View Full Version : Bisexual questions raised by fx's "Nip/Tuck"

Jan 1, 2006, 7:10 PM
Even though we found out at the end of the season that Quentin was a "uniq", up to that point, the show portrayed him as a full-blown bisexual. Their portrait included public sex, four-somes, and other deviant sexual behaviors. The bisexual of this show could not be monogamous or "normal".

Does this seem weird? Did anyone else notice the negative image that bisexuals get on TV? Are there any accurate portrayals of bisexuals in today's media?

Jan 2, 2006, 12:30 AM
I am going to go a bit off the topic of the thread-but it is another question relating to the story line of a current television show.

My question deals with the CBS crime drama "Cold Case."

In a show earlier this season, I joined a particular episode right at the end where they always do a stylized wrap up of the episode's story where the perp of the crime in question is caught, everything is made right as an emotional song plays in the backtground and you see the victims, witnesses and the perp as they were at the time of the crime and today.

During the end scene of this particular show--the main character, Det. Lilly Rush comes home in the early hours of the morning. In Lil's bed was a very cute young lady dressed in nothing more than a small top and panties. The girl kinda wakes up but not completely. You get a sense that this young lady is not just a friend who just happens to be staying with Lil--the bed did not look to be more than a queen sized bed, so the scene made me think--"oh a new wrinkle to the mystery of Det. Rush's love life."

The final shot that closes the show has Lil sitting down on her bed, looks at the cute girl, and there is a close up of Lil looking pensive as she deals with the emotions raised by the case she just helped solve.

This makes me wonder--this season I don't watch the show all that closely because there are often other shows on at the same time that I jump back and forth between and nor do I happen to catch each episode.

Last season--Lil had a relationship with an attractive male assistant prosecutor but she inexplicably puts him off and eventually they break up.

So--for anyone who is a regular viewer or fan of "Cold Case," have they done much in the arc of Lil's character to indicate that she has a female lover?