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  1. – Best Threesome Dating Site for People Looking for Threesome

    [ATTACH=CONFIG]36377[/ATTACH]Can’t wait to a have a stunning [B]threesome[/B]? To find a threesome seems not easy. However, if you really want to have a try of threesome relationship, you are very lucky that you have been at the right place. The idea of[B] [URL=""]looking for threesome[/URL] [/B]is indeed a great way to fantasize your desire with two partners. So, if you are seeking a threesome, then you do not need to worry because this is the best [B]threesome dating site [/B]that you can rely on. Our dating site for threesomes, suits to people who are [B]looking for threesome[/B], bisexual dating and threesome dating.

    If you are excited to [B]find a threesome[/B] tonight, then for sure you’ll get the most desirable results here. [B][/B] is the best [B]threesome website[/B]. Finding a threesome is always easy here.

    [B][/B] has a lot of great features that allow users to talk, chat and invite someone to have a healthy threesome experience. Quick search helps you easily locate someone based on his or her sex, zip code, country, age, username and city. It also has an advanced dating search that will allow you to look for a perfect partner who suits your standard and interest.

    We are proud to say that[B][/B] includes stunning and proven effective features that humanized for bisexuals and straight people who want to find a [B]threesome dating[/B]. By means of using features of our[B] threesome dating site[/B], you are guaranteed to find the suitable and best partners who can enjoy a threesome with you.

    Probably, you are thinking that online [B]threesome dating [/B]is difficult. Well, if you really think that then allow me to enlighten you. Our threesome dating site is easy to use that you can easily sign up so that you can be part of this growing community. Just join us and be one of our subscribers and members who would successfully find their partners that are willing to enjoy healthy and fun threesome relationship.

    Find a threesome is not easy. However, if using our site, you can get chances to find lots of people who are also [B]looking for threesome[/B]. With this way, you can easily find the ones who suit to your needs so that you and your partners can get healthy and fun threesome relationships that you always dream of.

    Here, we are sure of that you can fulfill all your threesome fantasies. So, we strongly suggest that you take a look and subscribe now at [B]Lookingfor[URL=""][/URL][/B] to find women and men who are also looking for threesome dating. You do not need to pay for a search because this [B]threesome dating website[/B] is free.
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  2. – Best Threesome Dating Site for People Looking for Threesome

    [ATTACH=CONFIG]36377[/ATTACH]Can’t wait to a have a stunning [B]threesome[/B]? To find a threesome seems not easy. However, if you really want to have a try of threesome relationship, you are very lucky that you have been at the right place. The idea of[B] [URL=""]looking for threesome[/URL] [/B]is indeed a great way to fantasize your desire with two partners. So, if you are seeking a threesome, then you do not need to worry because this is the best [B]threesome dating site [/B]that you can rely on. Our dating site for threesomes, suits to people who are [B]looking for threesome[/B], bisexual dating and threesome dating.

    If you are excited to [B]find a threesome[/B] tonight, then for sure you’ll get the most desirable results here. [B][/B] is the best [B]threesome website[/B]. Finding a threesome is always easy here.

    [B][/B] has a lot of great features that allow users to talk, chat and invite someone to have a healthy threesome experience. Quick search helps you easily locate someone based on his or her sex, zip code, country, age, username and city. It also has an advanced dating search that will allow you to look for a perfect partner who suits your standard and interest.

    We are proud to say that[B][/B] includes stunning and proven effective features that humanized for bisexuals and straight people who want to find a [B]threesome dating[/B]. By means of using features of our[B] threesome dating site[/B], you are guaranteed to find the suitable and best partners who can enjoy a threesome with you.

    Probably, you are thinking that online [B]threesome dating [/B]is difficult. Well, if you really think that then allow me to enlighten you. Our threesome dating site is easy to use that you can easily sign up so that you can be part of this growing community. Just join us and be one of our subscribers and members who would successfully find their partners that are willing to enjoy healthy and fun threesome relationship.

    Find a threesome is not easy. However, if using our site, you can get chances to find lots of people who are also [B]looking for threesome[/B]. With this way, you can easily find the ones who suit to your needs so that you and your partners can get healthy and fun threesome relationships that you always dream of.

    Here, we are sure of that you can fulfill all your threesome fantasies. So, we strongly suggest that you take a look and subscribe now at [B]Lookingfor[URL=""][/URL][/B] to find women and men who are also looking for threesome dating. You do not need to pay for a search because this [B]threesome dating website[/B] is free.
  3. How to Find a Threesome on Bi Dating Sites?

    [COLOR=#444444][FONT=Open Sans][ATTACH=CONFIG]36367[/ATTACH]There are people who find threesome to be exciting and very unique. They think that having threesome is better than having one partner in bed only. For people who haven’t experienced being on a threesome, tomorrow or later is not the best time to find but now. If you are one of those people who are [B]looking for a threesome[/B], joining [URL=""][B]bi dating sites[/B][/URL] is a good idea.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#444444][FONT=Open Sans][B]Bi dating site[/B] is another online dating website that encourages potential members such as [B][URL=""]LGBTS[/URL] or lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender[/B]. In every bi dating site, the mentioned and interested people can join and be part of this popular dating site. In this dating site, [B]finding a threesome[/B] is also not new. There are people joining for the purpose of finding threesome and these are allowed. That can be considered a reason for its increasing popularity as of today’s people interest on a dating site.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#444444][FONT=Open Sans]To find a threesome is not easy unlike the first step you made which is to become a member of your chosen [B]bisexual dating site[/B]. In this case, you have to be prepared with ways on how you are going to succeed on that goal. Take the following ways and be ready to finally find your threesome:[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [LIST][*][B]Develop Sexual Relationship[/B] – Be prepared in this first step. Remember that it is not the step for you to be committed or be serious already. Find out if that girl as your prospect is interested to another woman too. Ask directly about her interest into a woman. Just clear it first and make sure that she will never doubt your motives of asking.[*][B]Have another relationship [/B]– using the same process, you can do it to another woman. Find out if she is also a bisexual woman like the first relationship you find. The two girls must be on the same level especially when it comes to the looks.[*][B]Tell them you want to have [/B][B]s[/B][B]haring [/B]– tell both bi women that you want sharing. Meaning, you want to share another woman with her. Make them both feel the comfort and value the way how you said it to them.[*][B]Keep Details Secretly First [/B]– you have to be careful about the details regarding the other girl. Women are picky by nature so keep the details before you reveal it to her on the right time.[*][B]Give them an Invitation [/B]– invite these two women on a specific place and time. They should be informed about the thing to happen and must give you an approval.[*][B]Introduce them [/B]– introduce them once they were already appeared on the place where the three of you will meet. Make sure that the meeting will be nice. Let them be comfortable in each other and keep things fun and sexy for them. Keep the mood happy and really fun.[*][B]Go on with your Final move [/B]– after couple of drinks, start it with a kiss. Kiss one of the girls and kiss the other. If things felt good, continue the process and try the three way kiss. Remember the alternate process. Do these continuously until both women liked the momentum.[/LIST]
    [COLOR=#444444][FONT=Open Sans]Follow these given ways above and you can already enjoy joining a [B]bi dating site[/B] without hassle. Make sure to follow these ways to succeed on your plans.

    For more about dating with bisexuals, please check out [url][/url][/FONT][/COLOR]
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  4. Find a bisexual dating site

    I have found many people are seeking partner online, but they do not know how to choose a suitable site.
    They are afraid of wasting time and meet scammers. There, I find a site reviews for bisexual dating online.
    You can compare the benefits,features and verdicts. I believe when you read the reviews you can find your needs.

    Read more info: [URL][/URL]
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  5. Did you ever go into a men's room to piss find it was a publicsex place, have sex?

    [QUOTE=pole_smoker;285060]Guys: Did you ever go into a men's room to piss find it was a publicsex place, and have sex with a man or group of men right then and there?

  6. Want it

    You think I'm stupid but guess what I'm not so therefore you just lost it all you sick bastard ! I gave u everything all I got was waisted 20 years of my and out of bedroom done things unimaginable to please you but obviously wasn't enough.hope you're happy now .BTW we're selling the house dumb fuck .u make me sick! I hate u!
  7. Helping Her Explore Her Attraction: Coming of Age

    This story is dedicated to Melody Dean because I know she will understand this story.

    We both knew that this was not a “Forever Love.” It was not going to be an “until death do us part” kind of relationship.

    We were both young nineteen year olds, exploring life and tasting its carnal pleasures.

    This is not to mean that we didn’t love each other. We did. We were lovers and friends, with an unspoken agreement to be there for each other - which is why I listened intently and sympathetically when Corey confessed to me.

    “I don’t know what to do,” she blurted, “I am so attracted to my friend Jesse. Every time I am around her, I find myself aroused. Should I tell her? What if she gets angry? What if it ends our friendship? What if she tells everyone that I am a lesbian?”

    The first thing I thought was: OK, well that explains why some things didn’t happen in bed.

    Corey and I had lost our virginities with each a year ago. In the past year, we had tried all kinds of positions and techniques, but she never had an orgasm. She said that she received a lot of pleasure when we had sex, but she didn’t ever have an orgasm. Let me amend that statement: She said a few times she thought she might have had an orgasm. However, even though I was young and inexperienced, I still knew that if you only thought you had an orgasm, you probably didn’t. Maybe the reason that she didn’t have an orgasm was because I wasn’t the gender that she was attracted to.

    Corey went on, “And you might find this crazy, but when I see the back of her neck, I get…I get wet!”

    Hearing her longing to become physically involved with her friend and hearing her fear of taking the first step, I resolved to help her even though my actions might mean that I could lose her.

    It was the end of the summer, the last day before we were all going back to school. The next day, Corey and Jesse were going to be leaving for their college in the Midwest. I would be going back to my school in New England. The three of us decided to have one last boat ride together, complete with some bottle of wine.

    Corey picked me up at my house and Jesse was already in the car in the front passenger seat. I scooched myself into the back seat of Corey’s beat up Volkwagen bug. We started off for the marina.

    Now at this point, I should describe the two women. My friend Corey was five foot six with dirty blonde hair. She was a part-time clothing model in New York and her figure was absolutely perfect. Jesse, on the other hand, was five foot eight and had long black hair, a luminously white skin on a body that was voluptuous if not pleasantly plump.

    As we got to the highway and stopped for the red light, I noticed that Jesse’s hair was pulled away to one side and that the back of her neck was exposed maybe a foot away from me.

    “Jesse, you have such a beautiful neck,” I declared and I slowly reached out to stroke it with the back of my fingers.

    Upon my touching her neck, Jesse released a husky moan. I could see Corey checking my move as she glanced at the rearview mirror. From the corner of my eye, I could see Corey’s body shudder in a way that told me that she was turned on by seeing me touch her friend’s neck.

    I sat back in my seat and there were no more advances on my part as we drove to the marina. At the dock, we unloaded the wine, prepared my family’s runabout, and took off for my favorite cove.

    Now there is something about the day after Labor Day that most years on the east coast seems to affect the weather. The day before could be sunny, hot, summer-like weather, but the day after Labor Day, the hints of winter tiptoe in. It was like that this day. It wasn’t a cold day, but the wind made the cooler temperatures seem a bit colder than the actual temperatures would suggest. Since it was very cool, none of us brought swimsuits or towels with us as we didn’t think we would do any swimming.

    As soon as I anchored the boat in the lee of some high sand dunes, I realized our mistake. The dunes deflected the winds away from the boat, and the sun now baked down on us. We were soon very hot.

    “Let’s go swimming,” I suggested.

    “But we don’t have our swimsuits,” Corey protested.

    “Hey, you have seen everything that I have, and I have seen everything that you have, so what’s the problem?”

    “What about me?” Jesse jumped in.

    I quipped, “I supposed that you have the same parts as Corey. Nothing new to me!” and I shucked off my clothes, climbed up on the gunwhale of the boat and jumped in.

    As I rose to the surface, I heard another splash and up came Corey, naked and giggling.

    “Come on, Jesse,” we shouted, “Come on it, the water is warm.”

    Jesse hesitated, and then, slowly peeled off her clothes and stood on the swim platform, the sunshine glaring off her naked body. Her ample creamy breasts and dark nipples protruding proudly in the way only youthful bodies do. Corey’s eyes were fixed on the sight before her, and I could hear her breathing begin to get heavy.

    With a giggle, Jesse jumped into the bay. For the next fifteen minutes, we all swam and splashed about, me “accidentally” bumping alternately into Corey and Jesse. Every time I touched Jesse’s body, I could see Corey getting more and more turned on.

    When we had enough swimming, we climbed back into the boat, but it was then that we remembered that we hadn’t brought any towels. The day was getting late and the sun was not as intense and we were getting cold. We each had a few glugs of wine as we passed around the bottle, hoping the drink would warm us up, but as we were still dripping wet, we continued to be chilled.

    Then I remembered that the boat had a blanket in the small cuddy cabin. My parent’s boat had a big V-shaped berth below and my folks had stored a cotton blanket down there to be used for overnight trips. The three of us went below, wrapped the blanket around us, and started to dry each other off.

    Drying each other off gave us the excuse to touch each other’s bodies, and soon you could feel the sexually charged atmosphere. Corey’s eyes were wide as she leaned against me and gave me a smoldering kiss on my lips.

    “Well, you can’t leave out Jesse,” I observed, “Doesn’t she deserve a kiss, too?”

    It was the moment of truth for Corey. Since we were all bundled close together, it didn’t take more than a slight forward shift for Corey to lean over and kiss Jesse. I held my breath, waiting to see how Jesse would respond.

    There was a bit of uncertainty in Jesse’s eyes and a bit of fear. I squeezed Corey’s hand to give her courage. With that she renewed her exploration of Jessie’s lips, and I could see Jesse’s body surrender to Corey’s insistent kiss.

    Corey nuzzled Jesse’s neck, kissing and licking it, pressing Jesse’s body backward until Jesse fell onto her back with Corey on top of her.

    Corey started to explore Jesse’s body, fondling her breasts and seemingly taking pleasure in discovering the caresses that made Jesse moan. I sat with my back against the bulkhead watching the scene unfold.

    With a new found confidence, Corey started to kiss her way down Jesse’s body. When she got to the nipples, she tentatively began to nibble them. As Jesse’s moans grew more intense, Corey became more turned on and confident. She started to hum as her tongue lashed out at Jesse’s nipples. Soon those nipples were standing up swollen and dark.

    At one point, Corey looked up at me. I smiled back at her, and she proclaimed, “Oh, Vid, I really like doing this!”

    Was I jealous? Was I turned on? Well, maybe a bit of both. But the most dominant feeling I was experiencing was love for my friend Corey and I was happy that she was finally finding out what really turned her on.

    “Go on, Corey,” I urged her, “move down and taste her pussy.”

    Corey started a slow journey down Jesse’s heaving body. Along the way she licked and kissed the places that made Jesse squirm and moan. As she was doing so, she rubbed her pussy with her right hand. I could see her fingers coaxing out her juicy attraction to her friend. The air in the cabin became intoxicatingly filled with the smell of aroused sex.

    When Corey moved between Jesse’s legs, Jesse put her hand on Corey’s head as if to stop her. Corey looked up at Jesse and begged with one simple, urgent word: “Please?”

    Jesse’s response was to open her legs up wider, inviting the further lovemaking that such an action signified.

    Words can’t adequately describe the beauty and the eroticism of the scene before me: Two young sexually aroused women in the midst of satisfying their sexual needs. The sounds of sex, the smells of sex, the images of tongues and pussies all made the scene so incredibly exciting.

    All of a sudden, Corey jumped up and moved her crotch so that it was in contact with Jesse’s pubic mound. Then Corey started to grind her pussy against Jesse’s. She was like an animal possessed while Jesse lay there with a glazed expression on her face. Corey seemed like she was so desperate to make her partner cum and at the same time finally find the sexual release that she had not experienced in the past.

    Finally, I saw Jesse’s body start to shake. Her breasts shook like crazy and her legs trembled as the shots of pleasure rifled through her body. It seemed as if these contractions triggered off Corey’s pent-up sexual tension. With a deep pitched combination of a scream and groan, she tensed up and then sprawled over Jesse’s body, shaking in waves of pleasure spasms.

    I just watched the whole scene. When Corey finally got up off of Jesse’s body, she looked at me and mouthed, “Thank you, Vid.”

    To myself I thought, “No need to thank me. Watching you find your true sexual self is more than enough thanks.” I didn’t have to say it aloud as I knew she knew my thoughts.
  8. My Story

    I haven't told anybody in my real life about being with men and don't intend to. However, the experiences kept circling in my head that I wanted to write my experiences being a smooth bottom in a forum.

    My interest in sucking cock (and soon being a bottom came from watching nothing but deepthroat and blowbang porn. A compilation video that i would watch repeatedly really got me into it. At first it was an erotic fantasy, but the more I watched the same compilation video the more I really wanted to try it. I didn't feel 'awkward' or 'weird' for wanting to experience giving at least one blowjob, and I felt completely normal after my first time. It was more of getting a fantasy 'over with.' At that point, I also wondered what women felt like during and after they had sex. I also have no bodyhair (and especially no facial hair) when I 'cruise' around for cock, and I have a slight 'fem' persona while cruising, so I appeal to a certain kind of top. Especially those that like a round ass and nice legs.

    My preference for tops are stocky/chubby men in their 40's and older. Those that have a slight goatee, and are either bald or close to being bald make the best tops for that criteria. I found this out after my first time with a top trucker, and really liked the experience. I knew how to suck his cock and got him from flaccid to hard pretty quickly.

    From then, I roamed the local adult bookstores/theaters until I visited one that was next to a truckstop. Because of its location, I had great experiences, and never had trouble getting a man I wanted to bottom for to pull their cocks out for me while on my knees in front of him. Sucking their cocks really turned me on, especially when they would moan, rub my shoulders, or hold the back of my neck as I blew them. It surprised me how good I was at it for having very little experience. I had no problem putting their flaccid cocks in my mouth and making them hard.

    When I tasted pre-cum seeping out of their cocks, I would stop and whisper, "Do you wanna fuck me?" with a seductive look. I would always get a 'yes,' so I would put a condom on them, stand up, pull my lower body clothes down and bend over for them. I always got my ass eaten and loved having it done. I always gotten fucked really good too, and loved when my hips would get gripped tight and pulled deeper towards their cock.

    My last experience in that theater was memorable since it was the first time I had passionate sex with a top. He would tell me how sexy I am and how great my body was while I sucked his cock. He would then lift my chin up and kiss my neck multiple times. He was really into me, and I got really turned on that I just took my tights down and wanted him to fuck me. Afterwards, I felt feminine and sexy.

    I haven't done anything since then because I felt that was the perfect experience to stop for a while. However, I do have fantasies of being on my knees for a blowbang in the theater, and 3-4 truckers taking turns fucking me in the back of a semi-truck. I might act on those someday.
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