
All Blog Entries

  1. Oh, Wow! - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The next morning, wow, it was very weird because once the three of us got up, washed and dressed, and headed for breakfast, if I hadn't seen what I saw, I wouldn't have believed that those two had been fucking; they both acted like nothing had happened overnight and, well, that made sense once I thought about it. They were both so totally cool about it that I felt a little jealous again but I really didn't understand why.

    We got sent outside and I couldn't wait to see if my friend was going to say anything about last night and to my surprise, he didn't say anything! Oh, man - I wanted so very much to tell him that I saw everything they did - and I almost did but thought that he might tell me. But he never did and I never mentioned that I saw them doing it to each other. Shit, after what I'd seen? I wanted to do it with him so bad it wasn't funny but I couldn't bring myself to ask him if he'd want to - and I still don't know why I never asked him. Just the same, I found myself looking at my friend in a very different way; I couldn't understand why he never wanted to do it with any of us, why he would just up and leave when we'd start to do it when, clearly, he was no stranger to doing it with boys.

    I thought - knew, really - that it was a big secret even though I knew of a lot of brothers in the neighborhood who were doing it to each other - but you just never talked about it. I just thought that he didn't want any of the rest of us to know he liked to do it with boys and that he was doing it with his brother... and it "killed" me to be running around with him for the rest of the day, knowing what he'd done and he was still acting like nothing had happened.

    It was so sensual. So erotic to have watched them really make love instead of fucking each other silly and like most of us would do with each other. I'd seen guys sucking dick before... but these two? It made me realize how beautiful it could be to watch guys suck dick, something I'd never thought of before last night. Neither of them had been in a hurry and the word "tender" kept sticking in my mind, even after my friend and I parted ways and I went home, still hot and bothered, and still confused about why my friend never wanted to do it with any of the rest of us.

    I couldn't see him or his brother and look at either of them the same way again. I knew their secret and as badly as I wanted to tell the other fellas, I never did. But I always wondered if they really knew I was awake... or they really believed I was asleep. I never found out either way and more so when, a few weeks later and after I'd come back from summer camp, I got surprised to find out that we had moved out of the neighborhood I'd grown up in and was now living in the projects and on the other side of town.

    And I've never seen two guys having sex in such a beautiful, loving way again.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Oh, Wow! - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As they kissed, wow, I was surprised that they couldn't hear the way I was breathing; my heart was trying to bust out of my chest and, for a moment, I thought that they both really knew I'd been awake the whole time and they just didn't care that I was and was even putting on a show for me. My friend went back down on his brother, sucking his dick until the older brother was good and hard - then lifted his brother's legs nice and high, got between them, and started working his dick into big brother's butt... no spit, no Vaseline, nothing at all. Wow... how could they do that?

    The older brother grunted a little, then wrapped his legs around his sibling... and more very slow - and loving? - fucking started. My dick felt like an iron rod watching it all and I found that I could move my head just enough to see my friend's dick going in and out of his brother's butt as they kept kissing, clinging to each other, softly moaning and all that.

    Again, it felt like forever to me but I heard my friend cuss softly and say he was gonna do it; his brother said, just as softly, "Shoot it in me... shoot all of it in me..." and I guess that's what my friend did and I didn't think I'd ever seen two guys having sex and it wasn't like a fire drill of motion. Finally, my friend pulled out, they both went back to the bathroom and finally they both settled down and immediately went to sleep.

    Leaving me lying there, dick painfully hard, and marveling at what I'd just witnessed. As I struggled to go to sleep, I was thinking about all the times me and some guy would do it to each other - and the many times I'd watched guys doing it to each other - and it wasn't even close to looking like the way these two did it to each other. I was amazed... and totally pissed off to have been left out and, still being pissed, I finally managed to go to sleep for real.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Oh, Wow! - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The older brother sat up, licking his lips before leaning up to plant yet another kiss on my friend's lips and as he kissed him, the other brother started to get between my friend's legs, which he had opened without any prompting. I thought that they had a routine, a thing they always did when they did it to each other and it was a thing of beauty to watch, to see them locked into a deep kiss as the other brother just pushed his dick into my friend's ass - and without any spit or Vaseline being used.

    Oh, wow! I heard my friend groan in his brother's mouth as he entered him and, oh, shit - that really good feeling hit me as I watched this and I almost groaned out loud as my dick started pumping - I was shooting my stuff "all by myself" and something that had never happened before.

    The older brother was fucking my friend like they had all night and they were the only ones in the bed... and I was suddenly very jealous of my friend, watching him clinging to his brother, his legs now wrapped around his brother's waist... and his brother slowly - and, dare I say, lovingly - fucked him.

    Yeah... they were old hands at this; neither of them really made a sound and I thought, as I felt my dick getting hard again, that if I could barely hear them lying so close to them, there was no way their parents would hear them and then come investigating. I could barely hear my friend muttering, "Oh, yeah... do it to me... feels so good..." and barely heard the older brother kinda laughing softly as he slowly fucked his brother.

    After what felt, to me, like forever, I heard the older brother say, "Here it comes..." and it was obvious that he was now shooting his stuff into his brother; he was still very slowly fucking him but my friend was now squirming and trying to fuck back against his brother and my brain almost exploded to imagine what he was feeling... and my dick started spurting again without me even touching myself.

    The older brother pulled out and I thought they were done... but I heard the older brother whisper, "You go first, then I'll go, okay?" I felt my friend move and I shut my eyes just enough to barely see the two of them moving. My friend eased out of the bed and left the room - going to the bathroom. I heard water running, then it stopped; my friend came back in and his brother left the room to clean up. While the older brother was in the bathroom, um, my friend was talking to himself and, at first, I thought he was talking to me because he knew I was really awake! He was saying how good it felt to be fucked, that he couldn't wait to fuck his brother and to suck his dick again... and I still thought he was talking to me even though he had, once again, checked to see if I was still asleep. And, yeah, I was hoping that he really was talking to me and knew I was awake... and hoping he was gonna ask me if I wanted to do it with them.

    But he didn't. The older brother returned and, I guess, being suspicious, actually poked me pretty hard with a finger and it was all I could do to not react to it. He grunted to himself, assured that I was still out like a light, went back to his side of the bed, laid on his back and pulled his brother to him so they could kiss again.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Oh, Wow! - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"Come on... let's do this," the older brother whispered. I felt the bed moving, heard the sound of underwear being removed and I used their movement to turn over toward them, fighting to keep my eyes closed and keep faking being asleep. When I moved, it got their attention - I could feel my friend hovering over me, his face so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my face; then he said, "He's still asleep - he just turned over."

    The older brother muttered something then I felt the covers being shifted; I opened one eye just in time to see the brothers embrace each other... and they started kissing! I could see that both of them were already hard - they both had really nice dicks, to be honest - and their kissing, with lots of tongue involved (by the sound of it) was getting my own dick very hard. It was really the first time I'd seen two guys kiss and it was both weird-looking and very sensual (not the word I was thinking of at that moment).

    Obviously, they had done this before and more than once or twice; they kissed and explored each other's body with a familiarity I knew well and the biggest shock to me was I didn't know my friend - or his brother - was into this; my friend was that one guy who, when the rest of us decided to do it to each other, would leave us to it. What didn't really surprise me so much that the brothers were doing it; it just seemed quite normal for brothers to do it to each other but, again, I didn't know about these two.

    I laid there, both eyes open now, and watched my friend slide down and start sucking his brother's dick and it was so... tender and loving, to put it in an adult way. No urgency and it was like I wasn't even in the bed with them as my friend sucked his brother's dick for quite some time before I heard the older brother whisper, "My turn to suck you..."

    My friend laid back and his brother gave him a very deep kiss - then swooped down on his brother's dick, taking it all into his mouth in one gulp... and I shivered despite myself and had to bite my tongue to keep from groaning. At one point, my friend actually turned his head in my direction and looked at me... but I thought that he really didn't see me given how his brother was working his dick over. After maybe a couple of minutes, I heard my friend whisper, "Oh, shit... I'm gonna do it!" I groaned to myself to see my friend's body stiffen, heard a little groan escape from his lips, and watched with a lot of envy as the older brother swallowed my friend's spunk - and spunk I didn't know he was able to shoot.

    Oh, wow![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Oh, Wow! - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]After dinner, my friend's parents decided were in for the night and told us to go find something to do until bedtime so he broke out his Monopoly game, bragging about how good he was and it made me laugh because, a few weeks earlier, the local YMCA had held a Monopoly contest... and I had a nice shiny trophy sitting in my room that declared me a Monopoly champ... and he didn't even make the top three.

    We'd played three games - I cleaned him out quickly and easily - before his parent commanded us to get ready for bed and I enjoyed him "complaining" that I cheated and how mean I was to take all of his money but it was all in good fun. We finish getting ready for bed and, typical for the times and our neighborhood, there was only one big bed that he shared with his brother, who had, himself, gotten ready for bed and was already in it... and still looking unhappy. We spent maybe a half an hour talking among ourselves before we were told to turn the light out and take our asses to sleep, which we didn't do until we got rearranged in the bed; the older brother to my right, his brother in the middle, and me on the left side.

    None of us were really asleep yet; there was the "usual" tossing and turning to get more settled but, eventually, I started to drift off when I heard the older brother ask, "Is he asleep?"

    I could feel my friend hovering over me and looking at me; I started to open my eyes... but something told me not to and after a few seconds, my friend said, "Yeah - he's out like a light!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Oh, Wow! - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One of the hottest, sexiest, boy/boy things I've ever seen was one I wasn't involved in. I'd been hanging out with one of the guys after school, just talking, and he got the brilliant idea that I should spend the night with him. I thought it was a good idea so we both ran home to get permission, parents talked, we were good to go. I'd packed some stuff, dropped it at his house, and the two of us went back outside...

    Where we ran into his brother, who was almost two years older than the two of us. The brothers are talking, my friend lets his brother know I'll be spending the night... and he didn't seem happy to hear that. Now we knew each other but didn't interact all that much - so why was he now "arguing" with his brother? I didn't know but after watching them have a kinda heated conversation for a couple of minutes, the older brother threw up his hands, poked a finger into his younger brother's chest and said something I couldn't hear - but had his brother nodding.

    "What was that about?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

    "Nothing," he replied. "He was just reminding me of something I forgot - no big deal."

    I knew he was lying but, okay - if he didn't want to tell me, he didn't have to and since I never had a beef with his brother, I wasn't worried about anything. We kinda roamed the neighborhood aimlessly until we got called in for dinner.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I finished testing my new DSL installation and, at one point, I looked out the big picture window and saw my neighbor back in his yard and cutting his grass. I guess he could "feel" me looking at him because he looked in my direction, smiled, waved, and kept mowing his lawn. I waved back and went about the rest of my day and with the thought in mind to regain my strength and all that because in about an hour, our live-in girlfriend - my second "wife" - would be home from work... and I knew she would want to be eaten and fucked.

    What a day.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"What... what are you doing?" he managed to ask as I continued to gently suck his cock, avoiding the head. I didn't stop to answer him but I gave him a look that said, "What does it look like I'm doing?" Then I reached over to him, palmed the back of his head, and guided him back to sucking my dick.

    You wanna be a nosey neighbor? Okay - you're gonna wish you had minded your own damned business! He's sucking me and, admittedly, he wasn't really doing a good job of it but I understood his dilemma since I was still sucking his dick even though he had already busted. It took a tiny bit of time but I could feel him getting hard again and kept working at him while pretty much fucking his mouth; I could tell he was in no shape to keep sucking me, knew he had surrendered to what I was still doing to him because all he could do was lie there and get his dick sucked and his mouth fucked.

    I was actually surprised when he came again and as I swallowed down another load of his spunk, I finally came myself and I felt that he was swallowing more out of self-defense than a deliberate act, if you know what I mean. It was glorious to feel his cock pumping in my mouth even as my own dick was pumping into his.

    We let each other go and I sat up to look at him - and the evil part of me was laughing like a maniac to see him so totally and completely trashed - but I did ask him, "Are you okay?"

    "Shit..., holy shit," he managed to say. "Holy shit. Yeah, I'm okay, I think. Damn, you're a cock sucking animal!"

    "Yeah, I've been told that," I said, cupping his balls and feeling his body tense up for a moment because, I guess, he thought I was going to go back down on him - and I was seriously considering it.

    "Fuck me...," he said - and I couldn't help it; I asked him, "Is that an invitation?"

    His eyes got dinner plate wide and the evil inside me started laughing again - but I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get it up and fuck him even if he said it was okay to fuck him.

    "Next time," he said. "And, I think, there is gonna be a next time. Holy shit... I've never had anyone do that to me before!"

    "Hmm, okay, well, if you wanna do this again, you know where to find me," I said, getting off the bed and looking for my clothes. He got dressed and left - boy, was he having a hard time walking or what? - and I went back to my desk to ponder the events of the day... and why shit like this seemed to keep happening to me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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