
bi couples?!

  1. allison&josh
    We are a bi married couple from Mississippi. It is very hard to find a couple like us here. Single bi men are also very hard to find for us. Most are married and the wives do not know they are bi or they are really completely straight or gay.
  2. wifekinky4husband
    My husband and I tried several websites like dating sites. As you all mentioned most were fakes or cheats. We even tried some local clubs and much of the same though we did find a few couples. These couples led to other couples, which led to private get-togethers and more couples. It has taken a lot of time and patience but during it all we became tuned in “so to speak.” So though we never clicked perfectly with any of the people we know locally we have had some wonderful play sex and masturbation parties. The best of what came out of it is as we are out and about with work travel I pick up on the vibes of others. Also I am emboldened by all the practice I have had meeting, speaking with, hanging out with, others of like mind. I have no qualms about walking up to couples talking to them about their lives, interests, and of course desires. Over even more time we have been found several couples we click with on our travels and whom we meet with every time we are near. As time as passed we set out schedules so that we are able to meet even more frequently. My advice is make certain you are in it for the long hall, take it slow, build relationships (not just f*** buddies), friends that have sex is the best and the journey there is almost as fun as the actual event.
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