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  1. RECAP - TRUE BI BLISS - The Last BI Only Nude Private Party.... October 3rd, 2015

    [COLOR=#8E075F][B]RECAP - TRUE BI BLISS - The Last Party.... October 3rd, 2015[/B][/COLOR]

    WOW... For our first big private party, this was amazing. We had 21 people attend throughout the night. The feedback was 95% Positive, many saying it was the best party they have ever attended. We have received letters and E-Mails from most of the attendees already wanting to sign up for the next one. The first arrivals started coming in at 5:30... By 7:30 there was 14 of us, all taking about the lifestyle and sex. It was a wonderful get together before the play started. at 8pm, the party started, and I announced it. At 8:06 there was already 4 people involved orally in the living room. By 8:15 there was a dog pile! We cut out all the Bullshit! When the Party Starts everyone is already Naked, Fed, and Ready to Play! We had Subway, Chips and Dip, and Relish and Cracker Trays. Many took advantage of the Massage Table, Vibrators, Oils, and Toys throughout the night. Play moved from room to room, and at any given time there was as many as 3 or 4 different groups all playing in different areas. People went from pile to pile sampling, it was great! I must admit, I have been in the lifestyle for a while and this was my best experience as well. My Wife and I played right up to the end. At about 3am, the last play finally ended in the Massage Room. Overall it was a crazy night! Everyone got a lot of play and made a lot of great contacts in the Bi Lifestyle!!!
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