
All Blog Entries

  1. A Memory - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I felt like a total asshole and I guess he could tell that by the look on my face because he said, "It's okay... I prefer to be fucked but, it's okay, really..." and really started to fuck me; I could feel his dick spreading me open and wide, his upward thrusts making me wince as he drove his dick into me and my mind woke up long enough to tell me that, yeah - I was going to regret wanting Jamaal's snake in my ass.

    I couldn't begin to tell you how long he fucked me; I just know it felt better than I had thought it would but I still felt pretty shitty and I wished we had taken the time to really talk about who was gonna do what... but it was too late now and more so when I could feel his dick starting to get fatter in my ass.

    "No, oh, no..." Jamaal gasped; his cock swelled so much that I groaned at the pain of it - then I groaned even more to feel it pumping crazily inside me. It would swell even more and then contract and I could feel every shot of his cum splashing inside of me... and now starting to ooze out of me even though he had his cock buried deep inside me. It felt heavenly and kinda not so much and I was now wondering if he was ever going to stop cumming in me. He eventually did and, shit - he had been so deep inside me that I almost had to stand up to get him out of me and it seemed like it took forever before we both felt and heard his dick pop out of my ass.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. A Memory - Part V

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]"What... what are you doing?" he asked, his voice husky and crackly as I positioned the head of his dick against my hole and steeling myself to sit down on him.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"I want you in me," I said - and sat right down on him before I changed my mind. The pain was... sharp and exquisite and it was all I could do to stay relaxed and not cry out against the pain I knew was coming. God... his cock was almost ripping my inner muscles apart and for a moment, I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to get him fully inside me. I took a much needed deep breath, relaxed even more... and cried out when his knob passed into me and followed by a whole lot of his dick.

    "No... no, I can't... I don't like it like this..." he was moaning and while my mind realized that, oh, shit - he likes to be fucked - my lust, well, it didn't care so much and I started riding that huge cock in my ass for all I was worth. I could feel him under me, trying to get away from me and maybe he didn't like being the one doing the fucking... but the rest of him seemed to because he started to fuck me, slowly at first, and then with some gusto and so much that I had to stop moving on him and just let him fuck me.

    I looked down at him and he had this look on his face that I couldn't make any sense of; it said that he didn't like to fuck but he was gonna do it anyway and in that moment, I felt pretty shitty over making him do something he didn't like doing... so I leaned down and kissed him, snaking my tongue into his mouth and relishing that odd but delightful feeling when he moaned... and kept right on shoving that thick snaked in and out of my ass. The kiss broke and we were both gasping for air... and he was looking at me in a way that made me shiver - was he pissed off at me now? Did I, in my desire to have his dick in me, offend him?[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. A Memory - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Jamaal had opened and spread his legs, not only to give me room to get between them but to give me full access to everything he owned below his navel; I wrapped my hand around his cock and, how about that - I could close my hand completely around it! I gave it a few strokes that made him groan before bypassing his waiting erection to start sucking on his balls. He smelled and tasted... clean, musky, and a bit soapy; I could feel his entire body shivering as I fought against my own impatience and took the time to gently suck on both of his nuts before something in my head said, "Fuck it..." and I moved up to take the head of his dick into my mouth.

    He groaned and so did I as I took as much of his long cock into my mouth as I could deal with and was honestly surprised to find out that I damned near had all of him in my mouth and it wasn't all that uncomfortable... then my mind went blank as I began to suck him with a purpose; I was dimly aware of his hands on my head, caressing my face, and his legs were now kinda wrapped around me. Ahh... he tasted and felt so damned good in my mouth; he was oozing pre-cum and a lot of it; salty, sweet and it clung to my tongue.

    Jamaal was gently fucking into my mouth, mumbling to himself - did he just call me "Uncle Jimmy?" Maybe he did or I was just hearing things - it didn't matter as I stuck a finger into my mouth and alongside his cock to get it good and wet... before slowly slipping it into his asshole. I felt him tense for a moment - then relax as my finger went all the way into him; I just let it stay there while I focused my attention on his dick in my mouth. I was... conflicted: I needed him to cum in my mouth... but I also knew that I needed that massive cock in my ass, too, and if he was like most guys, if he came in my mouth, his dick might not be able to spread my hole open. I had one finger buried in his ass so I started generating as much saliva as I could and letting it fall into my other hand and slathered it against and into my hole and when I thought I had enough applied, I reluctantly stopped sucking him, withdrew my finger from his ass, and quickly moved to mount him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. A Memory - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We were still standing there and staring at each other's crotch; he's still slapping his palm with that thick-assed dick and licking his lips and I'm standing there and practically drooling and I almost laughed because I realized that we were both standing there waiting for the other to get this thing started. I felt myself move toward him - and then I shocked myself by wrapping one arm around him and my hand was pulling his head toward me and into a kiss... and shocking because I had long since learned that I didn't like kissing guys but my body was making an exception.

    Our lips met; his parted and my tongue immediately slipped inside and he moaned, pressing his body against mine and because we were about the same height, I could feel his big dick rubbing up against my own and I could feel the heat radiating off of it and it sent a chill through me. I'm not sure how long we stood there kissing; Jamaal had melted against me and he clung to me in a way I found comforting and exciting... and the next thing I knew, we were no longer standing and kissing in the living room but we were upstairs in his bedroom, on the bed, and still kissing like our lives depended on it.

    Kissing him was way better than I had - or could have - expected... but I needed that dick in my mouth so I reluctantly broke the kiss and starting kissing and licking my way down his body, feeling him shiver as I licked and lightly sucked on his neck and ears before moving to his nipples; they were, I guess for a guy, unusually large and I licked them, sucked them, even bit them, making him moan and squirm beneath me. I felt his hands on my head and even before he started pushing me downward, I knew what he wanted me to lick and suck on so I didn't waste any more time getting into position to do what we both knew had to be done.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. A Memory - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Jamaal shook his head and blinked like he was just waking up and said, "Damn... you look even better naked!"

    I felt myself blush, felt my dick get even harder than it already was and I mumbled my thanks for his compliment and spent a few seconds shifting back and forth on my feet as Jamaal stood and started to undress. My eyes were all over him as he exposed his body to me and everything I was seeing was telling me that when we finally got started, oh, yeah - it was going to be worth it. Physically, I'd have to say he was... average. He was in good shape but he didn't have a six-pack or bulging pecs and I guessed we were about the same weight, give or take a pound or two.

    But when he pulled down his underwear and stepped out of them, I stopped breathing for a moment when my eyes fixed on his cock. My god... he really did have a snake in his pants! Maybe nine or ten inches and fat - and so fat that I actually looked at my hands and wondering if I could wrap a hand around him. The veins that stood out along his shaft were thick and snake-like as well and there were a lot of them, too. I heard myself gasp... and Jamaal's skin tone was just light enough for me to see him blush.

    "Too big?" he asked me and snapping me out of my awe of his erection.

    "Huh? Oh, no, it isn't," I said, finding my voice. "It's impressive, though - how do you fit that in your underwear?"

    He laughed and I did, too... and my mind was asking me if I was crazy because I had to be if I wanted him to fuck me with that dick - and I did want him to fuck me with it. My brain got even more worried when Jamaal absently grabbed his dick in one hand and started slapping the palm of his other hand with it; the sight and heavy thudding sound instantly had me thinking about blackjacks, those weapons made of leather and filled with a lead bar. A chill went through me and I wasn't sure if it was a pleasant one or not.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. A Memory - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]When "Jamaal" and I first met, we hit it off instantly; he was smart, amiable, maybe not as funny as he thought he was, and otherwise my idea of a fairly average kind of guy. There was a chemistry between us and, initially, I think we both felt it but even if he really hadn't, I had felt it. Looking at him didn't make me all weak in the knees or had me fawning over him... but my body seemed to know that it wanted to be very intimate with him and the sooner, the better.

    One day we were talking about a lot of nothing that was important when he stuck in an unexpected change of subject by saying, "There's something about you that I just can't put my finger on..." which had me asking him, "There is? What are you thinking?" It was at that point where I knew that the urge to have sex with him wasn't one sided and now he was taking the initiative to start talking about it - or I had hoped.

    It didn't take us long to unveil our bisexuality to each other and it seemed to me that Jamaal felt... relieved to get it out in the open. We spent quite a few hours talking about how we got started with having sex with men and he seemed to relax even more when, after he told me about the uncle who had seduced him, I didn't react badly about it; in fact, I had said, "Shit just happens like that..."

    "So what are we gonna do about this?" he asked. "Obviously, we both feel what's happening between us!"

    "What do you wanna do?" I asked - and mentally slapping myself for such a lame response. We both fell quiet for a moment and we were both waiting on each other to put the proposition on the table and, well, my impatience got the best of me and more so when it seemed like my brain decided to go on vacation but my body was screaming at me and telling me how badly I had to have him.

    "Well, I guess we could start out going down on each other," I said - and feeling my dick getting hard just thinking about getting a first look - and taste - of his cock.

    "When?" he asked.

    "Now would be a good time, huh?" I answered. My brain woke up long enough to suggest that things shouldn't move this quickly but that... thing I knew we had wasn't of a mind to wait any longer. So before he could respond, I stood up and started undressing, feeling his eyes on me and with an intensity that, for the first time in a long time, kinda made me feel uncomfortable. I shrugged it off and stood before him, watching him looking at me; he sat there so long that I was starting to think that I'd guessed wrong about him despite what we shared about our sexual past.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. More "I" Word Reality - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It's just as real as bisexuality is. It's how a lot of people not only learned about sex, it's how they became bisexual and even when those seriously horny cousins were all in the mix... and it's almost a sure bet that those horny-assed cousins were all up and into the "I" word, too.

    I'm just the guy who has the nerve to say something about this because, like it or not, it's part of the truth of the human condition that, again, [B]no one[/B] wants to talk about or admit to: It's humanity's very dirty little secret... and not really so much of one.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. More "I" Word Reality - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I remember going to visit a friend of a friend and when his parents told me he was in his room and I could go on up, when I walked into his room, his little sister was in the middle of sucking his dick and he was fingering her pussy as, as I recall, she was eight at the time. He looked up, saw me, and spoke; she stopped sucking him, waved to me and asked, "You wanna be next?"

    Um, really? Of course I wanted to be next... but I was shocked that the two of them had the nerve to be doing this... while their parents were downstairs! My friend must've figured out why I was still standing there looking shocked and said, "Don't worry about them..." and his sister said that I should get my dick out and stick it in her pussy while she sucked her brother's dick and against all common sense, um, I did. Much later and when he and I were outside, he told me that his parents knew they were fucking and I just didn't believe a word of it... but it must have been true because the whole time the three of us were having sex, their parents [B]never [/B]asked what we were doing or even came to see what we were doing.

    He told me - in between us going to the woods and sucking each other off - that his parents had told them that they knew they were gonna have sex - so go ahead and do it and as long as it wasn't being forced, it was okay. It was unbelievable but still true... and I found out that these two weren't the only ones who were allowed to have sex with their siblings as long as it didn't get "out of hand" and if someone said it had to stop, it had better stop... or else.

    One of the reality of this and, again, one that no one wants to talk about or even acknowledge. Even I had to come to terms with this and it wasn't that easy to do to see this as a part of life even though it was a "bad" part of it. I had to see and understand that even though we were siblings, we were still very much boys and girls and that nature, itself, really didn't care about who we had sex with... as long as we had sex... and even if some shit went wrong at times.

    The rules and laws made sense - and they still do... but the truth is that those rules and laws have always been thrown away; the risk of birth defects is very real if a brother fucks his sister and she gets pregnant so there's more than enough reason to make sure it never happens... but it has happened and there's no way that I know or can think of that can stop it from happening since, duh, the rules and laws can't and more so if, one, no one else knows it's happening and, two, no one is complaining about it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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