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  1. Word of Mouth - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He stopped shooting and moving but was stilly lying on top of me... and it felt so good and comfortable that I didn't want him to move so when he started to get up, I told him, "Stay there; don't move."

    I don't know how long he just laid there before I felt his dick starting to get hard again and he started fucking me; what I did know was that it felt good to feel him getting hard again being in me, something not many of my friend would do all that often. Once he got hard enough to fuck me without his dick coming out - and the Vaseline didn't help with that, he did it to me again and it took him a long time before he shot his stuff in me again.

    It didn't get any better than that. After he pulled out, I had him follow me to the bathroom; I had picked this place because it was one of three places that still had running water. We grabbed the washcloths and soap we'd swiped from home and cleaned ourselves up and grateful for the water being icy cold, too. He wanted to suck my dick again and I was all for that and after I shot my stuff in his mouth, we got dressed and left.

    Once we were outside he said, "That was so good! I hope we can do it again!"

    "I hope so, too," I said.

    "Um, can I tell a couple of guys where I live about you?" he asked. "I promise that they're not gonna tell anyone else but they've been looking for other guys who like to do it; there ain't that many of us who do."

    "I guess so," I said. "As long as you don't tell anyone other than them."

    We took the "I won't tell if you won't" rule very seriously but, sure, if there was a chance to be able to do it with some new guys, it was worth the risk. I just didn't think he'd go back home and tell both of them... and they'd come looking for me right away...

    But it was fun when they found me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Word of Mouth - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As we laid side by side getting ourselves back together, he told me which of my male friends had told him about me... and I was planning to have a long talk with him about that because he kinda broke the rule of "I won't tell if you won't!" But now, it was time for us to get hard again and stick it in so we could do it to each other.

    "You wanna do it first?" he asked.

    Oh, here we go again. "Do you wanna do it first?"

    "Not if you want to."

    I sighed and rolled my eyes, then took a moment to look around the room we were in. I saw the place where we kept a jar of Vaseline hidden; I got up, got the jar and saw it had plenty left in it. I told him to turn over on his stomach - he turned over so fast that I wasn't sure I had seen him move - and put a glob of Vaseline in his crack and stuck my finger in his butt before putting a glob on my dick; I got on top of him and asked, "Ready?"

    "Yeah... do it to me," he whispered, which almost made me laugh because I knew we could talk as loud as we wanted to and no one was gonna hear us.

    I put the head of my dick against his hole and pushed... and we both gasped as my dick slid all the way in him and I heard him groan a little because it had slid in too fast.

    "You okay?" I asked, staying very still.

    "Yeah, I'm okay," he said. I started fucking him and man, it felt so good feeling my dick sliding in and out of him; he's moaning and saying how good it felt and so am I; the really good feeling hit me and I heard him say, "Oh, wow..." as I started shooting my stuff in his butt. He was grinding back against me and making it feel even better and I kept humping him until his butt squeezed my dick out now that I was soft again.

    "My turn," I said. I was so eager to feel him doing it to me that I grabbed the Vaseline and applied it to my hole - and in it - and smeared it all over his dick... after I sucked it a little to get it nice and hard. I got on my belly and even reached back to spread my butt cheeks apart which wasn't easy to do with Vaseline all over my fingers but got it done enough to gasp loudly when he laid on top of me and his dick went in so fast it almost took my breath away.

    He started fucking me and it felt really good; I could hear myself saying over and over, "Do it to me, don't stop, just do it to me..." He's grunting and groaning in my ear as he lay on me; I could feel him sweating and making both of our bodies kinda slippery. I could feel his dick starting to twitch a little; he started fucking me faster before plunging his dick all the way in me; I felt it swell up a little bit - that always felt strangely good - then it was twitching as he shot his stuff in me. We're both moaning and groaning and I was saying, "Put all of it in me! Give me all of your stuff!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Word of Mouth - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Since it was my neighborhood, I knew it like I knew the back of my hand; we'd all explored every square inch of our box, every alleyway, where they all led and especially the number of empty buildings in the box and how to get inside every one of them and no matter how well someone tried to board them up. Some of those empty buildings were "really old" and weren't even safe to be in... but that lent itself to the appeal we had for them and our kid logic told us that if adults were looking for us, those places would be the last place they'd think to look since they made it their business to tell us not to go into any of them.

    When I told him I knew where we could go, his face lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree; he started talking about how much he had wanted to do it with me and, yeah, what he had heard from some guys from my own neighborhood. I was kinda mad about that but, at the same time, I felt kinda good about it and, I thought, because I was gonna get to do it with a guy who wasn't a guy I already knew. We get to the place that was closest to where we were and he followed me in and he even mentioned how many times he'd walked right by this place on his way to school. We had several places in this particular building we could use to do it and I took him to my favorite place on the third floor of the old apartment building - and it was my favorite because we had knocked out the boards covering some of the windows so the light could get in. We had dragged some old mattresses in - and just as we had done for our other hideouts - and once we got to my favorite one (and don't ask me why it was), we didn't waste any time getting naked and appraising each other's pricks.

    "You ever do it before?" I asked, fondling his dick until it got nice and hard.

    "Once or twice," he said as he fondled me.

    "What do you wanna do first?" I asked.

    "What do you wanna do first?" he asked, throwing my question right back at me.

    I hated this part of things and since I did, my answer was to take his hand and urge him to lie down and when he did, I got right to sucking his dick until he shot a lot of stuff in my mouth. We switched places and I was in heaven watching and feeling him sucking my dick, hearing him making a lot of sex noises and especially when I shot my stuff in his mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Word of Mouth - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The neighborhood I grew up in consisted of an area that, in one direction, went from 5th Street to 7th and, in the other, from Washington Street to Madison Street and with the street I lived on - 6th and Jefferson - in the middle. When our parents would tell us to go outside but don't leave the neighborhood, they explicitly made these boundaries clear to us. Other than going to school, we'd need permission to leave those boundaries until we were old and responsible enough to step outside the boundaries.

    Not that we really obeyed that all of the time. Inside our "box," that was our world for the most part and I'd say that, for me, 90% of the sex I had was within that box and that maybe 95% of the sex I had was with the guys and gals in my neighborhood.

    But the other 5% came from outside of our neighborhood and, literally, on the other side of the streets which defined where our neighborhood ended and in all directions. While the majority of us were "restricted" to the confines of our neighborhood, that didn't mean that other were so restricted and as evidenced when a guy I knew didn't live in our area walked up to me and started talking.

    "Hey, um, I hear you like to do it with boys," he said after saying hi to me.

    I was shocked! My mind was giving me a busy signal trying to figure out how he could have heard this when, again, he didn't live in my neighborhood. While I stood there - and probably with a dumbstruck look on my face - he said, "If it's true, then, um, is there somewhere we can go so we can do it? I hear you're good at sucking dick and I like doing that, too! Oh, yeah, and I heard you can shoot - can you really?"

    He heard what? From who? I didn't know what to think or how to respond to what he just said; there was a lot of "noise" in my head. I remember staring at my feet for what felt like an hour before I looked up at him and, okay, I had seen him before... because he went to my school. Everything started to fall into place and the "noise" in my head got quiet; he's standing there with a hopeful look on his face and something in my head made a decision and I'm still not sure how it did that but I said, "Yeah, it's all true... and follow me - I know where we can go..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Animal Crossing: How to attract villagers to your island

    Animal Crossing New Horizons is undoubtedly one of the most popular games in the world, with its rich content and unique game mechanics. Villagers are an important way for players to learn knowledge and recipes. A good idea also requires a variety of items. There are only two villagers on our island at the start of the game, so mastering methods and techniques to get more and more suitable villagers is also something players need to know.

    Tom Nook is an important NPC to help the player, and having the island will help you from the start. According to his tips, players need to build houses and furniture to attract villagers. Collecting recipe cards and basic resources is crucial. Especially construction materials that, like weeds, need to wait for a long time.

    The second method is also hinted at by Tom Nook. We need the first Nook Miles Tickets he rewards, to experience the first mysterious island trip. You can go to a friend's island, you can go to a desert island. There will be random villagers hanging out on the desert island, and we can talk to the villagers and persuade them to come to our island. After that, we need to use Nook Miles to buy our own tickets. It's a great way to go to the islands and run into villagers because it's fun and requires the right kind of conversation to engage them.

    A third way is to sell the land use [url=]Animal Crossing Bells[/url]. That is, of course, if your residential services building is already up and running. So there's more space to build the new house and interact with the new neighbors. Upgrading a resident service tent into a building to form a temporary villager's visit home is also a way to attract villagers to visit. The player has a chance to convince the villagers to stay on our island for good.

    Then we can use Amiibo to visit our island. Operating on Nook Shop Terminal and inviting them to camp on the island is also a great way to attract villagers. Before using Amiibo, watch out for hipster puppy Harv, who can also use Amiibo on his island of Photopia.

    According to Tom Nook's tips, building on an island is the best thing to do. Players often [url=]Buy ACNH Bells[/url]. In the game, the basic materials of buildings and rich and beautiful items are all required to be collected or manufactured by the players themselves, which obviously will have a lot of boring times.
  6. "Blackmailed" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]After we got done and were leaving the hideout, he stopped suddenly, turn to look at me and asked, "Wait... you're not gonna tell anybody we did this, are you?"

    "I'm not a rat," I said. "I won't tell if you won't and that's a promise."

    "Can I tell my brother?" he asked.

    "You can tell him; it's not like you're gonna tell him anything that me and him haven't done - but you know that already," I said after a moment. "But you can't tell anyone who doesn't know what goes on around here."

    I didn't have to say, "Or else;" he knew just as well as I did what happened to guys who did it with each other and then ran around telling everyone what they did - and we all knew everyone who had no reason to know what we were doing.

    We had a code and one we all took seriously and, for a moment, I wondered if the neighborhood tattletale would really be able to keep his big mouth shut but I thought he would since guys who did tell tended to get beaten up by whoever they ratted on. He wasn't that good of a fighter so I was sure he didn't want to face that punishment by breaking the code.

    "Don't worry - I won't," he said. "I didn't think you'd turn this around on me but you did. How'd you do that?"

    "I'm smarter than you are," I said. "It took me a while but I figured out that if you promised to rat on me so we could do it, I could rat on you, too."

    "Damn, I didn't think about that," he said. "I just wanted us to suck each other's dick."

    "You could have just asked," I said. "I would have said yes."

    "Why?" he asked.

    "Because I like doing it with boys who like doing it with boys," I said. "But you threatened to rat me and your brother out and I didn't like that at all; I was thinking about beating you up... but that would have made you rat anyway. All you had to do was ask if we could do it."

    "I didn't think about that," he admitted. "Would you really have told my parents what me and my brother were doing?"

    "Yes, I would have," I said. "You should have known that I knew you two were doing it - how do you think we got to doing it? He told me he was doing it with you and he wanted to do it with other guys so we did."

    "Is he better than me?" he asked.

    "You're both good at doing it," I said, which was a little bit of a lie because his brother was better at sucking dick - but I wasn't gonna tell him that.

    I didn't have anymore problems with him and he stopped ratting on the other kids, too. He had blackmailed me into doing it with him and when I found out there was a word to describe what he did, that made me mad at him all over again. I had meant it when I told him he didn't have to say what he did; all he had to do was ask me if I'd do it with him like I was doing it with his brother and I would have been all for it... but that's not what he did and it made me blackmail him in return.

    Not my idea of fun. It went against the code we all promised to go along with. If you wanted to do it, ask and if we did it, you just couldn't tell "everybody" that we did, well, nobody that didn't already know what almost all of the boys in the neighborhood was doing.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "Blackmailed" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He stood there and I could see him thinking and it was like I knew what he was thinking; he was thinking that if he dared me to rat on him about what him and his brother were doing and what we had been doing, I would take the dare and rat on him and even if we both got our asses beaten for it.

    "No, I'm not daring you," he finally said. "So now what?"

    I hadn't really thought that part out but I said, "The deal is you don't rat on me and I won't rat on you - take it or leave it. And don't think I won't rat you out because I will and I don't care if I get a beating!"

    "Deal," he said.

    "Deal," I agreed. We spit in our hands and shook on the deal; we both knew that to break the deal we just made would be a very bad thing to do. Yeah, he was the biggest tattletale in the neighborhood but he did have honor and wasn't going to go back on his word or any deal that he'd make.

    "So now what? I really liked what we were doing, didn't you?" he said after another long pause.

    "We can still do it," I heard myself saying. "We can even fuck if you want to... but now you know that you'd better not rat on me or anyone else because if you do..."

    I let the implied threat just hang in the air and waited to see what he was gonna do or say now.

    "Okay," he finally said and a part of me just loved the defeated look on his face. "Um, ah, um, do you wanna go somewhere so we can, um, um, fuck?"

    "Sure," I said. "I've been wanting you to fuck me anyway!"

    We went to one of the hideouts and after spending some time sucking each other, we took turns fucking each other and, yeah, having his dick in me and feeling him shooting his stuff in me was better than I had imagined it would be. When I fucked him, he had admitted it was his first time being fucked and asked me not to stick it in too far. I didn't but once I got some of my dick in him, he told me to put it all in and do it to him - and I happily did just that.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "Blackmailed" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"That was nice," he said once he let go of me. "I heard you were shooting the stuff and now I know it's true."

    "Thanks," I said; not only was it the only thing I could say, I didn't even know why I said it and felt stupid for saying it.

    "This time, we're gonna do it together - and I know you know how to do that," he said. He turned around and stretched out alongside me and, for a moment, I wasn't going to open my mouth but he was pressing his soft dick against my mouth and it just opened all by itself and I was sucking his dick and not even thinking about it. I felt his mouth close around me; felt his tongue moving around all over my dick and after a few minutes of doing this to each other, I felt his dick getting hard in my mouth as well as mine getting hard in his.

    It was... embarrassing in a way I couldn't explain but at the same time, it was so good, too; it made me feel good and bad at the same time. He shot his stuff first and I wasn't that far behind him and this time, as we laid there breathing like fish out of water, there was nothing to be said... but I was thinking that maybe this was something I was going to have to get used to because he was a tattletale.

    And he proved me right because as I got dressed and ready to leave he said, "Don't forget what I said - any time I want you to or else!"

    I "gave in" to his blackmail no less than twice a day for the next week... and the worst part of it was that it was fun for us to be sucking each other and it would have been even more fun if he were to fuck me and, oh, yeah, I wanted to feel him inside of me... but he'd ruin that thought by reminding me of the threat he was holding over my head. All along, I was still thinking about getting out of his trap and it wasn't until the next week that I figured it out.

    He had caught with me and said - and as he had been doing all of last week - "You know, right?" But this time, instead of going with him I said, "No. Not this time or the next time or ever!"

    "I'm gonna rat!" he said.

    "So am I," I said right back at him.

    "What?" he asked - and I knew I had him.

    "If you rat on me, I'm gonna rat on you," I said. "I'm gonna tell your father how you and your brother have been doing this all along and you know what's gonna happen!"

    The look on his face told me that I did, indeed, have him in the same rock and hard place he had had me in.

    "You wouldn't dare - you'd be ratting on yourself!" he blurted out.

    "Are you daring me?" I asked slyly. I knew that he knew that I wasn't the guy you'd want to dare to do something especially where doing it with boys was concerned.

    Inside My Bi Mind
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