View Full Version : guys, fess up do you male fail ??

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2009, 3:23 AM
male fail with all credit to cherokee for the inspiration for this subject

come on guys, fess up before ya partners out you for the norty crime of male fail

male fail, when you did the dirty, cleaned the cannon, boned and moaned....and you FAILED to make ya partner go crosseyed, bite the head board, shred the pillow, leave teeth marks in ya shoulder..... hell guys, its called CUMMING, you know, the thing you do and at times your partners don't

fess up, admit to it.... acknowledge it and being a man, not a male fail

I know males do it.... and yeah I have done it, but in a totally different way ( I will explain soon......)

male fail is norty.... but happens for a number of reasons

the premature ejaculation, you get undressed, you kiss the love of your life, she smiled and you cum.... in the bed, not in her.....

the not hitting the spot.... you flop it out and hold it with 4 fingers and it lays across 2 of them....

the pile driver.... where a horse wants its cock back and your partner feels you trying to slide it between their lungs and out of their mouth...and you have it in their lower regions....and the cries are not ones of pleasure

the brewers droop, .. when you have had alcohol and your cock is so drunk it can't stand up either....

the sleeply lazy and droopy, ... too tired to do anything but lay on top and fall asleep....

and my one.... the very ready bunny, you keep going and going and going and going and she is gonna cut it off if you don't stop

for what ever reasons... we have male fail....

and yeah males have two approachs, they either go deaf and blind and ignore their partners unimpressed looks
or they are fooled by a oscar winning performance by their partners that is so real that the male struts around the house for the next week and tend to think that the buzzing noise in the best is their wives shaving their legs under the covers

guys, it happens, fess up... and help combat male fail.... there are many guys that may be too ashamed to ask for help...and could gain from any advice in this thread that is posted on how to deal with male fail....

I suffer from prolonged ejeculation... this is a condition unlike premature ejeculation, its the opposite, prolonged ejeculation is a inability to climax in a short amount of time....
IE I can have sex 10 times a day, and not cum, and the reason is due to a number of things, but the main issue is nerve damage to the head of my penis, so I do not get the friction like sensations that can help a male cum....as a result, I can fuck for hours on end...

now without the sensations, sex becomes boring for me... but my partners love the feeling of being fucked, or being able to suck and lick and explore for a long period....
so I do not focus on me but on my partners needs and desires....
things like lubing my finger and massaging their anus while I am moving in and out of them and suckling a nipple etc are part of the multi sexual experience approach I have used over the years....

I actually get more pleasure out of my partners cumming by what ever means than I do from just plain simple fucking....
the reason I get the pleasure from them cumming, is that its a shared experience, because my focus is on them, not me, I can listen to the subtle indications that can help me fulfill their needs better, things such as kissing, breathing, muscle tension, moving positions, eye movement etc

and that does apply to females and males alike....

now yeah I can cum and its normally by masturbation, either in my partner, on them, in their mouth or on me....

as my partner can attest, my ability to ejeculate is intense... as there was often cries of * don't get it in my hair again * while she laid beside me on the bed and kissed me as I wanked....
I am larger than average in the cock area so I can easily slide in deep and unload deep in my partner, rather than at her, when masturbating so cream pies are on the menu....

but I am curious and I know that I am touching on a area that a lot of ladies may have advice about for the males..... and that is dealing with and fixing the problem of male fail..... and the unsatisfied partner......

and please guys... posting ya phone number doesn't help other guys with mail fail, tho their partners may ring.... so be honest with ya advice and help

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2009, 4:35 AM
Some years ago, Paddy married an attractive woman, Maggie, half his age, in a small coastal Irish community..

After several months, Maggie complained that she had never climaxed during sex and according to her Grandmother all Irish women are entitled to a climax once in a while. So, to resolve the problem, they went to see the local Vet since there was no trustworthy doctor anywhere in the village. The Vet didn't have a clue, but he did recall how, during the hot summer, his mother and father would fan a cow, that was having difficulty breeding, with a big towel. This would cool her down and make her relax.

So the Vet told them to hire a strong, virile young man to wave a big towel over them while they were having sex. This, the Vet said, would cause the young wife to cool down, relax, then climax. So the couple hired a strong young man from Dublin to wave that big towel over them as the Vet suggested.

After many efforts, Maggie still had not climaxed so they went back to the Vet. The Vet said for her to change partners and let the young man have sex with her while Paddy waved the big towel. They tried it that night and Maggie went into wild, screaming, ear-splitting climaxes, one right after the other for about two and a half hours.

When it was over, Paddy looked down at the exhausted young man and in a boasting voice said, 'And that, me son, is how ya wave a fukkin' towel!'

roy m cox
Oct 15, 2009, 5:09 AM
um well some times i cum to much but my bf loves it when i do that and yeah i some times cant get a good stiffy but other time you could brake a brick on it cuzz it gets to hard but its from the med's im on a hi blood presser med that is a lot like viagra i told my doctor about it and he sezz just enjoy it and i do :bigrin:

Oct 15, 2009, 9:58 AM
I am or have been enjoying the resulting physical changes of two things in my sensual pleasure life/areas. One, the third hernia operation that impacted nerves for sensation, I assume similar to LDD and two, age...so while I have always wished and tried to completely focus on the pleasure of my partner as the goal of pleasure, mine and theirs...there had been some "failings" of various natures in my younger days...no so much younger as the operation was in 40's.

I did not discover what positives had occured due to other circumstances in my life...the long sensual drought just had me convinced that self pleasuring had finally lost its luster for me and I had kind of accepted that....

As many of you that know of me in here I, in the last two years almost, discovered a lady I believe to be my life/sensual soul mate....she, and as a result I am so enthralled with this occurence....I do not offer three hernia operations as a cure to possible "failings" for anyone...there can indeed be brightness behind the darkness!!!! so, while I can admit to "failings" in the past..I am very proud to say for the moment....no need for apologies.....here's hoping it stays this way for a while....also, so far no need for the ED assistance either...not that you asked...


Oct 15, 2009, 10:57 AM
My husband very rarely has an experience where he can't make me cum, but on the rare occasions that orgasm on my part does indeed fail, it's not even a male fail...it's a marissa fail. It's always because for whatever reason that day I was too sensitive and was more in the mood to not be touched than anything else, or one time I got WAAAYYYY too wet and there wasnt' enough friction for me to feel his dick the way I wanted to to be able to cum. Hell, that time he almost didn't cum becaues he barely had friction too lol. So yeah, it's never been because of him...just me.

Oct 15, 2009, 11:34 AM
well, there have been just a couple given the reasons partying,has been the culprit, having way too much just doesnt get it done..when i was younger 8-10 beers and a few shots(keeps me up all nite long) more than that it was a disaster waiting to happen. my one other reason is after fantasizing and working up to the day when all the anticipation flows from the pores of your body,you take your time with every aspect of every inch of her body wonderfully making the most of your time to dine on her beautiful and inviting vagina and clitoris (cum after joyful cum)and suddenly out of the blue**pop**my arms popped out of socket the pain oh the pain,after all the waiting and preparing for just this moment getting ready to think im about to rumba in her tunnel uh-oh nothing just nothing so piece of advice pains can hurt a goodhard-on if youre not careful. this one caused me limpdick in less than 1 minute. :tongue:

Oct 15, 2009, 11:39 AM
Well--my little buddy sometimes finds it a bit harder to do his thing than it used to--at one time---he liked to do his thing pretty much all the time--even when it was sorta inopportune!! (like you are in the berthing area of a military ship!! :bigrin::bigrin:)

Man-I wished I coulda kept some of those unforseen "shots" in some sort of cosmic bank for saving for a future time!!

Oh Well--such is life!!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

There is actually one thing good that the old boy is a bit slower to do his "thang"---I don't have to worry about "shooting too soon" and have learned---having sex is not being in the Indy 500!! There are no points for geting to the finish line first----now---I know--just sit back--chill out and enjoy a nice long Sunday ride!!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

This does go to show the truth of the old saying: "youth is wasted on youth!!"

Oct 15, 2009, 11:41 AM
Not every time can be perfect, or so I'm told. Someone once explained the rule of 2-6-2 to me. Out of ten sessions, 6 are great, 2 are just ok, and two are mind blowing!!! And that kind of works for us. With careers, small children at home, looking after an elderly parent and other issues, I'm lucky I can stick to those ratios. But for the two times that are mind blowing WOW!!! We discovered that my wife is a gusher (tee hee hee:tongue:). So that kind of makes up for the rest.

Oct 15, 2009, 3:26 PM
Dayum! What I want to know is, does LDD have a brother? BrotherS? Cousins, Uncle, Father, young Grandfather???? Good Lord.....lol
You'll excuse me whilst I wipe off my keybord of drool now.....lol And ty for letting me be your inspiration, Duck. :}
Silly Cat

Oct 15, 2009, 3:28 PM
P.S. My name is Cat, Hon.. lol ;):cool::tongue:

Oct 15, 2009, 6:59 PM
My husband very rarely has an experience where he can't make me cum, but on the rare occasions that orgasm on my part does indeed fail, it's not even a male fail...it's a marissa fail. It's always because for whatever reason that day I was too sensitive and was more in the mood to not be touched than anything else, or one time I got WAAAYYYY too wet and there wasnt' enough friction for me to feel his dick the way I wanted to to be able to cum. Hell, that time he almost didn't cum becaues he barely had friction too lol. So yeah, it's never been because of him...just me.

Rissa, my wife often gets really wet also. I take that as my clue to go down on her and lap up as much juice as i can and try to get her to cum and then reinsert my cock and continue until we both cum....usually together.

Oct 15, 2009, 7:09 PM
I'm sure if u put up a poll, u'd probably find that this is a fairly common occurance among both sexes.

In my own case, if I'm too hot or too tired or just not in the mood, I just can't cum. Being that I want my wife get some enjoyment on those occasions, I'm more than happy to go down on her or at least finger her until she gets off.

I'm lucky that I have a wonderful wife who loves to go down on me until I just can't take it anymore and simply have to bury my cock inside of her which seldom results in "male fail".

Oct 15, 2009, 11:06 PM
Dayum! What I want to know is, does LDD have a brother? BrotherS? Cousins, Uncle, Father, young Grandfather???? Good Lord.....lol
You'll excuse me whilst I wipe off my keybord of drool now.....lol And ty for letting me be your inspiration, Duck. :}
Silly Cat

Cat pass the windex and paper towels this way. LDD you must have some relative who might like to plan a trip to Boston. Any male relative like tall, chubby blondes?


Oct 16, 2009, 3:47 PM
:bigrin:well. i haven't had much male fail..but it does happen from time to time...prolonged orgasm! hmmm sounda interesting


Nov 5, 2009, 10:33 PM
Cat pass the windex and paper towels this way. LDD you must have some relative who might like to plan a trip to Boston. Any male relative like tall, chubby blondes?


ROFLMAO this is where I strut cause I got him :) Honestly though, he was born in Scotland and was adopted. So maybe, just maybe, there are a few more back near Glasgow.

And yes what he said is true.....there were times when OMG did not stop coming out of my mouth cause I couldn't stop cumming. He really does take more pleasure in making me cum than in cumming himself, although the taste of his cum was delicious...licks lips and starts to plan for when I can actually move in.........