
All Blog Entries

  1. The Worst of Times - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I grew up learning those lessons and experiencing the worst of times. I try not to think about the many times some guy has been ramming his cock down my throat or slamming it into my ass so hard that I'm about to throw up or otherwise feel like I'm being mugged. It was sickening to have to listen to what a guy really thought about you because you thought it would be great to have sex with him... then you find out that you're just being the girl he thought you were and you mean nothing more to him than a means to a creamy end. Or finding out that your need and desire for him to take it easy when he sticks it in gets summarily ignored.

    How many times have I laid under a guy and kicking my own ass for thinking that having him in my ass was what I really wanted and needed and finding myself literally praying for him to hurry up and cum - and then praying some more that he wouldn't want to do it again? Too many times and, really, once is - and can be - one time too many. I can still remember the first time I fell for a guy's bullshit and the sex wasn't even close to what had be promised; you wanna talk about feeling used and so dirty no amount of soap and water will ever get you clean? And then more so when the guy who just dumped a load of sperm in your ass doesn't even bother to "apologize" for things - and as they might put it - getting out of hand and promises of a good time didn't even show up? Or the shame and ugliness that can be felt and bring you to silent tears as a guy has a vice-grip on your head and fucking his cock hard and deep into your mouth and throat - and telling you to be a good little girl or bitch and suck his dick... and because he's a man... and he says you aren't even close to being a man, you little faggot.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. The Worst of Times - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]If nothing else, experience not only teaches you what's good about something, you also get exposed to what isn't good about something. While most of my sexual experiences with men were good, some of them were not so good. I've always said that when a guy embraces bisexuality, he will eventually learn pretty much everything women know about being involved with men and especially what women just do not like about us.

    You can't begin to understand how miserable and ugly it feels to have a guy have sex with you and not really give a flying fuck about whether or not you're enjoying it and I, like a lot of guys, found out the hard way what it feels like to be treated as and only like a piece of ass. Or what it's like to be subjected to all of the lies and other bullshit that, sadly, men have subjected women to just to be able to deposit sperm inside of them. Many guys find out that sometimes, being subjected to a man's lust isn't as much fun at one might think - and I know a lot of guys, and including myself, who changed the way they interacted with women because we learned - and usually the hard way - that we didn't like guys doing to us... and what some of us were doing to women.

    You get to find out what it's like to be prey when you notice a guy looking at you and with a look you recognize... because you look at women the same way... and it makes you very uncomfortable and, if nothing else, you get to understand why women can't stand it when a guy undresses her with his eyes and is looking at her like she'd be good to eat - and literally so in this context... and even more so when having sex isn't even running around in your head.

    That "I won't cum in your mouth if you suck my dick" thing? You really can't understand this until you have a guy tell you that and swear to God that he won't do that... and you wind up with a mouthful of sperm. Or he tells you that he doesn't want to fuck you and isn't going to... and the next thing you know, he's trying to shove his dick in your ass. And then, if things couldn't get any worse, you find out why some women just kinda lie there and take being dicked down because while one can demand an immediate withdrawal, it's not worth the hassle and bullshit that's gonna show up: It's just "easier" to take the dick and fervently wish that he'd hurry up and cum and leave you the fuck alone, now and forever.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Bisexual Men Needed!

    [SIZE=3]Hi! I'm a broke college kid and am desperate for some bisexual folks to fill out a survey for some research I'm doing at the University of Michigan (we're just researching gender differences in sexual experience). Bisexual men's voices are highly underrepresented in general research, so anything you feel like contributing would be hugely appreciated! It's all 100% anonymous, of course, and feel free to share!

  4. "Seduced" - Part IX

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It was, hands down, the best sexual experience I had ever had. I knew it was wrong and immoral... and I knew that I really didn't care that it was; did that mean there was something wrong with me that none of this bothered me as much as it should have?

    It took me a lot of years to come to the conclusion that, nope - there wasn't really something wrong with me because I had, a long time ago, realized and understood that sex - even like this - happens even when it's not supposed to. They were both so very kind and to this day, I do not think ill of them at all.

    Many years later and when my now-wife and I were in the process of opening our marriage, we required each other to put all of our sexual secrets on the table and to not leave anything out so I had to tell her about my summer job with them and, oh, yeah, she was miffed because, technically, I had "cheated" on her but that kinda balanced out because she was "cheating" on me with another girl and before I even took that summer job. Once we got all of that out and into the open, we agreed that the past was the past and couldn't be changed and now it was about moving forward and doing our best to make this open marriage thing work.

    I never forgot them and I was very sad when I read of their deaths years later; him by a heart attack and she died a couple of years later from breast cancer.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. "Seduced" - Part VIII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I had to hustle to get the yardwork finished before it started getting dark but I got it done and being in the car with her as she took me home was... interesting. She had actually said that she felt like a pervert for wanting to have sex with a youngster but she couldn't help it... and I told her the same thing I told her husband: It's only a problem if someone thinks it is and I didn't think it was and I sure as hell wasn't complaining.

    The following weekend... was strange and I'm understating it. He had come to pick me up as usual but there was something different about him and I couldn't put a finger on what that might be. He was being a little mysterious; he was telling me that there was a special project he wanted us to work on - but he wouldn't say what that was and I honestly stopped trying to think about it.

    We get there and I go to get the mower when he says that it can wait until we get done with the special project. I shrug because, after all, he is the boss and I follow him inside and get surprised when, instead of going to the kitchen, we went right upstairs! Being the smart guy I was, I instantly figured out what the special project was and had my suspicions confirmed when I walked in the bedroom and saw his wife on the bed and very naked.

    "She told me," he said to me and as he started to undress. "To be honest, I guess I shouldn't be surprised about any of it and I really thought I was being careful to not let her know what were doing... but I should have known that there was a chance she'd see us. I'm not even surprised that she asked you to fuck her and I'm okay with knowing that you did."

    My mouth was hanging open; I was so stunned that I couldn't say anything and I just stood there when his wife got off the bed and started undressing me. I couldn't believe that this was happening and I really couldn't tell you why I couldn't believe it. Having sex with him? Old news for me. Having sex with her? I'd done it to older girls and there was that one time me and my friend screwed his drunk mom but this was very, very different.

    "You can say no, sweetie," she said to me and her husband nodded his agreement with that. Common sense - what little I had - was telling me to say no but there they were, sitting on the bed naked and waiting for me to say something and well, I didn't say no. Not because I was horny (and I was very horny) but because I really did trust them.

    The yard didn't get done that day. I can admit, now, that I felt like a little slut being in bed with both of them and I did feel kinda guilty about it... after I had time to think about it once I got back home. Was this really a problem and a very big one? We were both fucking her and dumping lots of sperm inside her and I was seriously worried about her getting pregnant... and I could be the father. My mother, I thought and knew, would kill the shit out of me if something happened and she found out about this - and that scared me more than I was about having sex with both of them.

    And for the life of me, I didn't want it to stop even when I had no reason to think it would happen again. The whole thing troubled me during the following week and I honestly didn't think about it again until he showed up on time to pick me up.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "Seduced" - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was back as promised the following summer and there was a lot of work to be done and work that I thought he deliberately left undone during the spring and for obvious reasons. I didn't mind or care because, if nothing else, he paid very well and maybe too well and I thought he was dealing with some guilt issues that had him paying me more than the usual going rate.

    One day he called me to tell me that he had to go out of town but his wife was going to pick up me for the usual yard and house work and I said it was okay (and my mom did, too). She picked me up at the time he would pick me up and she was such a bubbly and friendly person. She was telling me how glad she was that I came back to work for them and how she was telling her husband how good of a worker I was and other stuff like that. I thanked her and honestly told her how much I appreciated being able to work for them and to be able to keep making my own money.

    We arrive and I get right to work, moving around the property with a comfortable and familiar ease. Lunch time came and I was seriously looking forward to her famous sandwiches and lemonade. She called me in and, as per my habit, I went to the downstairs powder room to wash some of the yuckiness off of me and when I was done, I walked out of the door...

    And smack dab into her! I apologized for running into her - then realized that she was naked! Holy shit! She waved off my apology and said, "I know you and my husband have been having sex... and if you're smart, you'll have sex with me."

    "Is that a threat?" I asked.

    "No, it isn't," she said. "You don't have to if you don't want to - I'm really just hoping that you want to. I'll be honest - I've wanted to have sex with you ever since I saw the two of you having sex in the garage a few times."

    A cold chill ran through me to hear that. She wasn't threatening me or putting any pressure on me but I also knew that if she wanted to cause some trouble, she could. I shook that thought out of my head and looked at her nakedness and she was gorgeous with nice tits and a pussy covered with dark, thick hair. So I said the only thing that could be said: "Do you wanna do it right here or somewhere else?"

    "Come with me," she said and led me upstairs to their bedroom. Once inside, she started undressing me and I kinda stood there watching her do it and saw her eyes get big when she took my underwear off and exposed my erection.

    "Damn," she said. "Your cock is bigger than my husband's!"

    "He mentioned that," I said and I couldn't help from blushing. We got onto the bed and I had to laugh when she asked if I knew how to kiss a woman "down there."

    I showed her that I did, indeed, know how to do that... and she tasted so good! I could feel her clit twitching in my mouth a lot and I knew that it was twitching because she was having orgasms so I just kept going until she said, "Stop! Stop! Put it in me and fuck me!"

    I almost hurt myself scrambling between her legs; I slid easily into her and I heard her gasp and I did, too; her pussy felt way better than any of the girls I'd been fucking including my girlfriend's. We were both very much into it and I kept looking down between us to see my dick going in and out of her - and she was looking, too. I was about to cum and might have said something about it - maybe. I heard her say, "Wait..." but it was too late; I felt like someone had whacked me with a baseball bat and the only thing I was aware of was my dick pumping away inside of her.

    When I pulled out and laid down next to her, she said, "Damn it, I forget to put a rubber on you!"

    It actually took me a moment to process what she had said - and my eyes got really big and I was a little scared because, shit - I could have gotten her pregnant. In a way, that didn't bother me since, um, the year before, I'd gotten my girlfriend pregnant and she gave us a son. But, yeah, I could see why she would be worried. But as I pondered this, she kissed me gently and said, "Don't worry about it..." then leaned over me to start sucking my dick.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "Seduced" - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We get our stuff together and he says, "We need to talk."

    "About what?" I asked.

    "I'm not a child molester," he said.

    "I know you aren't," I said. "If you were, I wouldn't be working for you. I'm not complaining so I don't understand why you're so concerned about this."

    "You're wise beyond your years," he said.

    "I hear that a lot," I said. "I understand it." I then told him about my first time with having sex with a man - and a grownup - a whole six years or so earlier and he was shocked.

    "I don't know what to say," he said.

    "There's nothing to say," I said with a shrug. "I believe that it's only a problem if either of us sees it as a problem and I don't see it as a problem - and you shouldn't either."

    I don't know if he came to terms with our conversation and as much as he appeared to but he had to be okay with it because over the remaining weeks of the summer, we spent every moment we could having sex and including me fucking him. He had said that he had never been fucked before... but he trusted me and that meant a lot to me. Summer was over and I had agreed to come back and work for him the following summer.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "Seduced" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It was at that point when we both realized that he'd broken the zipper on my shorts and he apologized and said he'd replace them; his legs were still kinda shaky as he went to get a big safety pin - and just as his wife was coming through the front door. I heard him ask her where she kept the safety pins and told her that I had busted the zipper on my pants and a moment or two later, I was pinning my fly back together so I could go out and help him get the new mower out, set up, and running: I still had a lot of yard to cut and it was getting late. When he took me home, we really didn't talk about what had happened; he just said, "We're going to have a great time working with each other..."

    The next weekend, I got to feel his cock in my ass and I was both amused and kinda miffed because he was so worried about hurting me or doing some damage and I had to tell him that not only was it not my first time being fucked but I'd had bigger dicks than his in my ass - so, please, hurry up and stick it in me. It was... surreal to be in the garage and assuming the position against the now-cleared workbench and feeling him plunging his dick in and out of me and it felt so good and especially when he started shooting his spunk in me. He pulled out and spun me around so he could suck my dick until I cut loose in his mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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