a slippery slope and could ruin everything we hold so deeply important. I’m more than will8ng to work on her timeframe even if that means we’ll never do it. What we have together is more important than any extramarital carnal desires I might have even after 22 years together. But still I’m wondering if any of you couples have been down this road and how things progressed and worked out for you. Good or bad. Love to hear about your experiences. Cheers.
My lovely wife and I have never been monogamous. We are not swingers or hookup artists, but friends are a regular part of our play. My 2 cents: Long-term, established, monogamous couples can have a difficult time making this transition. You both have to be on you very best game for honesty, transparency, communication skills, personal integrity, emotional maturity, sexual generosity, self-knowledge, etc. Even while swept up in a new infatuation. You both have to be on the same team, and the same page - to a far greater degree than most couples. Not impossible, but it is change, and change is work. Please let us know how it goes.
Find another both-Bi couple who is willing to get together with you and have the same types of discussions that you and your wife have had. The other couple should agree ahead of time to no expectation of physical play. The more comfortable you are in discussions, the more comfortable you will become with yourself. Once completely comfortable with yourself, it is easier to become comfortable with others, especially those with whom you have developed some trust and friendship.