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  1. User reviews for the best bisexual dating website

    you know what reviews that users give to the [URL=""]best bisexual dating website[/URL]?
    [URL=""]Read their feelings here[/URL]
  2. Further thoughts regarding our global state

    We hear so often there is not enough to [URL=""]eat[/URL], that people starve. We also hear there is not enough land for people to live and we are running out of [URL=""]room[/URL] on the planet. We also hear that [URL=""]governing[/URL] is difficult and something as simple as anarchy and volunteerism will not work.

    Many think anarchy is about might equating right, that only violence comes from anarchy. These many are so far from correct as to be beyond even being wrong. Anarchy is not about violence. It is about owning yourself, being responsible for yourself.

    It is also about being a good steward of where you live. That means you need to look to the streams and see they move around rocks. The water flows gently and often in great numbers if you consider water as molecules.

    This teaches you larger things are achieved by working with others. Together and in peace mountains are moved. Peace has no room for violence as love has none for hate or fear.

    These are thoughts I share with some on this planet. Read, explore and maybe join us. Or, you may choose not to. Either way may you come and go peacefully, with no ill intent to you.
  3. try to review this

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  4. Down / Hang time

    So far it seems there's no work to be had on the dog hut today. Yes, I maybe could go at it on my own. Choosing not to for practical reasons.

    Father-in-law has other stuff going on. I can understand that. It is how life goes for everyone.

    Today I have not done much of anything. Some of my muscles are letting me know they exist. A day of rest every now and then doesn't hurt the process.

    Laundry day tomorrow. I'll take it down to her mom's to wash. Also will then, maybe help with dog hut.

    Looking over some of the [I]study material[/I] for the Trivium educational series online. There is a good bit I'm aware of yet don't mind refreshing. Grammar is one in sore need of refreshing.

    Wife has brought in several various texts on grammar and writing as well. Keep procrastinating out of avoiding drudgery of tedium. Well, I'm boring at any given
  5. The Chef and I

    Well, I just had an extremely hot session with an Executive Chef from one of our local restaurants.

    This story has so many twists & turns, I'm not sure where to begin. I think I'm going to have to condense it.

    Let's start with the scenario of the proverbial " star-crossed -lovers, " because, in a sense, that's what we were.

    He responded to an ad of mine late one night after I arrived home from work. I liked his personal "stats" & we began a conversation via text messaging. At some point, he revealed his first name. I became suspicious because it was the same as my supervisor's name who had been sexually "hitting on me " at work. I became alarmed, felt they were one and the same,and that his profile was bogus, so I snuffed the deal right then & there.

    Fast forward several months later, I discover accidentally they were not while surfing the net one day. Not only that, his last known address was just two blocks up the street from where I live. :eek2: I let go, dismissed it as another failed connection, albeit I was sorely disappointed.

    Tonight I finally connected with a guy I've been seeing on a site for quite awhile. I say finally because I've been seeing his ads on there occasionally and they've always turned me on. But for some reason, whenever I responded, I got nothing in return.

    Somehow, tonight, I played my cards just right & got a response. After hours of e-mails & preparations, he finally pulled up in my neighborhood. In his final message,as he was waiting outside, he revealed his full name. Guess what? Yup! I recognized it instantly. It was the Chef!

    I kept the knowledge to myself throughout the encounter. Damn, it was hot! Some of the best I've ever had. Somehow apropos for someone who became attracted to the food service industry at the age of 16. :2cents:

    We parted with the promise to reconnect. I'll play it by ear if we do & tell him what I know some day.;)
  6. Progressing

    Floor joists are cut, rough lumber for floor boards selected. The rough will be cut to size as needed, laying out the floor. Me and wife tentatively plan to tack in joists this evening, weather permitting.

    Not much else happening. Hear / read the whole debate thing, wasn't. Not really surprised. Not wading in because I don't kick dead horses. Just observing "oh look, more stupid."
  7. Big obvious surprise

    Wife had wanted to get things done regarding the foundation for good reason. She had expected rain today, likely tomorrow. Big obvious surprise, what the elf witch says will be, will be. It rained nearly all day today. I suspect it will do the same on morrow.

    I feasibly could work out in the rain. Lacking help to ensure my efficacy though, or help to be there if there were an accident, I also lack capacity. Next step is cutting lumber to fit into the frame to create a floor joist system, fitting it and tacking it in. I'm fair with measures. Therein is the crucible, only fair, not confident enough to be at my own on the task.

    Father-in-law was at one point a surveyor as well as once a Mason. His father was not a Mason but nonethless had a knack of [I]trueness[/I] as related to construction. Good eyes to have as an over-watch on a construction project, however mundane.

    So today wife and me sat two hours at a repair shop. She needed her truck's air conditioning fixed. Learned the compressor had locked up and was not serviceable. The cost for materials added to labor was far well beyond what she expected.

    The fellow looking at her truck let her go with only charge for examination, under $50 USD. She's to contact them if we can find a way to manage the cost later and want it fixed.

    It made me feel hurt that I am not yet back to work, able to help her provide. Although we talked it over and both realized all anyone can do is to take life with an attitude of "take what you get, do your best and keep going". We then adjourned our serious selves to scurry off to our favorite Chinese restaurant.

    There we enjoyed a nice and pleasant 3 PM lunch. It was nice and pleasant because of a few things. Me and her agree to not talk of subjects related to war. These include religion, politics, economics. And we don't really dally much into our families. *chuckles*

    That was observed save for a young lady in the place. She spoke rather loudly about her doctor recognizing her right to pray over her affliction. I really do not care as it was meant as private dinner conversation at her table. That noted, by the fires of night, I was eating.

    Strangely enough, I thought about the reaction principle. No need existed for my discomfort. She could ramble about hockey for all I cared, it did not effect me. Her talking was not directed as personal at me, nor could it have been. I withdrew a boiling urge to smash her head into her dinner table. :) I was very good.

    That's another big obvious surprise. Realizing, I no longer really care. And I mean that in a positive sense, not a negative one.
  8. Progress in foundations

    Yesterday evening me and wife finished settling the foundation of the dog hut. It's planks nailed together sitting on cinder-blocks around the parameter. We had to level and square this frame up to have a good base of a sub-floor.

    Doing this involved a few simple steps which exacerbated themselves into being more difficult due to the heat and humidity. We had to furrow out a few places for the blocks to set on the ground, then, level these up and ensure their respective alignments with one another. This meant one of us had to lift part of a wooden frame at times.

    The heat is making the work a slower process. I may get out to do something of a morning for about an hour or two, maybe then an hour or two in the evening. We're expecting rain today and this likely will set work time back a bit too. The rain will only supply further humidity as the heat will act as a vacuum, drawing it back to the atmosphere all the better to broil us.

    Still germinating the story with my cat, Bucky in it. I do and I do not feel the story is [I]there[/I]. Keep becoming frustrated in not really having what I feel are good ideas for a story. Frustrated I'm not even scrawling out poetry any more. Been told one can feasibly [I]write away the frustration[/I], not sure how that works when it's the frustration holding back the writing.

    One doctor, physician, suggested I was obese and this caused my physical pain. My wife pointed out that I did not keep fit by going out and doing more precisely because I had the pain to begin with, prior to becoming obese. "You hurt and so you don't get out to do. Gee, yeah you grow lethargic, eat, don't expend the energy, you get fat. Trouble is the pain came first, duh."

    There are times I force myself on through the pain. Understand too I have a high pain threshold, physically. Nurses fuss, or get shocked with me. The one to ten pain scale sucks in my case. My "well, it feels like a two or three" is what they expect as being a nine or ten from thirty or more of their other patients. So, when I say nerve pain hurts, or muscles are ripped and hurt. I probably am in serious pain but don't realize it.

    This isn't to paint me as some grizzled Superman type. Merely it is what it is. I ignore a lot of pain like that. Wish I could drown out some of the nerve pain I have at times. Working on it gradually and seeming to improve, yet it's well ... gradual. I'm not 17 any longer and find it tough bouncing back up. Not sure what brought on the nerve issue, really. Told it could have been a matter of sleeping wrong, coughing, doing heavy lifting, any number of trivial things could have [I]set it off[/I].

    I ponder that it may be part and parcel of the KS. Looking at some of the [I]text[/I] available on the interwebs reveals that those with KS may not have fully developed synapses. So, yeah I likely am indeed not wired right. *chuckles* And gee, not being wired right just might have something to do with nerve pain, ya think? I dunno, not a doc myself but it seems following common logic can be helpful at times.

    Been drinking a lot of fruit juices, getting a lot more vitamin C. Not allowed to have caffeine any longer as it contributes to kidney stones, and other various and miscellaneous stones what pass through urine. So no more coffee for me. I've actually not yet really missed it. I'm allowed decaf tea, which I drink hot a pint at a time, or roughly a pint.

    Also eating a high fiber and high carbohydrate diet, more whole foods. Not really eating a lot of meat and reducing sugar intake. All in I've been metamorphosing quite a bit lately. Not exactly sure why. One contributing factor may have been having a physician's assistant tell me I possibly had cancer, which I now know is totally bull manure. I had my GP, a thirty some year retired Navy nurse call the radiology department at the hospital to find out. the CT showed a bump or something on my spleen, turned out it was benign.

    But this p.a. telling me this was kind of an "oh, that's so obvious" wake up. He asked if I smoked or use tobacco. I admitted to around 30 years of using tobacco, yet had recently began weening off of it using vaping.. So now, it's like my body and mind are on the same page. They are detoxifying this form I hold. Not quite sure what is in store.

    At least I will have good foundations. :)

    PS: With cutting out coffee, I also cut out a lot of soda/pop. There are one or two I can drink that are caffeine free. Never was a real heavy soda drinker at any given. Sure I like it well enough but there's so much more to drink. Now, I'm not allowed to drink any of it save as a decaf treat. And that's fine by me. Liking my juices, tea, water as it is.

    Updated Aug 6, 2015 at 8:14 AM by void()

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