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  1. Respect

    by , Feb 26, 2012 at 6:27 AM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    Yeah,the Aretha Franklin song is awesome but that's not what I'm blogging about. I've noticed lately a common theme in a lot of threads about rights of partners in a bisexual relationship. Some feel partners have no rights, it's all about the bisexual. Some feel the partners matter and deserve to have a say in what happens sexually with their partner. Some feel that bisexuals should not come out to partners and just go behind their backs and have their bisexual needs met. Some feel that being bisexual is the excuse they need to cheat. I don't believe it is. I believe that when you are in a relationship with someone you love, you need to be open and honest about who you are. If there is a compromise that can be reached to help you deal with cravings, you should take it. If there is no compromise that can be reached then you need to make a decision about where you want the relationship to go.

    I am lucky, I have a partner that is totally committed to me. I gave him permission to have a male sex partner if he needed but I was told that it would cause more conflict within him. He'd rather be monogamous which suited me just fine as I had just ended a relationship full of cheating.

    But people need to respect the fact that not everyone is out there looking for open relationships and vice versa people need to respect the fact that not everyone is looking for a lifetime of faithfulness.

    Respect, it's not a bad thing to have for people and will cause fewer issues. Disagreements about philosophies is one thing, constantly telling people they are wrong because you don't agree with their OPINION is another. And yes respect is a lot different from tolerance. Respect means you actually hear the other side's argument, tolerance means you tolerate it. [URL][/URL]

    Many won't agree with this blog but at least that means you read it and were thinking about what I typed. I love my friends on here even though I want to strangle them at times, but it's the same with LDD, there are times I want to smack the hell out of him when he pops off with a comment to me on voice about America. Doesn't mean I love him any less, he is the same now as he was when I met him. Smartass to the core.
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