
All Blog Entries

  1. Even More Adult Year Stuff - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Still, despite all this new drama, I couldn't keep from noticing that there were a lot men who were into men and women and on the prowl for their next helping of cock and ass or guys who, for whatever reason made sense to them, decided that checking this out would be of interest to them. During the 1980s, I'd be hanging out with guys and listening to them go on and on about how some faggot had better not hit on them and at the risk of getting their ass kicked which wasn't unusual at all. What was unusual were the number of guys who'd say that if some dude hit on them for sex, man, they would teach them a lesson about hitting on them by - get this - giving them the dick and in some pretty intense ways.

    Huh? Wait... how can you be against this... but can set up a condition under which you would do it? A lot of guys said that if they were drunk (or otherwise fucked up) enough, they might do it - then quickly backpedal when the fellas started giving them the business and offering to buy them a lot of liquor just to see if the speaker would really drop his drawers for some dick. I learned that what a dude says in public and what he'd do privately were very, very different things and I got to be a bit of an expert in figuring out the many ways these same "cock hating dudes" would drop hints to me about us getting each other hard and making each other soft again in some way.

    Some of them looked downright silly trying to be slick with their hints and laughing at them was hard for me not to do. A few of them were bold and direct; they'd tell me that what they said earlier was just a front, you know, to keep up appearances but if it was okay with me, they'd love to fuck me, get fucked by me, or just spend some times blowing each other until we couldn't get it up any more. Sometimes I took them up on their offer, sometimes I didn't but it was definitely clear to me that the bullshit about Black men being violently homophobic was, for the most part, just that: Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

    Guys who couldn't get pussy would look for dick out of desperation; then there were the guys who had seriously big dicks and so long and thick that women - who'd say they loved big dicks - wouldn't let them get anywhere near them. There were the guys no "self-respecting woman" would ever have sex with; maybe he was too fat, had a small dick - it was always something along those lines that would drive such a dude into the arms and bed of another man. Guys would get dumped by a woman and it would hit them with devastating effect and the way to get over it was to find some dude to have sex with.

    Which brings me to my best friend...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Even More Adult Years Stuff - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I had quickly gotten comfortable with my bisexuality and the insane rush of sexual encounters I had between the ages of 9 and 16 lent itself to that comfort. But while I never really had to suffer through "The Drought," that very weird period of time where guys, no matter how hard they tried, couldn't get laid to save their lives, my problem was quite different: When I went looking for cock, I could never find it! But let me be minding my own business and not even really thinking about dick... and guys were hitting on me from out of the blue!

    It seemed as if I couldn't go anywhere in the city without noticing some guy staring at me a bit too intensely or have some guy I didn't know roll up on me and ask me if I'd be interested in doing something freaky with them. And let's not talk about the guys I did know, some who I'd known for years who were now making themselves look silly dropping hints that, um, they wouldn't mind too much if we could, at the least, suck each other off. Or some of those same known guys who "out of the blue" decided that sucking a dick would be a good thing for them to do... and somehow knew that coming to me about it was going to the right person.

    I used to ask myself if I had a sign on me somewhere that everyone could see - but I couldn't - that just told dudes that if they wanted sex, just ask me. Now, to be truthful, I got a lot of good sex that way and some not-so-good sex but for me, it was all a learning experience and one very different from how I grew up with this; the roles of top and bottom hadn't been coined yet but I could see it at work in the many men I'd have hitting on me and even more so with the number of straight-acting gays who'd often surprise me with offers to fuck them or to be fucked.

    That was also about the same time I started to see a lot of prejudice coming from gay men; they just didn't like the fact that I wasn't as gay as they were, like this one guy: I had just come from fucking this really sexy woman and decided to stop at a bar for a quick drink before continuing home. As I sat at the bar sipping my drink, this very gay dude walked past me, sniffed, stopped, came back to where I was sitting and very loudly said, "You smell like that god-damned pussy! I was gonna take you home with me and suck your dick all night but I wouldn't touch your nasty ass smelling like that!"

    What the fuck? And it kept coming as I'd have sex with a gay dude and had to have the moment ruined because he's trying to convince me to give up those nasty women and just be gay like I'm supposed to be. One guy, after some really good sex, went on a rant about how fucked up bi guys were - that can't commit to anything and being in denial shit we still hear about today - and I wanted to kick his ass so bad but, instead, said this after he wound down from his rant:

    "You didn't say that when I had my dick in your mouth and busted a nut in your ass, did you?"

    The sexual world, as I had understood it to that point, was being seriously redefined and not always in a good way.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. My personal fetish

    Since opening our bedroom to others I’m amazed at the intense sex we now enjoy from both sexes. I have a fetish that I discovered awhile back, that may seem weird but I get so turned on when I come home and another man has left a deposit in her honey hole for me to find, she is spread eagle on the bed, the room stinks of sex , her pussy is soaked and her breath smells of cum as she loves licking cock after they cum in her. She smiles and says I left this for you, and my cock is now a raging bull ready to plow her into oblivion, with no forplay I ram my cock so hard and deep she screams and I tell her is her punishment and she smiles and says if this is punishment I love being a bad girl. I turn her over belly down pull her half way off the bed and standing ram her as hard as I can. Almost like I’m trying to hurt her but not really, that sex smell just gets me so excited I can’t control my self. I turned her over and made her deep throat me balls deep and unloaded in her throat.

    I think she does does this on purpose, she lays there in totally exhausted but satisfied.
  4. More of the Adult Years - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The next couple of months was a whirlwind of having sex with him - he was a "natural" at sucking cock and being fucked and just like he'd been doing it all of his life. Per the rules, I had told my wife about it all and she was just as surprised as I had been but she said that he couldn't have picked a better teacher for this than me and bade me to do right by him - and she knew I would.

    I couldn't convince him to slide that big dick in my ass, though - but while that kinda bothered me, I was okay with it to see this young guy find the sexual happiness he so desperately needed. I found his eagerness to please me so refreshing as I did delight in his utter lack of shame. What surprised me was that once we had started having sex, those girls who'd always turned him down suddenly were literally throwing the pussy at him and as I had advised him, he didn't turn it down... but he told me that while the pussy was good, he still wanted to suck me off and be fucked by me. He told me of the other guys he hung around with who also liked dick in their mouths and asses - that bit of news surprised me some - but he just wasn't interested in them even though I had suggested that he check them out so he could have different experiences under his belt.

    Just when things were falling into a good routine, I got the news that he was dead. The police had found his broken body at the base of a high railroad bridge in another part of the city... and they were saying that it looked like someone had tossed him off the bridge to his death. I was stunned - everyone in the complex was, too; who would do something like that to such a nice guy? It was heartbreaking to attend his funeral, to see him lying in that casket and looking as if he would just wake up and wonder why everyone was staring at him.

    Such a loss. Just as he was finding his joy in life, his life was over and I've never really gotten over his senseless murder. The cops eventually found the guy who did it and the asshole got 35 years in prison but to me, that wasn't punishment enough...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. More of the Adult Years - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We went to my bedroom and, wow, Ron had to break a record for getting out of his clothes! I had closed and locked the door and when I turned around, he was naked and, let's say, impressively hard - his dick was absolutely beautiful and magnificent, at least a good eight fat inches and as I got out of my clothes, I was wondering why the girls who seemed to flock around him would be so willing to turn him down for sex.

    We stood there looking at each other and I could feel his nervousness so I told him that if he didn't really want to do this, he didn't have to - no shame in chickening out. He nodded his understanding and I'd sat down on the bed which I guess was his cue to act; he walked over to me, that big, beautiful cock bobbing as he moved, got to his knees and without one bit of hesitation, took me into his mouth... and it was all I could do not to cum right then and there. He was so... hungry for this and I don't know why it surprised me so much as he ate my dick as if his life depended on it. I stopped him long enough to get him onto the bed with me, arrange us in a sideways 69 so I could feast on his cock as well.

    It surprised him, I'm sure, because I hadn't gotten in a few good, deep sucks before I felt his cock swell in my mouth just before he shot so much spunk that I almost choked trying to swallow it all! I drained him dry and kinda sat up to look at him, trying not to laugh at the dazed and surprised look on his face. He blinked and said, "You're that kind of guy? Why didn't you tell me?"

    "I dunno," I said with a shrug. "I needed to be sure that this was going to be the right thing for you."

    He nodded and went back to sucking me until I could feel myself on the edge and I gave him "the warning" that I was about to cum to give him a chance to avoid it; it's really an acquired taste as you may have heard. But I wasn't surprised that he didn't stop and I exploded into his mouth and while he had some expected "trouble" swallowing it, he stuck with it until I went soft in his mouth.

    "That was amazing," he said. "It was everything I hoped it would be!"

    "I'm glad that it was," I said truthfully. "What do you want to do now?"

    "Can you, um, will you fuck me?" he asked. Okay, didn't see that one coming either and, no I don't know why I didn't because I should have.

    "I could... but it's not as simple as you might think and if you've heard that it hurts, well, it does," I said - it was just right and fair to tell him the truth.

    "I don't care," he said with determination. "What do I have to do to get ready for this?"

    After a trip to the bathroom, we were back in bed; he sucked me into hardness and I lubed us both up and explained to him that at any time, he could stop this.

    "I need this," he said, lying on his stomach and, I guess, instinctively raising his butt up a little.

    "Okay... here goes," I said, mounting him and pressing my knob against his hole. I pushed just a little... and was surprised when I went into him right down to the bone and without any resistance. He gasped - we both did - and while I was expecting him to pause to get adjusted, I was the one who needed to pause as he began to move beneath me as if he'd been getting fucked in the ass all along.

    "God, this feels so good," he said as I fucked him. "Cum inside me, please?"

    I heard his request and I felt my dick "obey" his "command" as it swelled and started pumping inside him - it was amazing feeling him grinding back against me as I finished inside him.

    Once I withdrew, I asked him if he wanted to fuck me and he said, "No, I don't want or need to but if you can, fuck me again?"

    Not sure how I managed to get it up again but after a brief wait, he assumed the classic missionary position and I entered him once more and there was something special about the look I could see in his eyes as I fucked into him. I was lost in my thoughts and the sensations of being in him when he blurted out, "I gotta cum!"

    I raised up and looked between us and, sure enough, he was very erect and shooting a huge amount of spunk all over his upper chest after the first shot hit him in the face. Most impressive and that sight was enough to bring me as well.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. More of the Adult Years - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One highlight of those first couple of years living in that complex was meeting a "brand-new" adult; "Ron" had just turned 19 and he was tall, quite good looking, and just a really great guy. As I got to know him, I learned that his popularity with "da ladies" wasn't what it appeared to be which, frankly, I didn't understand at all but, sometimes, what you see isn't always what's really going on and we'd gotten to know each other well enough for him to talk to me about why girls were always putting him in the friend zone and why they liked him a lot... but not enough to want to be intimate with him as much as they may have been hinting.

    One day, he was teaching me how to pop-lock and I was eager to learn because it looked so cool and Ron was very good at it, his long, tall and lanky frame perfect for this new dance craze. After an hour or so of my hilarious attempts to duplicate his movements, we stopped to rest and, out of the blue, he asked, "Hey, do you know of any guys who, um, like guys?"

    Okay, didn't see that coming at all so I asked him why he was asking - even though I had already suspected why he was - and he confirmed that given his lack of success with women, there had to be another way he could have sex and that his thoughts almost immediately turned to guys and because he knew that there were guys who liked having sex with other guys. I'd asked him that if he could, tell me why he wanted to go there and I spent the next hour listening to him pour out his heart, explaining his need and desires while doing my best to answer his questions. By the time he finished talking, I really and truly felt sorry for him and I knew that all I had to do was tell him that I was the kind of guy he was now looking for and I could have him and easily so.

    And I didn't... and I can't tell you why I didn't but it was a moot point because, after a few moments of reflection on his part, he said, "Would it offend you if I told you I want to suck your dick? If it does, I'll understand."

    "Why do you wanna to that?" I asked.

    "Because I think I can trust you and like you said, if I decide to do this, I should do it with someone I trust... and there's nobody else I trust more than you," he said and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was very serious.

    "And if I say yes?" I asked - and unnecessarily so because I had already made up my mind to let him blow me if he really wanted to.

    "It would help me more than you know," he said.

    "Okay, let's do this," I said.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. More of the Adult Years - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One of the advantages of being bi and in an open marriage was that I wasn't limited to interactions with women so being able to pick and choose the dicks I wanted to play with was a plus and while running into women who'd believe that I really did have permission to screw them wasn't easy - at times, I had to get them to call my wife and have that confirmed - there were still plenty of guys flying under the radar who weren't opposed to sucking dick (at the least).

    HIV/AIDS was spreading like a wildfire so it became a great necessity to be extremely careful and it was clear that this new threat was shutting guys down hard. Still, the key to avoiding contracting this deadly disease was to take the time to know the guy and I mean as thoroughly as humanly possible. That the "supply" of available cocks dropped drastically at this time, as I mentioned, there were still plenty of safe guys and, interestingly, lots of new guys looking to have their first experience with cock.

    Thanks to my, um, hedonistic childhood, I was used to "doing it" with a guy having his first time doing it but I was learning that when the other guy was as old as you were (and sometimes younger and even older), assuring them that what they wanted to do wasn't as bad as they'd been made to believe wasn't always so easy. There were still periods of "boys being boys;" I remember a lot of days around the apartment complex we lived in and hanging out with the other guys, talking, gossiping, drinking, etc., and I'd have the sense that some of those guys would rather be doing something else other than just hanging out and talking and it was "weird" to see the same thing I used to see in my younger days happening but with the big difference that, back then, one of us would put doing it on the table pretty quickly... but these guys? Oh, they wanted to and I had early on identified the guys I thought would be down for it but for me, it was a wait and see kind of thing and more so when those guys would get sloshed, their inhibitions would get wiped out, and I could get a glimpse of their real self.

    They say that you should never shit where you eat and there's some sense in this rather crude and gross saying but I found that, nah, when it came to some of those guys, doing what they needed to do was much more important and as evidenced by the fact that in my first couple of years living there, I'd been with almost all of those guys; some were rookies and looking to find out what the big deal was, some were as experienced as I was but, out of necessity, were expert at hiding it from everyone else.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Still searching

    [COLOR=#666666][FONT=Tahoma]So I just have alot on my mind and i'm sure a lot of people probably wont read this post but I just need to get some things down in writing. [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#666666][FONT=Tahoma]
    [COLOR=#666666][FONT=Tahoma]So my fiance and I joined this site in search of a sister wife or more of a triad relationship. It seems like alot of people on here aren't serious about what they're looking for or message you once then you never hear from them again. We aren't here for a hook up or that "unicorn" We are very serious about our search for someone who will be long term. Part of our life forever. But where do we look? Should we just give up? We have been searching everywhere for quite some time and are getting a little frustrated.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#666666][FONT=Tahoma]Are there no girls out there that actually want to live the lifestyle we want? Are there no girls out there that are as serious as we are? We have so much love to share but can't find that "one" who wants what we do. It seems as though finding someone to share your life with is harder than we had planned. Everyone tells us to be patient but for how long? We have been looking for almost 2 years now with not really anyone that is serious.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#666666][FONT=Tahoma]Does anyone have any advice or some suggestions on what we should do?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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