View Full Version : LIFE IS BETTER

Jun 24, 2008, 1:42 PM
Life is so much better since I put the trolls on my ignore list.

Trolls do not need to post here, since I won't see it. You have NO POWER OVER ME.

The realization came when I remembered that trolls do their thing because it gives them control over others. It also means that they have little to no control over their own lives.

They are, for all intents and purposes, impotent. That is why they need to troll, since it gives them power, even though it is misdirected power. It is the power and attention that they seek, since they have neither in their lives.

They will tell you that it is not true, that they have wonderful lives and control over them. But if that were the case, then they would have no need to be trolls.

Putting them on your ignore list will solve your problems with them and it will piss them off since they will no longer have any control over you.

Jun 24, 2008, 8:45 PM
Bannished Be, Jude... oops I mean Blessed Be!


Jun 24, 2008, 8:48 PM
Falcon, I totally agree with you. Although I did my best to ignore that piece of crap, I couldn't sit here without being angry when he wouldn't let up on Kate and Belle. I was on fire and couldn't ignore the trans-troll.
So from now on, I think we all should start doing it. The moment negative and suspected troll who has seems to return repeatedly because their life is sucks and have nothing to do... then we all should iggy the garbage. I'm with you on this. Just iggy the trashtroll!

Jun 24, 2008, 9:12 PM
Iggy works great...

Theres also this little invention that I've been using lately....

You know on threads underneath our name and posting stats where it says "some kind of super member" or whatever, theres this little red and white triangle with an exclamation mark in it...

just click on the offending post, and type your disdain in the box that shows up..

enough of those and poof! troll gone :)

Enjoy... cause theres 3 more trolls headed our way (been checkin profiles today--its my day off :tong:)


Remember... They will usually start within the past couple of days.. and mysteriously be posting left and right about stOOpid shit... then comes the usual insults about the usual people


Jun 24, 2008, 9:25 PM
You know...I'm a little sad. I mean...now if a new one pops up...I'll have to find MORE lyrics! *sigh*

Jun 24, 2008, 9:27 PM
Hi Falcon,
So if we put them on our personal ignore list, we can't see their posts on the forums? That would be fantastic!

By the way, I do admire your picture with your sweetie.

Jun 24, 2008, 9:56 PM
Hi Falcon,
So if we put them on our personal ignore list, we can't see their posts on the forums? That would be fantastic!

By the way, I do admire your picture with your sweetie.

That is correct. Their posts, while showing that they have made them, will be nothing more than a space in the forum that shows that they made a post, but nothing else.

And if they start sending private messages, then you forward the offending e-mails to Drew and they can handle them by banning the trolls, even if that means that Drew sends the info to the FBI (who will find their ISP and address) to press internet harassment charges against them.

I understand that the Fed is not too forgiving with people who do that kind of thing.

Jun 24, 2008, 11:11 PM
Falcon, I totally agree with you. Although I did my best to ignore that piece of crap, I couldn't sit here without being angry when he wouldn't let up on Kate and Belle. I was on fire and couldn't ignore the trans-troll.
So from now on, I think we all should start doing it. The moment negative and suspected troll who has seems to return repeatedly because their life is sucks and have nothing to do... then we all should iggy the garbage. I'm with you on this. Just iggy the trashtroll!

I should have commented earlier, but got busy making sure that everyone understood about the ignore list.

I can understand how you feel about it, but that is exactly what these trolls thrive on....The angst and chaos that they create. It gives them a feeling of power because it, in fact, gives them control in their otherwise impotent and powerless lives. It also gives them control over everyone that they draw in to their delusions of grandeur.
Feeding that power issue prevents them from facing their own inner demons and helps them to prevent growing up.

Jun 24, 2008, 11:17 PM
I'm no troll, but I am a little lost here,

You spent a good deal of time spreading what a few of us consider lies on this forum regarding creationists, and you yourself are now banning people from giving you a hard time?

This seems hypocritical. Not trying to make enemies here, just seems odd that it's ok for you spread misinformation and not other people.

Jun 24, 2008, 11:42 PM
I should have commented earlier, but got busy making sure that everyone understood about the ignore list.

I can understand how you feel about it, but that is exactly what these trolls thrive on....The angst and chaos that they create. It gives them a feeling of power because it, in fact, gives them control in their otherwise impotent and powerless lives. It also gives them control over everyone that they draw in to their delusions of grandeur.
Feeding that power issue prevents them from facing their own inner demons and helps them to prevent growing up.

I think of my replies as "Jerking their chain".
I know I shouldn't. But, it is so easy to jerk their chain. I just cannot resist responding with a focused cutting attack to such crude attacks. This person seams to have recycled all knowledge of what make us human in their mind until it has been classified as 100 % right or 100 % wrong. Therefore, this person is always wrong, which makes them easy to counter attack.

Jun 25, 2008, 12:41 AM
And if they start sending private messages, then you forward the offending e-mails to Drew and they can handle them by banning the trolls, even if that means that Drew sends the info to the FBI (who will find their ISP and address) to press internet harassment charges against them.

I understand that the Fed is not too forgiving with people who do that kind of thing.

FWIW, since the website is based in Canada, I think it's out of jurisdiction of the FBI for Internet harassment. Not sure if I know of a similar organization in Canada that deals with that kind of thing.

Jun 25, 2008, 2:45 AM
FWIW, since the website is based in Canada, I think it's out of jurisdiction of the FBI for Internet harassment. Not sure if I know of a similar organization in Canada that deals with that kind of thing.

It depends on the locations of the perpetrators and the victims. It is still occurring on the web. If they are both in the US, then, since we have reciprocity laws with Canada, then they would probably fully cooperate.
Now it may have to go through the Canadian authorities, but we tend to cooperate with each other in law enforcement, so it will likely be very little, if any problem at all.
If either are outside of the US or Canada, then it may be INTERPOL that handles it.
Most countries have some form of internet law that covers that sort of thing.

That's how we get the Nigerian scammers.

Jun 25, 2008, 6:13 AM
I'm no troll, but I am a little lost here,

You spent a good deal of time spreading what a few of us consider lies on this forum regarding creationists, and you yourself are now banning people from giving you a hard time?

This seems hypocritical. Not trying to make enemies here, just seems odd that it's ok for you spread misinformation and not other people.

This person is a message board troll it's not like they're actually doing real harassment towards anyone, or that they're trying to scam someone with spam, or even sell/spam their glass sex toys that they're selling.

All message boards have people like this who are deemed trolls or who just get into flame mode (and it's very subjective as to who they even are), and like mindfinding said the pot is calling the kettle black in reference to Falcon's posts like this one and his posts about Christians.

No, I'm not Christian or a creationist but I find Falcon to be a troll when it comes to the topics of Christianity (or any other religion that isn't Wicca), and Creationism.

Jun 25, 2008, 11:48 AM
This person is a message board troll it's not like they're actually doing real harassment towards anyone, or that they're trying to scam someone with spam, or even sell/spam their glass sex toys that they're selling.

All message boards have people like this who are deemed trolls or who just get into flame mode (and it's very subjective as to who they even are), and like mindfinding said the pot is calling the kettle black in reference to Falcon's posts like this one and his posts about Christians.

No, I'm not Christian or a creationist but I find Falcon to be a troll when it comes to the topics of Christianity (or any other religion that isn't Wicca), and Creationism.

Let's clarify a few thing here, since at least one person thinks that I have an issue with every religion but my own;

1) I am not opposed to ANY religion. That is one of the basic concepts of Paganism. All paths are valid (unlike the views of some, not all, religions).

I am opposed to those that insist on forcing their religious doctrine on the rest of the population ether through re-education or law, as the Dominion Christians and Creationists have been trying to do.

Unfortunately, we have allowed religion to rule our laws for too long. Christianity spent more than 1600 years controlling the governments of Europe and all that the people, and the peoples of areas that Europeans conquered, got for it was blood and death.
The idea behind Christianity is a very reasonable and valid one, but that has been perverted by megalomaniacs in power, who know that religion is the most effective way to control people.
That is NOT what Christianity is really here for. It, like all religions, is about having a way to live one's own life. Not to control what others do with theirs.

Islam is the same, but, sadly, evil men are in charge of the many radical sects of that religion as well.

Name any other religion on the planet that has the violent and counterproductive history that Christianity has had since Constantine ran the church from his throne in Rome.

Name one other religion, besides Dominion Christianity or Radical Islam, that has tried to force their religious doctrines on other people of different religions, since the foundation of The United States.

There haven't been any since before the Mongol Invasion of Europe.

That isn't because of the religion, but it is because of the religious leadership.
People followed blindly and the result has been war, terrorism, death and murder.
Did you know that more than 1/3 of the witch trials in Europe involved landed gentry and lesser nobility? You know why? Because the accusers wanted what those people had and the accuser could obtain it if the owner were accused of the heretical "crime" of Witchcraft.
Whole families were destroyed because of that.

But like I said, it isn't the religion, but the leaders who used the religion as a perverted tool to obtain and maintain power.
It is the leaders who disregarded "love thy neighbor as thyself" just because it was convenient to do so and suited their purposes. And over the centuries, that policy of convenient compliance became doctrine amongst the leaders.

You say that you are neither a Creationist, nor a Christian, yet would you allow either of those groups dictate to you what you must and must not believe?
The issue isn't Christianity. It is Christian leadership, which has been emboldened to try to dominate all of our society. And it isn't ALL Christians, but it is enough Dominion Christians to be a problem for every one who doesn't toe their line.
It is the Dominion Christians who are giving all Christians a bad name.

It's hard to convince someone that you are killing them for their own good.

2) Creationism has been demonstrated, by both scientific and legal methods, to be Junk Science. That means that the Creationists want to prove their theory by using only those parts of each branch of science that helps them. Selective disregard of scientific fact and testing that disputes their view.

Their theories cannot stand up to empirical examination, and when that empirical examination proves it, over and over again, then their answer is "God did it". That is not science and therefore does not belong in science class. Teach it in church, since it is religion, plain and simple.

These Creationists are the same types of people who would have jailed Copernicus for heresy, in the early 1500's, for stating that the Earth revolves around the sun, since (at that time) it argued with the prevailing religious view of the day. He had to publish his findings when he was near death to prevent being executed for heresy.

Heresy is one of the most ridiculous laws ever to have been created. And it was created not by Christianity, but by Christian leaders afraid to lose their power over the population.

Religion is for the soul and science is for better understanding the way that the world and universe we live in functions.

Jun 25, 2008, 1:48 PM
A great post Falcon----when I am critical of religion myself--it is not religon alone per se-it is the leadership of religion and those who follow those religions without employing critical thinking and questioning--automatically accepting all kinds of things that if you just sit and think about it a bit--don't make much sense, are contradictory to other parts of the Bible and things of that sort--I also argue that when people use religion as the basis to use the power of the state to impose on others their beliefs-then that basis is fair game for being questioned as well just like all the motivations of the other groups are open to such scrutiny when they vie for power--hiding behind the notion that "its God's way" or some such when you are talking about running a pluralistic, representative democracy just doesn't cut it---you can't hide or shield your basis for what you propose because "it comes from God!"---Like in most aspects of religion--you rarely find agreement on what anything means--look at all the offshoots of offshoots of offshoots of religions we have--quite often--- those offshoots are based on nothing more than what the meanings are of a few lines in some obscure biblical passages.

My problem with using religion as a basis for everything---no person or faith or whatever has a lock on the mind of God and what "He" really wants and is all about--it is the ultimate in human hubris to think and claim otherwise.

I also hold that contrary to what most religious leaders say---there is every bit as much of a basis to live a good and moral life based strictly on "secular" mores, values, rules, etc---sometimes much more so than with those based on religious ones.

As far as the contest between science and religion are concerned--I believe that they do not have to be mutually exclusive--they can if fact be complementary--as long as those who go more for the religious side don't hold that all is fixed with God and such--how do we know that God cannot change his or her mind when he/she wants to--he/she is ominpotent and such, is God not??

Why does God have to answer to piddly little humans if he/she decides to change things???

To me---the discoveries of science only show that we live in an incredible existence and that if there is an all powerful creator*--the way things are set up in the universe make the creator even more awesome.

(*I have to say "if there is an all powerful creator" because as much as many of us feel very strongly there is a God as we have concieved him----it has to be conceded that we really do not know there is a God---for we have no "ermpirical" evidence there is such a being much as much as we might like that to be the case. Belief in God is very much an "act of faith.")

Jun 25, 2008, 7:35 PM
Thank you, Volty.

I'm glad that there are at least a few people out there that understand where I am coming from instead of trying to flame me without trying to understand.

Jun 25, 2008, 9:36 PM
I'm glad that there are at least a few people out there that understand where I am coming from instead of trying to flame me without trying to understand.



Like you've tried so hard to understand the people using "junk science". In real life, you and me sit down and talk science, I would crush you, any day, with any of your friends you'd want present.
Heck, lets do it.

Bring whatever (fallible) science you want. I'll debate you any day. Here and now works.

Did you know that gravity effects time? Did you also know that time moves faster the farther away from a gravitational constant you are? I'll explain how all of this works if you step up to bat.

Jun 25, 2008, 11:01 PM


Like you've tried so hard to understand the people using "junk science". In real life, you and me sit down and talk science, I would crush you, any day, with any of your friends you'd want present.
Heck, lets do it.

Bring whatever (fallible) science you want. I'll debate you any day. Here and now works.

Did you know that gravity effects time? Did you also know that time moves faster the farther away from a gravitational constant you are? I'll explain how all of this works if you step up to bat.


Jun 26, 2008, 3:27 AM


Like you've tried so hard to understand the people using "junk science". In real life, you and me sit down and talk science, I would crush you, any day, with any of your friends you'd want present.
Heck, lets do it.

Bring whatever (fallible) science you want. I'll debate you any day. Here and now works.

Did you know that gravity effects time? Did you also know that time moves faster the farther away from a gravitational constant you are? I'll explain how all of this works if you step up to bat.

You've reverted to name-calling, which is the last act of a desperate man or the first act of a troll. Which are you?

Since I am not a Creationist, nor a supporter of Creationism, I don't bring "fallible" science to the table.

I also do not refer to any studies or findings from anyone who got their Phd from a diploma mill.

I know junk science when I see it. Do you?

And yes, I know that gravity does affect time, as does speed. Particularly extreme gravity and extreme speed. And I know the physics behind it.

Unlike Creationists (Intelligent Design advocates), I did not learn science in church.

You are here in support of creationism, which is, in fact, junk science. Which means that the answers that do not support what you want it to support are disregarded and, instead, replaced with "God did it", or are completely ignored.

Junk science can not be demonstrated by empirical means because empirical means require a demonstratable and repeatable end result.

For example; if I drop a ball from a roof to try to demonstrate that gravity, or as it is now know, mass attraction, exists then I expect the ball to fall to the ground. By doing that experiment over and over in various conditions of weather, time of day, height, etc. and the ball continues to fall as it had before, then I have proven the theory of gravity.

If the ball fails to fall to the ground under all conditions, then there is another answer which I must seek. An answer that can be seen, measured and demonstrated to exist. (why did it fall as it should on experiment A, but not experiment D? What things changed, for example)

Science works on repeatable and demonstratable proof, not faith.

Creationism works on faith, not repeatable and demonstratable proof.

What Creationism does is takes all of the unanswered questions and disregard them; refuses to investigate further and says "We don't know so God must have done it".
In the real world, that's called JUNK science, or scientific principles that cannot survive empirical scrutiny.

Science takes those unanswered questions and says "We don't know, so let's investigate further".
In the real world, we call that science.

If science had been in the hands of Creationists during the Renaissance, then we would still be traveling by horse and carriage. We would not have airplanes, spacecraft, genetics or advanced medicine.

Had it not been for Leonardo DaVinci committing "heresy" by studying cadavers (for which he was jailed), then our understanding of how the human body functions would have been pushed back hundreds of years. we would probably still be using peg legs as prostetic devices had it not been for him.
Now You may like the idea of not being able to cure as many diseases and conditions that we can today, but I like the idea that we are not living in a society where religious doctrine is taught as disinformational "science".
You want to discuss the realities of what creationists believe, then watch the videos, on UTube, titled "why people laugh at creationists" There are 24 of them and I have copies. Every one of those videos has Creationists, some claiming to be scientists or Phd's in science, saying things that even a first year med student, astronomy student or physics student would know better.

Sure, the creationists make some very convincing arguments, if you know nothing of advanced sciences such as genetics, biology, astrophysics and whatnot. But when you look up the demonstratable facts, their arguments are shown to be religious drivel without any real science behind them.

Have you read "A Brief History of Time" By Dr. Steven Hawking?
I have and while some of the math is over my head, I understand the science. That is the difference between your Creationist "scientists" and real scientists.
No real scientist has a diploma mill degree, as most of the Creationist teachers do.

So as far as bringing your junk science to stand against real science....Bring it on and I will be glad to bring down the rain.

Jun 27, 2008, 4:33 PM
I received some sound advice from someone on this board. So I'm going to drop this.

But you do need to know that you're embarrassing yourself. You still have no idea what I think or believe, yet have generalized me to a fine point. I would update your hate on creationism, your way off.
