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  1. thoughts about being married and bi

    Hi bare with me this my first blog and fyi not much for periods sorry..... Anyways let me introduce myself Im a bi married man living in small town usa ok married my best friend and yes she knew long before we were married i get asked that alot anyways.... Is it me or is it hard being this way its hard to find guyz who understand I always get you r gay you just don't know it yet or wow she knows does she join in or watch....but i bet Im not the only one no she doesn't like to watch or join in but she supports me like a great person does.....and i know Im very lucky for that i just want to find in small town usa a friend with benefits Im sorry i couldnt be gay i love pussy way to much is there any guyz like me out there let me know would love to chat about people in my same situation lets talk....until next time.....
  2. Fun in the sun

    If any guys that like to lay nude in the sun i have a very privat and discreet terrace in kew gardens queens you can be totaly nude ,The weather is great the sun is hot and the cocktails are flowing .Drop me a line if anybody is intrested.
  3. Stupid Pain

    by , May 17, 2012 at 10:57 AM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    Well as a few of you know I had Kidney stones right before I went to NZ in 2009. I was so upset when they mentioned it could be either ovarian cyst or appendix, both would have required surgery and I would have missed my plane on a flight that couldn't be rescheduled or refunded. So kinda glad when they said stones. Got great meds, drank lots of water, peed in the hat and passed the stones. No more pain, flight was on time and I had a blast.

    Now, Saturday May 12th, I went to ER with similiar pain and this time CTscan showed a very large Ovarian Cyst that will need surgery to deal with. Jumped through several hoops and got temporary medical coverage for dealing with the stuff.

    I got to the doctor tomorrow and then find out if they are going to do an ultrasound or just flat out schedule surgery. The pain pills they have me on, Tramadol, are already giving me side effects. I almost passed out just sitting here last night and couldn't even wait for my babe to come back to the computer from his phone call before just typing i was gone and crashing hard.

    So the next week or so should be a very "fun" time for me. If I'm not on much that will be why. Y'all have fun and love one another and remember we are all just human.
  4. New Television Show

    Think [URL=""]this[/URL] is rather engaging. Nice to see a Zen perspective.

    Well, I finished up this series as far as Netflix allows. Not sure if another another season is forthcoming, or not. It probably will [URL=""]not[/URL] be. Good cerebral entertainment is usually frowned upon by sponsors due to lacking much of a fan base.

    There is a good bit of humor in this show, not quite as much as [U][I]Life On Mars[/I][/U] which I truly enjoyed for its' anachronistic missteps. Charlie, the protagonist in [I][U]Life[/U][/I] is always calm despite everyone doing all they can to anger him. There is a sense of a darker under current of Zen within the story.

    Loved one of the ending scenes, in which Charlie meets with the antagonist. It is a classic bit of machismo.

    Charlie: "You know how i survived 12 years in prison?"
    Roman looking at him smirking: "Your zen?"
    Charlie punches Roman in the throat breaking his windpipe and killing him: "Like that."

    Some good 'Charlie' quotes I enjoyed.

    "Anger ruins joy. Steals the goodness of my mind. Forces my mouth to say terrible things. Overcoming anger brings peace of mind. Leads to a mind without regret. If I overcome anger, I will be delightful, and loved by everyone."

    [I]"I don't think I talk differently than anyone else talks. Maybe sometimes I don't not say things that other people don't not say, but most other people don't not say the same things I don't. You know what I'm saying?"[/I]

    "You don't have to understand here, to be here."

    "I have something for you. That's your bullet. The next bullet is mine."

    The cancellation of this show and other good ones serves as another reason to dislike mainstream media. That and it reminds me of indulging too much in television.

    Updated May 29, 2012 at 8:23 AM by void() (Updated)

  5. Nudism, Naturism or just plain living naker

    First let me say that I really don't care about labels. Labels are a little box some one else wants to put you in so I really don't care if you want to call yourself a nudist, naturist or like me, a naked heathen. Just get rid of the clothes and get comfortable with who you are.

    Clothes are a costume and costumes hide who we really are. If you ever saw me naked, you would know everything I care to tell you about my self or at least everything you would need to know. If you talked to me then you would have no presupposed notion of who I am so that veil doesn't need to be removed. There is just me and what I think and feel. And if you were naked, then I would have no presupposed notion about you. I would only be concerned with your thoughts and feelings and how you looked at the world.

    Although not impossible, it is difficult to fight naked. Have you ever noticed the amount of armor that people wear when they fight? Strip away the armor, uniform, kit and gear and I don't think people would be as ready to fight. How about marching naked? I have not seen a dictator in this century or the last who didn't compensate for lack of love by the people by parading their troops in full military regalia. How about we make them march naked. How quick do you think the armed forces of the oppressors would be to oppress their fellow citizens if they were naked.

    OK that is my rave. I know that I will get all kinds of anti-war for all kinds of reasons comments, but that is not my point.

    Just get naked
  6. Foolish, Rude, People

    Ok. Time for the big guy to blow off a little steam.

    Why would you go read a thread, see that people got way off topic, see that both the people who got way off topic apologized and both had a "duh!" moment and didn't think to use pm, and then make nasty comments? Do you have no class? Both people admitted their mistake publicly and apologized. People make mistakes. Does that mean nothing? You could have said something like "Hey guys, next time please take this to PM so you don't hijack the OP's thread.". But NO!!! You had to be OUTRAGED!!! And just let everyone know what a whining, crying, sniveling little worm you are.

    Nevermind that the reason things got off topic was that one person was trying to help an unemployed person find direction and work based on his experience in the industry the unemployed person wanted to train in. I guess you like people being unemployed and living hand to mouth. I guess you have never had to look for work and felt the depression, anger, and other emotions. Damn, it must be nice to live in your perfect world.

    In your rude post, you mentioned you have no idea why you come back in here. No one's stopping you. There's the door. Please, let it hit you in the ass, er ... I mean face, on the way out for good measure.

    And as a final statement F OFF!!!!!!!!
  7. Sighs

    Me bruvva nipped in 2 the house just b4 I came 2 work this mornin'... made me lil sad an' I shed a tear..

    On Sat it's the Cup Final day up here... first all Edinburgh final in 'bout a century.. Fran' an the Bootgirls will b ther at Hampden Park rootin' an bawlin' an makin fools of themselves... Shiv will b ther wiv Poppy 'er m8 (Jr Traineee Bootgirls).. me bruv, 'is m8s an me sista.. Jambos all.. cuppla daft ole fuddy duddies 2, oldern the hills... m8s of me dad.. dad shudda been ther an all... the ole bugger wudda luffed it puttin' 1 over on the Hibees in the final... but is not 2 b an wen Alex handed me our tickets this mornin' I blubbed a bit.. coach on Sat gonna b strange wivout the daft ole coot tellin' stories of the Jambos wen they last won the league (he was 11 shows ya how long ago it was) but 'is m8s will make up for it no doubt... they oldern he wos for God's sake!!

    Hibee's haven't won the Cup in 110 years an they not gonna win it this time... they betta not... not all me m8s r Jambos.. an facin' those cows on Sat nite if we get gubbed may bring other tears 2 me eyes... now I know no 1 outside a me on this site r interested but thats how it goes... am gonna sit wiv me dad's ole Jambo bunnet on me bonce an wear 'is scarf so ther will be a Pop presence of sorts... just rather it wos 'is bonce under it but thats summat no 1 can do owt about... my 1st final wivout dad bein' ther wiv me... life is shit innit at times?
  8. Polly

    [SIZE=3][FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#ffffff]`[/COLOR]
    Somewhere in Wisconsin, nestled in the rolling suburban landscape, encircled by trees, lays an unassuming apartment complex with an unassuming name. A few of those who live there, work in the nearby local town but the greatest majority reside there mainly on weekends and during vacation periods. It has all the amenities of a upper-class residential area including an indoor pool, tennis courts, gym, game room, a children’s playground and ...

    Updated May 14, 2012 at 5:12 AM by æonpax

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