View Full Version : The 40 Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings

Apr 8, 2009, 7:20 AM
Rob Liefeld, once hailed for his "unique" style of drawing comics, but now reviled as one of the worst figures in comic history. His "style" which used weird pencil lines, exaggerated anatomy, and impossible angles was "refreshing" when it first came out. However after he became popular, every comics artist was trying to copy him. It was then that we learned the truth, Rob Liefeld was "self taught" his "unique style" was just him not having the slightest clue about the basic principals of art. Once everyone was doing what he was doing, we see that his work was inferior to the work that the people who copied him did. Rob Liefeld, at once the worst, and the most influential artist in comics. The world will always hate you Rob.

Apr 8, 2009, 10:41 AM
i was a liefield fan for a while, but more because of his creations than his actual artwork. yes, i remember seeing wolverine and cable on the covers and thinking, man, those limbs bend awkwardly and those faces all look alike.

but, i love cable, deadpool and x-force, all of which are liefield originals. cable was great and had some truly terrific villains in Stryfe and Genesis. and don't get me started on Deadpool; he's funny as shit. fuck ryan reynolds, bruce campbell all the way, muthafucka.

then again, liefield caused rights issues with the characters he created, forcing them to be changed into neutered knockoffs Agent X, Soldier X and Xstatix. lame.

Apr 8, 2009, 1:21 PM
Worst Comics Artist Ever.

Apr 8, 2009, 10:28 PM
Worst Comics Artist Ever.

I know. It's so Ironic the way people mistook his short comings as an artist as "stylistic license". Of course the quote about the sword doesn't sit well with me either.

Apr 9, 2009, 3:12 PM
I fully admit that I'm a very fairweather 'comic fan', and it's been a while since I viewed anything recent or bought something, BUT I just wanted to see if this was just me. Apart from his artistic skills, I get the feeling a lot of people who hate Liefield hate the whole 'anti-hero' vigilante stuff in general.....I mean, 'traditionalist' types who hate the 'violence' or darkness of some of the more modern stuff and would rather watch grown men in fruity spandex with 1920s throwback boy scout morals that were originally made popular in comics when comics were made for a much younger age (pre teens), not teens and adults, who have always liked things like action and war movies.

I've always been more into Punisher than Spider Man, personally. Would rather see Rambo than Power Rangers, so IF I were to be elitist about tastes, I'd be more likely to be the opposite end elitism, against the 'traditionalists'. HOWEVER,........Even though I do like darker 'modern' stuff, I can like anything with an interesting storyline. Even though I think Superman is a tool, I love storylines where they focus on his Kryptonian roots, because it kind of draws attention away from his 'Joe Everyman- One of Us" image everyone buys into and places reader attention back on the fact that he ISN'T.

Anyway, just something random rambling. I do that on occasion.

Apr 10, 2009, 11:46 AM
I fully admit that I'm a very fairweather 'comic fan', and it's been a while since I viewed anything recent or bought something, BUT I just wanted to see if this was just me. Apart from his artistic skills, I get the feeling a lot of people who hate Liefield hate the whole 'anti-hero' vigilante stuff in general.....I mean, 'traditionalist' types who hate the 'violence' or darkness of some of the more modern stuff and would rather watch grown men in fruity spandex with 1920s throwback boy scout morals that were originally made popular in comics when comics were made for a much younger age (pre teens), not teens and adults, who have always liked things like action and war movies.

No. I love anti-heroes if they're done right. Liefeld did them wrong and discredited them. That's why I hate him. Ever since Kingdom Come came out in '96, people don't go for anti-heroes anymore. But the kind of anti-hero they where attacking in that book was the Liefeld type. Also the fact that he couldn't write or draw for fuck. It's like if a rock star makes a good album, but then everyone copies him, and the people who copy him have no tallent, That's what Liefeld did to the anti-hero, did a take on it SO BAD that people just couldn’t take them seriously anymore.

I've always been more into Punisher than Spider Man, personally. Would rather see Rambo than Power Rangers, so IF I were to be elitist about tastes, I'd be more likely to be the opposite end elitism, against the 'traditionalists'.

good thing you got out when you did then. everything since the mid-to-late-90s has been crappy Silver Age Nostalgia, thanks mostly to works like Astro-City and Grant Morrison's run on JLA. I also blame Kingdom Come.

HOWEVER,........Even though I do like darker 'modern' stuff, I can like anything with an interesting storyline. Even though I think Superman is a tool, I love storylines where they focus on his Kryptonian roots, because it kind of draws attention away from his 'Joe Everyman- One of Us" image everyone buys into and places reader attention back on the fact that he ISN'T.

Anyway, just something random rambling. I do that on occasion.
The lack of interesting story-lines in stuff Liefeld made, like Youngblood, which is just a bunch super powered anti-heroes in ugly outfits killing people with no background story and zero characterization. That's why I hate him.