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  1. A Long Day - Part III

    We spent the next few hours alternating between sucking each other and fucking each other; that was a first for Eddie. When we talked on the phone, he'd told me that he was primarily a cock sucker (and like me) but had been waiting for the longest time to meet a guy he felt he could trust to fuck him for the first time. I had thought, at the time, that he sounded disappointed that I was no stranger to being fucked - I had guessed that part of his fantasy was for this to be each other's first time being fucked.

    When he slid into me, man, it felt so good to have all of him in me; I felt so dreamy lying beneath him and feeling him thrusting into me as well as feeling his weight on me and how hot and sweaty he was. For a guy who admitted to have never fucked a guy before, he was doing a very good job of screwing me and it was all I could do not to start laughing to hear him whispering in my ear, "This is so good... your ass feel so goddamned good..."

    He came a few moment later. He'd cried out that he couldn't hold it any longer and when I said to him, "Then don't hold it..." I felt his cock swell inside me following by that amazingly delicious pumping feeling as he shot his load into me... and calling on God and Jesus to help him. I was using my muscles to help milk every drop from him he had to give until he went soft and slipped right out of me, leaving me feeling very good... but also giving me that empty feeling that I didn't like so much.

    "My turn," he said as he handed me the bottle of lube before lying down on his stomach.

    "Are you sure about this?" I asked, more out of habit than anything else - and feeling his cum starting to ooze out of my butt.

    "I've never been so sure about anything," he said. I'd applied a lot of lube to myself before working it into his hole and saying for him to just relax. I took my time fingering his hole, doing it nice and slow until I could feel his hole relaxing.

    "Ready?" I asked him.

    "Give it to me nice and deep," he replied. I mounted him and pressed the head of my dick against his hole... and pushed. He gasped and tensed up for a moment as the head of my dick went right into him and I said, "Relax and breathe..." He did as I said and it only took another moment before all of my dick was in his behind.

    "Jesus, that hurts," he said.

    "Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

    "Hell, no - it hurts good," he said. "Just fuck me...'

    And I did. At one point, he wanted to switch to the missionary position, telling me, "I wanna see you fucking me..." as his reason for the switch. I had... fun watching him watching my dick going in and out of his formerly virgin ass and I was looking at him when my dick swelled when I was about to cum; he got this... look on his face as he felt my dick expanding inside of him and yelped, "Oh, shit!" as I moaned and groaned shooting my load into him.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. A Long Day - Part II

    His cock felt and tasted good; I could smell his muskiness over whatever soap he washed with. As I licked and sucked him, I thought that, yeah, he was right in that his cock wasn't "huge" - he was a good five inches or so fully erect and for me, that made him perfect to suck; I could take and hold him deep without any problems and delighted in hearing his moans every time I did so.

    I had every intention on making him cum to start things off but before I could "shift into my next gear," he asked me to stop so he could suck me. I didn't want to stop but, okay, I did and as I stood up and stretched, I recalled how excited he would be on the phone talking about how much he loved to suck dick and how he couldn't wait to suck his first Black cock. He didn't give me a chance to sit down; he just reached out, grabbed me by my hips and pulled me to him and took half of me right into his mouth. I could feel the vibrations of his moans against my shaft and they made me moan as well as I stood there with my hands on his shoulders to keep me upright.

    Eddie was sucking my dick like it had been a long time since he last sucked dick... but I knew that wasn't the case; in fact, it had only been two days since he last sucked dick and that one belonged to the guy who lived next door and one of the two neighbors he'd "regularly" have sex with. Indeed, Eddie stopped licking and sucking me long enough to tell me that "Paul," the guy he sucked a couple of days ago, had nothing on me when it came to taste, feel and especially size. He had me laughing when he said, "I guess it's true after all, huh?" before going right back to sucking me.

    We both knew that we had all day to experience each other even though we'd both mentioned how "wasting time" wasn't our favorite thing to do. We spent the next half-hour or so taking turns sucking on each other and even allowing a bit of time for us to go soft... so we could suck each other hard again. Eddie was the first to cum. We'd taken things to a bedroom which allowed us to be able to fully stretch out... and gave me the perfect opportunity to slip a finger into his ass. He'd gasped loudly and I could feel a smile trying to form on my face as his dick swelled in my mouth and his first spurt of cum hit the roof of my mouth and followed by a lot more of it; with my finger buried in his ass, I could feel his muscles clamping around my finger with every delicious pulse.

    "You cheated!" he said once I let go of him and eased my finger out of him.

    "I never said I play fair," I said with a shrug and a smile.

    I came a few minutes later - and with Eddie's finger buried in my ass and as payback for what I'd done to him. To me, it felt like I hadn't busted a nut in weeks as I moaned and writhed on the bed with my dick pumping sperm into Eddie's mouth. And as he let go of me, I knew this was just the beginning...
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. A Long Day - Part I

    I'd been waiting for this day for almost two weeks. I'd met a guy - let's call him "Eddie" - and we clicked right away and along a lot of lines so when we were talking and he mentioned that he liked sex with guys, too, there were no questions in our minds that we had to hook up and do something. We would have preferred right away but with both of us being married with children, the only available window was two weeks away. My family was going to spend the day at Kings Dominion, courtesy of a trip planned by our church (and one I wasn't invited to join) and Eddie's family was going to be away on a day trip of their own.

    Those two weeks felt like it took two years to pass but finally the day had arrived. I'd gotten up early with my family to help get them ready to go and when it was my turn in the bathroom, I made sure everything was clean; although Eddie and I hadn't talked about any particular thing we wanted to do with each other, it's better to be prepared. After dropping my family off at the departure place for their trip, I headed toward Eddie's place and stopped once to call him to let him know I was on my way; he sounded excited on the phone as he told me that he'd be waiting for my arrival.

    I arrived at his place a few minutes later and, as he had said, pulled into the empty spot in the two-car garage, jumping a little when the garage door started going down "by itself" - but, of course, Eddie had closed the door with a remote. Before I could knock on the door leading out of the garage, it opened... and Eddie was standing there in all his naked glory, giving me my first look at him.

    He was a year younger; about my height and weight with light brown hair and eyes and, yeah, a nice package between his legs. As I took him in with my eyes, I recalled him apologizing for not having, in his words, a huge cock and me telling him that I didn't care how big or small it was; as long as he was willing to share it with me, that's all that mattered.

    He led me inside to the living room where I was invited to strip down; I smiled at this because in our conversations, Eddie would often "go off the reservation" about wanting to see me naked and how excited he was to finally be able to have sex with a Black guy and how doing so would fulfill his greatest fantasy. As I undressed, I could feel his excitement coming off of him in waves even though I had had my back to him for a moment as I folded my clothes and set them aside. I turned around to find him smiling at me and now his dick was fully erect.

    "You have a nice body and cock," he said, whispering as if his words were going to be overheard.

    "So do you," I said.

    "What should we do? Do you want a drink or something?" he asked.

    To be honest, I wasn't interested in such pleasantries - they could wait until later - so to answer him, I kinda guided him to sit on the sofa, settled myself in between his legs, and went right to work sucking his dick.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. The Numbers Game - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"You're starting to understand something I've always understood," I said. "It's sexy; it's exciting and very intimate; it makes you feel good to make someone else feel good that way and the best part for you gals is that y'all can go down on each other and stay there way longer than you can sucking dick."

    "Yes...," she said, getting [I]that[/I] look on her face. She got up from where she had been sitting and came over to me and started unfastening my pants; I finished that for her and she got on her knees and took me into her mouth and I wasn't sure that after all we'd already done, I was recharged enough to get hard... but not only could she fuck like a crazy woman, she was good at sucking dick and it didn't take her very long to get me hard. I just reclined on the sofa and watching this very insatiable woman sucking my dick and with me fucking into her mouth until I could feel that I was gonna cum.

    "Um, I'm gonna cum," I managed to say.

    She looked up at me with those enticing green eyes, blinked twice, then started doing a number on the head of my dick until I exploded in her mouth for the first time since we'd become lovers a year ago... and she swallowed every drop I had before releasing me and sitting back on her haunches.

    "You taste good," she said, licking her lips. "I don't know why I've never done that to you before now; I mean, I wanted to but, I don't know..."

    "Doesn't matter, honey," I said, leaning toward her and giving her a very deep kiss. And, yep, I got up, picked her up and dropped her on the sofa, yanked her shorts down - she never wore underwear, and went down on her until I could feel her clit pulsing like crazy in my mouth, the very sure sign that she was cumming.

    Later, I was just sitting and thinking about our conversation and really trying to put a number to the number of guys I'd ever had sex with... and I lost count after about ten minutes of thinking but to say it was a lot probably doesn't begin to do the numbers game any real justice...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The Numbers Game - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"And before you ask - and I know you're gonna ask - I've been sucked off more by guys than by women," I supplied. "It's just a thing we do and, yeah, sometimes it's a big deal since a lot of women don't like doing that."

    "Well...," she said.

    "Believe me when I say I know why women are funny about it," I said with a laugh.

    "I suppose you would," she said. "It just kinda doesn't make sense to me."

    "Baby, it's sex and not much more than that usually," I said with a sigh. I still couldn't understand why this was so hard for her to wrap her head around. I very much remember the first time she went down on my wife... and after telling me that she didn't think she could do it and I had told her that if she couldn't then she just couldn't... then shocked me and my wife by diving between her legs and going to town on my wife's pussy and like it wasn't her first time.

    "This has been such a part of me that it's not something I really think about," I said. "I might run into a guy, we might get to talking about it and maybe it happens and maybe it doesn't. I will think about whether it's a good idea to do it or not - and sometimes I just know it would be a bad idea and it ain't gonna happen. But if everything checks out, it's not that big of a deal for us to go somewhere and suck each other off one or two times and go on about our business afterward."

    "It's just a guy thing... and I feel kinda bad because I'm probably not able to really explain it to you," I said. "At the end of the day, it's still just sex and sucking dick is one of those things that I just learned to love doing and, yeah, like I told you before, I suck dick pretty much for the same reason you do - you like doing it."

    "You don't get mad at me because I don't suck you off?" she asked.

    "No - why would I?" I asked. "Yeah, if you wanted to, it's not like I'd stop you... and I did wonder why you hadn't by now, to be honest."

    "Well, I do love the way you feel inside me after I suck you," she said.

    I just nodded. Like a lot of guys, I'd just gotten used to women sucking my dick and stopping before I came so we could fuck - just the way shit goes and sex with her wasn't any different.

    "I gotta do something about that," she said - and I didn't know if she was talking to me or to herself. "But, still - a hundred guys or more?"

    "Yes. Why is that so important?" I asked.

    "I dunno - maybe because I've never been with a guy like you... or at least a guy who admits that he's sucked a a dick," she said.

    "You like being eaten and eating pussy now, don't you?" I asked.

    "Yeah...," she said.

    "Why?" I asked.

    "Um, because it feels good and I like it," she said - then sat straight up with her eyes really wide.

    "I see you finally understand what I've been telling you," I said with a nod.

    "Yeah... I think I finally do," she said.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The Numbers Game - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"Speaking of which," she said, looking down at me and making me look down as well to see that I was hard again... and I hadn't even noticed it because this conversation had totally distracted me.

    I just smiled, bent her over and as she held onto the sink, slid my dick into her again; I realized that she had kept drying off between her legs because the conversation had gotten her very wet and said as much to her.

    "I know," she said. "I don't like that you've slept with guys but at the same time, shit, oh, do that again, at the same time, it makes me hot and wet... and I don't know why."

    I pressed my thumb into her ass, making her fuck back against me even harder and feeling her pussy clamping down on me as she kept cumming; it got to be too much for me and we both gasped as my dick swelled inside her and pumped another load of spunk in her.

    "Now I gotta shower again," she said, giving me a wicked smile and one I had gotten used to seeing.

    "Want me to join you?" I asked even thought I knew what the answer was going to be... and maybe this time, we'd both manage to get clean.

    She just smiled and we climbed back into the shower and took turns washing each other and we didn't fuck again but she did suck me (even though I wasn't gonna get it up at the moment) and I had fun eating her into a few more orgasms before we got out, dried off again, and got dressed.

    Sitting in the living room, she suddenly asked, "So, maybe a hundred guys or more, huh?"

    "Yeah, if I had to put a number to it," I said.

    "You've had more sex with guys than I have," she said and with a look on her face that I couldn't make sense of.

    "Probably; I've likely had more sex with men than most women I know," I said.

    "Do you swallow?" she asked.

    "Nine times out of ten, yes," I said. "And before you ask, yes, I like to swallow and I like the taste... and it doesn't make sense not to and especially if all that's gonna happen is dicks getting sucked."

    "Do guys swallow when you cum?" she asked.

    "Most of the time, yeah," I said. "Some guys don't and some guys are just afraid to."

    "Does it matter if they do or not?" she asked.

    "No, well, sometimes it does but for the most part, not really," I said, thinking about all the guys who'd sucked me but made it clear I couldn't cum in their mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. The Numbers Game - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]That night started out the same way as any other night did; my poly wife was sucking me and taking turns doing that with my wife and as I was kissing and holding my wife, she looked at me and I somehow knew not only what that look meant but what had been bothering her.

    "If you want to, go ahead - if it goes wrong, I'll handle it," I said, realizing that she wanted our girlfriend's pussy but I didn't think she'd actually go for it. But she kissed me and moved down to our girlfriend, rearranged her as she continued to suck me, spread her legs, got between them and started licking her pussy... and our girlfriend, wow, the way she reacted wasn't the way I was afraid of. She'd forgotten all about sucking my dick, grabbed my wife's head and was fucking her face... and I was stunned. My wife was making her cum and like she had never had an orgasm before. I had the both of them kinda draped over me so I couldn't move; all I could do was watch what was happening. My wife lifted her head from our girlfriend's pussy and got her to sit on my dick with her back to me... and the night got even crazier as our girlfriend rode me as my wife continued to eat her.

    She had one hell of an orgasm and that's being nice about it. After that, it became a regular thing between them and I had talked to her about what happened that night and still worried that she was gonna freak out but she said that it was something new for her but she liked it and looked forward to more of the same.

    Which confused me; she could easily adjust to having sex with a woman... but had a problem with me sucking dick and, again, it was frustrating because she didn't seem to understand it... and now here she was asking me how many guys I'd had sex with.

    "When I was sucking your dick, I was wondering how many guys had sucked your dick," she said. "I know you told me that you weren't into it because you didn't like the way we suck your dick..."

    "Nope - I love the way y'all suck me but, like I said, I like having my dick sucked and, to that end, I'm not all that different from any other guy."

    "Then I started thinking about how many men's asses your dick has been in," she said, turning to look at me.

    I just shrugged before saying, "It was what it was. In the early days, we did it all and as a matter of course; you suck my dick, I suck your dick; you fuck me, I fuck you - just the way it was. Later, things would be different; some guys weren't into that and some guys were and sometimes I didn't mind fucking them and sometimes I just didn't want to."

    "You fuck me in the ass," she said with a smile.

    "You not only asked me if I would but I don't mind one bit because I do very much love you... that and I know that it makes you happier," I said. "And before you ask, with the exception of a couple of guys, we'd fuck each other or whatever because it was again just part of the deal, something that would be agreed to before anything hopped off."

    "But for the most part, you and some guy would just blow each other," she said, more statement than question.

    "Sure; it's just the easiest thing to do and, like I told you, it's my favorite thing to do - I love giving head."

    "Yeah, don't I know that," she said with a grin. "I'm just trying to understand something."

    "What's that?" I asked.

    "I think you can fuck me like no one else ever could and make me cum like crazy... because you've had sex with guys," she said.

    "Probably; I've learned some stuff about having sex," I said. "It helps that you seem to like the way we have sex."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. The Numbers Game - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]On a day off from work, my first poly "wife" and I had just finished a two-hour session of making love, fucking, whatever you wanna call it. I loved her with all my heart and soul and very much loved that she wanted to fuck me any time and anywhere we could get away with it. She could bring out the best in me and like few women were able to and she had no qualms about taking me in her ass.

    We'd been in the shower - and I fucked her again because why not - and as we were drying off and I'm looking at her and wondering if I could get it up again like right now to fuck her again, she looked at me with those pretty green eyes I loved so much and asked, "How many guys have you slept with?"

    The question took me by surprise. She knew I was bisexual because I told her I was and the memory of that conversation popped into my head because it was one of the most frustrating conversations I've ever had explaining my sexuality to a woman.

    "Jesus, I honestly don't know," I said. "I used to be able to remember how many but I lost count a long time ago and never bothered to think about it again. Why are you asking? I'm wondering because I know you're not comfortable knowing that I suck dick."

    "I dunno," she said as she started drying her hair. "It's a lot of guys, huh?"

    "Yeah, it is; remember, I've been bisexual since I was nine and, well, once I got started, it didn't make sense to stop," I said.

    "Didn't you feel bad about it?" she asked.

    "A little at first but feeling bad about it was also the thing that made it a fun thing to do," I said, still wondering why she wanted to talk about something she had told me she never wanted to talk about again. "Sex was so new and amazing for me; it was one thing to have sex with girls but when I found out that I could have sex with boys, well, it just didn't get any better than that."

    "How'd you manage to lose count?" she asked, taking her other towel and rubbing it between her legs again.

    "I really don't know, baby; after a while, I guess the number of guys wasn't important," I said, looking at her ass when she turned her back to me with one foot on the toilet seat and re-drying her legs.

    "Like maybe ten guys? Twenty?" she asked.

    "Um, no - more like maybe a hundred or more, if I really had to guess," I said.

    "Damn..." she said. "Why so many?"

    "Honey, it was always easy to get some dick and I always seemed to attract guys who wanted a piece of me," I said. "Sitting around with someone and just shooting the shit and sometimes we'd get to talking about sex and sometimes one thing led to another; a guy would say something like he was horny and wouldn't mind getting his dick sucked and, well, I didn't mind sucking some dick and it just sounded like a good idea... and it usually was."

    "But you've been fucked, too, right?" she asked.

    "I have and, yeah, a lot," I said. "It was just a part of it and before you ask, yes - I liked being fucked, well, up to the point where it wasn't as much fun as it once was."

    I'm still wondering why we're talking about this again; I was also wondering why she seemed to still have a problem with this and more so when she not only found out what it was like to have a woman go down on her, she took to it like a duck to water and no one was more surprised than I was the night it happened. I knew my wife was in love with her and in the early days of our poly relationship, I knew something was bothering her and especially when we'd go to bed at night and I'd get stretched to my limits having sex with both of them.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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