
All Blog Entries

  1. "Damn, That's Big!" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]You just gotta know your limits and I've had enough dicks in my ass that I know those limits very well and the bigger the dick, the more I'd rather not have my asshole ripped apart. I've had guys who were ridiculously fat and thick and, honestly, those are the guys who worry me the most and when they've tried to get it in me and my hole has reached its limits, I will tell him to stop... and he had better stop. If he's got some of it in, I will tell him to not even think about trying to get more in me and, thankfully, none of those stupidly thick guys have tried to.

    "Just fuck me with whatever you have in me - that'll be fine." I learned not to care a whole lot if all a guy can get inside me is the head of his dick. He might not be... happy about that but this is my asshole and I know what it can handle better than anyone. There was this one guy who wanted to fist me and insisted that if he did, that would be better than any sized dick... and I told him that if he tried it, he was gonna wake up in the emergency room. A couple of fingers? No biggie. Long, fat dick? Okay - just take it easy getting in there. Want to shove your fist in my ass up to your elbow? Not ever gonna happen. There's always been that thin line between pleasure and pain and sometimes the pain can be... delicious but, if it's all the same to you, let's make sure it doesn't get to be that painful because, yeah - I know what that feels like, too, and I don't like it one bit.

    Saw a porn clip the other day and a kinda skinny guy was in position to be fucked... and the guy who was sliding between his cheeks even had me saying, "Damn, that's big!" Train wreck time: I sat and watched his guy with a long and stupidly fat dick start shoving that motherfucker in the other guy's ass; the guy taking the dick had his face buried in a pillow and had two hands full of the sheets and mattress as, inch by inch, that big, long, fat dick got shoved into his ass. The guy did the porn thing: He pulled out so the camera could see how widely gaped the skinny guy's hole was and, yeah - an average-sized dick would have gotten lost in that gap. My own butthole twitched in both memory and sympathy for what that guy had to be feeling.

    As fascinating as that was to see happening, what got my attention even more was how the guy with the phone pole fully buried in his ass was reacting to having a phone pole up his ass... and his body language said he wasn't having any fun at all. I've had guys like that in my ass, too, and even I've wondered just how in the hell he got all of that in me... but then again, I know why since I know how stretchable an asshole can be.

    If something really big can come out of there, something really big can go in there... but the reality is that the dick doesn't have to be all that big or thick to be pleasurable... it's just that a lot of people are of a mind that it has to be or it's not going to feel good. I've had more fun and pleasure having a guy with a mere 5" inches in my ass than I have with someone way bigger being in there... but the reality says that a guy's dick is what it is; it's what he was born with so that's that. Now it's just a matter of whether or not one can find pleasure in being fucked and no matter how big or fat the dick is... and I've heard of and seen guys get their asses ripped and torn so, nah, let's not get into any of that: I don't want or need to be fucked [I]that[/I]​ badly so just get the head in there and cum in me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. "Damn, That's Big!" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I know I've probably hurt a lot of guys' feelings when they'd crow about how big their dick is and my reaction would be more ho-hum than anything else or I'd say that I've had bigger dicks and especially when I've honestly told them, "I'm not impressed..." or "Size means nothing - bigger ain't always better."

    In negotiating with guys for some action, jeez, I get so tired of hearing guy apologizing for not having a big dick and thinking that they're gonna be rejected because they don't have to strap their cock to their body somewhere to keep from tripping over it or impeding the way they walk and move. I say that when a guy gets into having sex with men, they will learn a lot of shit that women do and women will tell you that it's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean... and they're right about that. I can't even begin to count how many women I've heard losing their minds over really big dicks and, after it was in them, turned right around and said that it hurt them more than it made them feel good.

    I've run across many guys with huge cocks and, yeah, okay - that's gonna be challenging to deal with but I know that I can deal with it... because I've had bigger and learned to not try to do more than I'm able to do, whether I'm sucking it or homey is back there trying to squeeze it in my ass - and I will tell a guy quick, fast, and in a hurry to take it easy and, yes: I have handed out quite a few bloody noses and split lips to those guys who felt they didn't have to do as I asked them to.

    Sure... it's a matter of both pride and ego to be able to say that you can handle big dicks but as I've said and learned, the size of the dick doesn't really matter... but how its owner uses it always matters. My protege will send me a pic of a guy whose cock is literally down to his knees... and it's soft; he'll ask me, "Can you imagine all of that dick going in your ass?"

    And I'll say, "Been there, done that, know what that feels like..." It's not bragging - just a matter of fact and, yeah... that's a seriously interesting feeling to have so much dick in your ass and feeling the other guy's belly against your backside. It feels good and not so much but, yeah - it's in there. I might even be lying there and filled up with that huge cock and find myself wishing he'd hurry up and cum... but he got it in there for me to be thinking like this in the first place and the most important part of this is that once he got hard, I could have said, "Nope - not putting that in my ass..." and sometimes I've said exactly that, not because I don't think I can take it but because I don't wanna be bothered with trying to take it; being fucked is supposed to be pleasurable and not one of those things where too much discomfort has you thinking more about how uncomfortable you than you are thinking about how good it feels to be fucked.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. "Damn, That's Big!" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My protege, who lives out on the West Coast, sent me a pic of a guy who had checked him out on one of his apps and that guy had sent him a dick pic and, yeah, it was pretty big. He had me laughing to myself when he said that he'd have to tell that guy no and that he wasn't getting anywhere near a dick that big. Of course, I know why he said what he did because he still tends to think that if a guy with a big dick sends him a pic, that means the guy wants to fuck him and I have a bit of a time trying to get him to understand that it doesn't always mean that.

    I told him that if the guy said that he wanted to put that big dick in his ass, he could handle it just fine and he came back with, "Why would I want to?" I think that for a moment he forgot that the first guy who fucked him had a whopping nine inches of dick and had gotten most of it in his formerly virgin ass. Making it even funnier for me was that just the night before, he was flip-flopping with one of his regulars and while the guy didn't have what I'd call a big dick, it was big enough. I answered his question like this: You'd want to because you'd want him to stick it in you and cum deep inside of you; you're quite a bit macho (he's a former jock-type of guy) so you'd accept the challenge it presents and do it just to prove to yourself that you could take a big dick in your ass and you'd feel like a wimp if you didn't try to take it. I even said that doing so would give him bragging rights so that the next time a guy with a big dick was trying to impress him with it, he could say, "I've had bigger..."

    And I told him, "You know you can always tell him to be gentle, right?"

    He agreed with me. Of course, he asked me if I would let the owner of that dick fill my ass with it and I said that I would... and that I've had bigger. I reminded him that when you're nine and there's what would be an average-sized adult cock in your face, wow, it looks impossibly big. And when you get to the point where one of those adult-sized dicks can find its way into your ass and without causing any damage, eh, you tend to not be impressed by big dicks at all. Yeah... it might hurt like a motherfucker going in and be uncomfortable after it gets in but it's in there.

    I also reminded him that I had a gigantic 13" dick buried in my ass before... so that guy in the pic? No sweat at all and the only real consideration is whether or not the guy with the big dick uses it more like a weapon than the instrument of pleasure its supposed to be... and in my experiences, some guys with really big dicks tend to use them more like weapons and, I guess, because they think that's what they're supposed to and that anyone on the other end of that dick wants to get "brutalized" with it.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. One Night - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The morning finds me up, dressed, and roaming around outside and I'm deep in thought; I just can't get that question he asked me out of my head. I run into one of the guys in this "new" neighborhood who likes to do it and as he walks over to me, yeah - I know what he's gonna say and ask me and I'm okay with it. We'll go to one of the few spots in this neighborhood where we can do it without being seen - and provided there isn't someone already there but no one is. We waste little time getting our dicks out and I'm recalling that this guy likes to suck and be sucked... but he doesn't like to fuck; he'd rather be fucked and I'm okay with it but, nah, not really; it's been difficult for me to get used to guys not wanting to fuck me but I'm trying my best to cope with it.

    He's sucking my dick and I can't help but to compare him to how my brother sucks me. Don't get me wrong - the kid is good but not as good as my brother is. He makes me cum in his mouth and he's making a show out of swallowing my spunk but that doesn't surprise me - this guy's a little more gay than most of the guys in the area. I get on my knees to suck him and I take my time doing it to give myself time to recover and get hard again so I can fuck him in the ass. I get him to cum - hmm, too salty, I think - and I swallow quickly; stand up and take the little jar of Vaseline I know he always carries with him, slather some in his crack and on my dick, which isn't really fully hard but hard enough to get it in him. I stuff it in him and he groans and... giggles; I know he likes it good and hard so that's what I do; I can feel my muscles in my back protesting as I hammer his ass as hard as I can but I also notice that I'm not really enjoying this as much as I would - and have enjoyed it.

    I cum in him - he giggles some more; I pull out, we thank each other, and go about our business, leaving me to think this whole "we can't do this anymore" thing my brother has me still thinking about. He's right - we need to stop but we both know that we can't and I don't understand why we can't. As I continue to roam the 'hood, I'm thinking about this whole sex with other guys thing; maybe it's time to give it up totally and completely? I didn't really have fun doing it to that guy just a little while ago but that's because I was thinking too much about not doing it with my brother again... and knowing that the first chance we get, we will do it again and if we get in trouble, so be it.

    I make a trip home to clean myself up and I find myself sitting in our room and [B]still[/B] thinking about that damned question he asked; I'm still waffling all over the place: Yes, this has to stop. Nah, it's not gonna stop. It really is a very wrong thing to do being both boys and brothers... and it feels so right to do because we're boys and brothers. I hear the door open and close then hear someone coming upstairs and I know who it is without having to get up and look or ask; it's my brother and a shiver works its way through me because, until he came in, there was no one home but me and a glance at my clock tells me that no one else will return home any time soon.

    He walks into our room, sees me sitting there... and smiles before he says, "Hey..."

    And the routine begins anew.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. One Night - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We get untangled and I hear him cuss softly before saying, "I'm sorry... but this shit is too good to not do it..."

    "Yeah, I know," I said because I really do understand the truth of it. Some very short minutes later, he's in me again, slamming his dick into my ass over and over and a bit harder than usual but it's okay; it feels so damned good - but it's always felt so damned good. I know that my dick is soft but I can feel the warmth of it trapped between my belly and the bed; he really slams his dick into me and harder than ever before and a warmth spreads through me and makes me shudder and, oh, wow, I can feel spunk oozing out of my soft dick and I wonder for a very brief moment how that is even possible... but I stop thinking because he's gotten harder, a little thicker... and he's pumping his jizz into me - again.

    How he would ever want to stop doing this is beyond me... but I know why and I don't give a fuck.

    "Damn," I hear him say as he pulls out of me and rolls over; not much Vaseline is needed - just a little swipe for both of us - and my dick is now very hard and instead of just laying down and sticking it in him, I want to watch it going in; I want to see my much bigger dick spreading his hole open and vanishing inside of him. So good. So damned nasty and forbidden. And I don't give a fuck.

    I don't so much as pound him but, yeah, I'm giving him the dick with a purpose. I love this just as much as I sometimes which we had never started doing this. I can hear the squishy sounds; I hear him muttering over and over, "Do it to me, do it to me..." and the next thing I know, I feel like I've been struck by lightning and all I can feel is my dick pumping spunk into my brother's asshole... and like I've done so many times before.

    Again the routine of pulling out and cleaning up; I go first and come back and as I sit on my bed thinking - and again, not for the first time - about how wrong this is but how good it feels, I look at the clock and it's only twenty after two; I blink because it felt like it took "hours" for us to fuck each other again.

    He comes back to bed and slides under his covers and I do the same thing. However, he says, "Nah... we can't stop and I don't think we'll ever stop, do you?"

    "No, I don't think we can or will," I said before my head hits the pillow and I fall instantly asleep and my last conscious thought was that we will do this again tomorrow night or, really, any chance we get to.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. One Night - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It's quiet in the room; I glance at the clock on my table and see that it's just a little past 2am and I choke back a groan because I want to have sex with him again... but he said we should stop and I do agree that we should; I look over at him and he's kinda staring at me and fidgeting on his bed and if I didn't know what he was thinking about before, I know what he's thinking about now because I'm thinking the same damned thing. But I'm still miffed at him and break the silence by saying, "Remember that you said we have to stop..."

    "I know what I said," he said, his somewhat formidable temper rising up. Another long silence and I can feel a very familiar tension in the room.

    "Shit," I hear him say and as he slides off his bed and comes over to mine... and I arrange myself on my bed so he can get into position for us to suck each other's dicks... again. As I close my mouth around his dick and take all of it in, I'm really having mixed feelings about it. Yes... we need to stop before both of us gets into some very serious trouble but I recognize, just as he does, that this is just too good to let go of. I moan to feel his finger probing my hole and I do the same to him and, god, it feel so damned good - how could we ever consider never doing this again? I sigh again as I feel his finger go into me as far as it can go and, again, do the same to him and as he groans, I know he's feeling that more than I am because I have bigger hands and longer fingers.

    So much not-so-quiet slurping and moaning; his tongue flies over the head of my dick and makes me shudder, makes my dick do that trembling thing - then it swells in his mouth and I unload; it feels like a bomb has gone off inside my head and the feeling smothers me so much that I missed feeling his prick tremble and swell - but I can taste his spunk; I can feel my asshole clenching against his finger and there's nothing I can do - or want to do about it doing that and, yeah, damn it, I want to feel it doing that while his dick is in me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. One Night - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He rolls off of me and I hear his dick pop out of me and followed by a bit of a breeze before I start feeling his spunk starting to ooze out of me, adding to the nastiness of the moment. I'm still miffed about this conversation happening but I set it aside so that the rest of the routine can be taken care of. He hops out of my bed and pads his way to the bathroom and as quietly as possible; I'm lying there listening for any sounds that aren't him in the bathroom. I'm lying there trying to recapture the good feeling of having just been fucked but, damn it, it's not going well because he just had to spoil the fun the way he did. I hear the toilet flush and hear water running and then stop; he sneaks back into the room and nods at me and, as usual, I silently count to 100 before I get out of bed and hit the bathroom to get rid of the evidence of our wrongdoing.

    I'm not sure how I feel right now; there's that rush of feelings after having sex but my mind can't stop thinking about what he asked me and I can feel the frown on my face as I shake my head, finish what I was doing, and tip-toe back into our room. He's in his own bed and sitting up with his back against the wall; I slip into my own bed and lean back against the window sill that's on my side of the room and we spend a few... awkward moments just staring at each other in the near darkness of our room.

    "Do you really think we should stop this? That this has to be the last time we do it to each other?" I asked.

    "Yeah. No. I don't know what to think," he says and I'm miffed all over again even though I do understand why he answered the way he did. I don't know how long he's been thinking about calling a stop to this but I know I've been thinking about it for a very long time and it's been an argument I've had with myself and one that I always wound up losing and it would make me curse myself for my lack of resolve.

    "Okay," I finally say to him; I see the wisdom of never doing it again. "It was fun, though, right?"

    "Oh, yeah," he says and I can see him grinning across the three feet or so that separates our beds. "It's... it's not that I don't like it when we do it because I do - I always did and you know that."

    "I know," I said and nodding. I don't know what he's thinking about but I'm think about how much he kept bugging me about us doing it and how it got on my nerves so much that I caved in and we did it for the first time... wow, five years ago? Close enough. I had to admit - and not for the first time that I really didn't want to do it with him but once we started, I liked - no, loved - doing it with him and no matter how much we fought like dogs.

    I sighed and I hear him sigh, too - what was he thinking about that made him do that? I blink and refocus to look over at him... and he's playing with his dick and it's hard again. It was only then that I noticed that my own dick was hard again and even then I didn't notice it until I saw where he was looking... and now I'm frustrated because he's called a stop to the way we "used to" make our dicks soft again. An odd thought flashed through my mind: We had never watched each other jerk off, never jerked each other off and I'm not sure why we never did other than it made more sense to blow each other... and that felt so much better.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. One Night - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The unexpected question snaps me out of the dreamy state I was in and I feel myself getting... miffed; of all the times to ask me something like this he had to ask it now? He couldn't wait until he got done? I bite back my feeling of being annoyed because I have a hunch that if I don't answer him, he's gonna ask again.

    "Yeah, I think about it every time we do it," I said. I can hear his dick still making that squishy sound - he hasn't stopped screwing me which is a good thing. "Why are you asking this now?"

    "I was thinking about it," he says, his breath feeling hot against the side of my face. "I know it's wrong but, shit, I like doing it with you so much!"

    "I like it, too," I said, trying to not get annoyed all over again. I want to "lash out" at him and remind him that there will be time to talk about this later... after he cums in my ass but I bite that back, too.

    "If we get caught, we are gonna be in so much trouble," he says - and unnecessarily so since, duh, I'm all too aware of the consequences of our actions. He's not only telling me something I already knew but I'm not feeling all that squishy because he's almost stopped doing it to me.

    "I know, I know," I said. "Don't stop, damn it, or we might find out how much trouble we're gonna be in!"

    The squishiness returns and, to be honest, I'm not enjoying it so much because this conversation has me thinking more than just feeling.

    "I think we should stop after this," he says and, again, being honest, he's not saying anything that he's not said before... and I haven't thought about myself; the older we get and the more we keep doing this, the greater the chances of getting caught doing it... and we are both very familiar about how bad our mother can beat our asses and the very calm way she goes about it. The thought of it makes me shiver and not in a nice way.

    "Maybe we should stop... after you hurry up and cum in me," I said with a sigh that wasn't made because his dick was still feeling good buried in my ass. Why the fuck are we talking about this now?

    "Yeah, this'll be the last time, huh?" he asks and I just nod as he starts to drive his cock into my ass with purpose until I feel that little tremor, then feel his dick swell... then that delicious pumping and despite being miffed, I sigh happily feeling his sperm flowing into me and the feeling is even more delicious because my mind always picks that moment to remind me that we both got our spunk from the same sources.

    Delicious. Nasty and as wrong as anything can get...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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