View Full Version : how real are lesbian sex scenes in movies??

Jul 9, 2010, 10:52 PM
You cant tell me that women having lesbian sex scenes in movies ar'nt enjoying it. I know they are professionals and its (supposed) acting, but they must get turned on by it, aroused. The orgasms might be fake, but how far can acting go. I watched a movie called "Wild side" with anne heche and joan chen, and they have a 8 minute love making scene, rolling round on a bed. I know heches lesban but joan was enjoying it. they were very intimate, and kissing each others breasts, touching, kissing, etc. Even elle McPherson and kate capshaw got very intimate in "A girl thing", their scenes were very beautiful and intimate. Are these actresses trying to kid us that its just acting? Its no secret some of them are enjoying it and lo9ving it.

Jul 9, 2010, 10:54 PM
Women fake orgasms, and most men can't tell.

So...they can be VERY fake.


Jul 10, 2010, 4:42 AM
Some time ago, in a TV discussion on sex scenes in films, the precise circumstances of the acts were listed i.e. that it was a closed set, the number of crew and necessary actors, the temperatures for comfort etc.

Then the discussion moved on to the nature of censorship requirements over the years and current. During this it was revealed that some actors and actresses took 'method acting' to the extreme and actually performed the sex acts required followed by careful editing.

What was even more interesting was that the Director(s) found it pointless shouting 'cut and that's a wrap' as the actors/actresses were too busy enjoying themselves. In some cases they were doing on camera what they had been doing in their traliers in their own time. In other cases, this led to continued activities off set.

So hetero and lesbian scenes being played for real are unsurprising. One wonders if any of the leading male actors will ever get together in this way. The mind runs riot.


Long Duck Dong
Jul 10, 2010, 4:50 AM
I do recall reading about a sex scene filmed between a actor and actress that got so steamy, the film crew got red faces..... and it turned out that it was not all acting on set either.....

I think it was kim basinger and alec baldwin that were the couple..... I can not remember

Jul 10, 2010, 4:52 AM
i know my lesbian freinds only have lesbians in thier sex scenes and nobody else is allowed and if they find out someone sneak in they attack! ask cmm lol

Natasha Kurusugawa
Nov 11, 2010, 5:44 AM
I love lesbian porn...
Although the vast majority of lesbian films, made by men, orgasms are fake and it shows.

Personally I prefer the lesbian porn magazines.:female:

Nov 11, 2010, 10:47 AM
Liz Thomas and Abby Winters both produce lesbian movies and they are the best we have viewed.

Nov 11, 2010, 4:33 PM
If you've ever seen a lez video with Nina Hartley, you saw the real thing...no fake. I love that woman and so does my wife. I could tell you stories...:tongue:

Nov 11, 2010, 5:45 PM
I was actually meaning hollywood actresses, not really porn. The porn actresses are known for it, but big time actresses are'nt nless they really want to be a bit risque. It was mainly about how they do it without getting turned on, cause they'd have to, if they have a oral scene or kissing breasts scene, you cant tell me theres no intimacy there, after all they are private body areas.

Nov 11, 2010, 7:25 PM
Porn is a business, money for a sex scene. I know few "porn" stars, the first thing they mention is what they get paid:rolleyes:, believe what you want.

Nov 11, 2010, 8:39 PM
Evidently the majority of lesbian actresses are str8 - but money talks.
Do they enjoy it? Probably some do, others are making up shopping lists in their head as they roll around.

The thing is mostly it's lesbian porn that men think men want to watch - which they do, so that aspect works. ;)

but as opposed to reality - most men watching a movie would become bored quite quickly.
Time is what it's all about!!!! :female::female:

Mar 19, 2014, 4:25 AM
I was actually meaning hollywood actresses, not really porn. The porn actresses are known for it, but big time actresses are'nt nless they really want to be a bit risque. It was mainly about how they do it without getting turned on, cause they'd have to, if they have a oral scene or kissing breasts scene, you cant tell me theres no intimacy there, after all they are private body areas.

I have seen quite a few lesbian scenes but they the girls dont actually touch their lady parts...or atleast the ones i've seen. I am yet to see a realistic lesbian sex scene.
Me and my girlfriend are suckers for romantic films but we are always disappointed by the sooo fake lesbian sex.

Do you know any movies with some what realistic lesbian intimate moments.

Mar 19, 2014, 9:31 AM
Oh please....for the actresses, it's just another day at the office...

Mar 19, 2014, 2:17 PM
Oh please....for the actresses, it's just another day at the office...
... true Jamie. but isn't it also true that a filmed sexy clinch on screen has developed in2 summat much more fun and meaningful not 2 say raunchy, off it.... for both men and women and wy is it so? Cos actors get turned on like ne1 else by nice snog and grope tween the sheets or elsewer wile being filmed... not trying to make more of it than there is... but like ne other job, peeps end up canoodling wiv peeps they r attracted to.... or simply become mutually attracted and do some ver naughty things indeed wile 'working'......

Mar 19, 2014, 2:50 PM
If you've ever seen a lez video with Nina Hartley, you saw the real thing...no fake. I love that woman and so does my wife. I could tell you stories...:tongue:
OK tell us some stories please.

Mar 19, 2014, 3:17 PM
They're called ACTresses for a reason.

Mar 20, 2014, 10:32 AM
You cant tell me that women having lesbian sex scenes in movies ar'nt enjoying it. I know they are professionals and its (supposed) acting, but they must get turned on by it, aroused. The orgasms might be fake, but how far can acting go. I watched a movie called "Wild side" with anne heche and joan chen, and they have a 8 minute love making scene, rolling round on a bed. I know heches lesban but joan was enjoying it. they were very intimate, and kissing each others breasts, touching, kissing, etc. Even elle McPherson and kate capshaw got very intimate in "A girl thing", their scenes were very beautiful and intimate. Are these actresses trying to kid us that its just acting? Its no secret some of them are enjoying it and lo9ving it.

The 8 minute scene probably took 2 to 4 hours to film and then a lot of careful editing. Was the action real? Yes, just not true in the sense that you are watching an edited version. You don't see what used to end up "on the cutting room floor" and now just stays somewhere on the hard drive of the editor.

Mar 21, 2014, 10:45 AM
Outside the porn industry, sex scenes are simulated. The industry has legal restrictions to comply with. There are a handful of movies that had sex scenes that were not simulated, but you can count those on the fingers of one hand.

Mar 22, 2014, 12:39 PM
Outside the porn industry, sex scenes are simulated. The industry has legal restrictions to comply with. There are a handful of movies that had sex scenes that were not simulated, but you can count those on the fingers of one hand.

* scratches head, finagles a bit * "Outside the porn industry, sex scenes are simulated."

So, everyone whom is not a porn star fakes it? From reading, this seems
to be what you're saying. Folks whom are not porn stars, "simulate"
sex. Simulations are by definition "not real", they are artificial
constructs. So we all fake sex? Wow! Talk about a paradigm shift.

I will be over in the corner, awaiting the world to stop spinning. I
must hop off.

"There are a handful of movies that had sex scenes that were not
simulated, but you can count those on the fingers of one hand."

Mmmkay, so now even the porn stars are faking it too. Cool
beans! Interesting to know sex is just some fake idea, thing.

Honestly, not trying to be obstinate, or smart ass here. You have
seemed to write some highly confusing things. And this which you
write is also contradictory and voids itself out.

To me it reads as you writing:

"People outside of porn do simulated sex."

"People in porn rarely do real sex."

So, then I am left to conclude: "There are rare instances of real sex,
most is fake. In essence, sex is fake."

I know that probably is not what you're meaning to say. Still, it reads
like that for me and I'm not sure how to understand it, or if I am even
meant to understand. My response would as simple as I could put it.

A lot of sexual content in most porn films is very well staged and
artificial regardless of genre. Please take most pornography films
as entertainment only, as they more likely were meant to be strictly
for entertainment only. Not all anyone sees on a television or movie
screen is real, or truthful.

Mar 22, 2014, 12:41 PM
They're called ACTresses for a reason.

Exactly. "Bazinga!"

Annika L
Mar 22, 2014, 2:06 PM
They're called ACTresses for a reason.

Yes, I think this is what I find offensive about the OP...the implication that a woman can't possibly be such a good actress as to be able to fool him into thinking that she's enjoying herself.

That and the fact that he says up front you can't tell him that...if you're that closed-minded, why post?

Mar 23, 2014, 3:54 AM
Yes, I think this is what I find offensive about the OP...the implication that a woman can't possibly be such a good actress as to be able to fool him into thinking that she's enjoying herself.

That and the fact that he says up front you can't tell him that...if you're that closed-minded, why post?

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