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Mar 16, 2008, 1:39 AM
Tom Cruise is batshit crazy. (http://gawker.com/5003867/secret-video-the-scientologists-celebrate-the-birthday-of-the-prophet-tom-cruise) (This video was done in '04, BTW)

Here's a little commentary on the four-minutes-and-change from hell.

1) They made an actual DVD of this? Not a cheap-ass Cousins Bar Mitzvah or Wedding DVD that gets fuzzy within 2 viewings. . .a MOVIE QUALITY DVD... WITH CHAPTERS!!!

2) He walked in to the theme from TOP GUN? WTF? No one told him about this wonderful reworking (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHklGtW3rwU)? Or this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekXxi9IKZSA)? Wow. . .way to quell those "Tom is Gay" rumors, Miss Cruise.

3) Okay, everyone. . .we need to apologize to Bob Seeger. RIGHT NOW. His music shouldn't be abused like this. We're watching the death of an 80's classic. Oh, and Tom's going down in flames too. But he's used to that.

4) Dancing. There's one gay stereotype he's defied. He can't dance for shit. Way to go Miss Cruise. . .shake that ...<chokes down vomit> groove thing, baby. And... DANCERS? Not even good (read:naked with big hooties) ones. Then again, it's. . .Tom. That may not be her thing.

5) Okay... whose the dude in the tight t-shirt. Is that... David Miscavidge? Whoa... they're a little close there. According to Rolling Stone, they're VERY close. My money's on Tom being a power bottom . . . Eww. Cruise doing anything sexual... excuse me... gonna have to heave.

6) That LAUGH. GAWD. Nascent serial killers all over the world will hang it up in the face of that laugh. . .I don't think they can make it to that level of insanely sinister.

7) Heh... for someone who is "not the #2..." they sure went all the fuck out for someone who is shit instead of The Shit for a birthday party.

....my church just sent me a card and the media ministry got me cake. I feel gypped.

Maybe I need to go batshit crazy.


Mar 16, 2008, 2:40 AM
to be honest, I never thought of Tom zcruise as gay but these certainly do raise some questions.....but they are cut and put together by a director and producer so is Tom to be held responsible???

I don't know the answer....



Mar 16, 2008, 8:42 AM
Taylor, I don't know you from Adam, but I HAVE to say this: I read everything you post, and omg you make me laugh!

Have you ever considered writing for a living? Your mind is amazing!

That having been said, I'm going back to click on the MissCruise links hehe.


Mar 16, 2008, 9:55 AM
LOL Taylor... Top form as always.

Heavens above- if he did come out as Gay then his religious institute would kick his ass/arse out of "scientology" sp?????

That would be funny cause then other A grade Actors and regardless of your own likes or dislikes to one Mr Cruise, he is a A star celeb. Other stars will suddenly catch on, and quicker than anyone could say Ebola, every Tom George or Ben will come out.

Saying that, its not a bad thing is it? Hollywood for the most part I've been informed is still in the 1950's when it comes to their leading Actors and Actresses and love interests. Especially regarding certain television actors who are trying to break out of their "tv" mode and being transformed into a Tom Cruise A list Celeb.




Sad very sad indeed.

However, if your a woman its fine... Hollywood likes bisexual women.


Personally my gaydar with Tom Cruise has been ringing for years- he's probably just a closted gay man. :2cents:

Mar 16, 2008, 10:04 AM
tom is loony....

i must say though that my first bi fantasy was to be the meat in a tom and nicole sandwich

Mar 16, 2008, 10:31 AM
From what I read about Scientology---in a person's first contacts with COS---they put you through those "auditing" sessions--and in those you are supposed to discuss and disclose all of the things that keep you from being "clear" so that is where they find out that people are gay/bi or whatever.

Of course----even though Scientology is supposed to be about wanting to make life better for all---that only really counts if you either have money or have the potential to make money---they have that "Celebrity Centre" out there in LA LA Land in which they get their hooks into people who have dreams of working in the entertainment industry.

In order to get to the higher levels of the COS---by the time you reach the top levels----a person has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars---they also say that it seems that so many of those who COS got their hooks into both male and female were GLBT and that is OK---since they get to take tons of money from them--the "Church" also arranged marriages of gay actors and actresses.

There is no doubt though----Tom Cruise is totally bat shit crazy!!!

He gives me a big case of the heebie jeebies---and while I may watch a film where he is part of the cast like "Lambs for Lions"---I will never pay to see a film in any manner in which he is the top billed star and also will try to do the same for any film that has an actor or actress who is a Scientologist as the top billed star.

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 1:30 PM
Sorry guys... but tbh... WHO CARES if Tom is gay? WHO CARES if he believes in some dumb cult religion? I mean really- who does care? Certainly not me. Anyway...

All I see is a video of Tom larking about and making a jack-ass out of himself for his birthday. Admittedly it doesn't do him any favors... but he's not breaking any laws, and I'm certainly not gonna use it to draw any serious psychoanalytical conclusions about him... other than that he's a bit of a tosser.

IMO its one of society's less amiable preoccupations to go around constantly accusing (or insinuating) that anyone who may happen to be unusual, camp, or even just not overtly macho, is a closet homosexual. Seriously peeps- get a life! And I thought bisexuals were supposed to know better.

As for his apparent lack of sanity... well... again, thats his own problem. he's got enough money to afford a few sessions with a psychotherapist, should he want them. But I guess he's chosen not to go down that route. And good luck to him. As long as he and his family are happy, and he doesn't pose a threat to the public, then I don't see any major problems. And he's certainly not the first celebrity to be a few frames short of a movie-reel.

I'd agree that male homosexuality can be a bit of a faux pas in the media these days, and that a few more openly gay media personalities would probably be beneficial. But, lets not stoop to bitchiness and assumptiveness in our quest.


Mar 16, 2008, 1:51 PM
Sorry guys... but tbh... WHO CARES if Tom is gay? WHO CARES if he believes in some dumb cult religion? I mean really- who does care? Certainly not me. Anyway...

All I see is a video of Tom larking about and making a jack-ass out of himself for his birthday. Admittedly it doesn't do him any favors... but he's not breaking any laws, and I'm certainly not gonna use it to draw any serious psychoanalytical conclusions about him... other than that he's a bit of a tosser.

IMO its one of society's less amiable preoccupations to go around constantly accusing (or insinuating) that anyone who may happen to be unusual, camp, or even just not overtly macho, is a closet homosexual. Seriously peeps- get a life! And I thought bisexuals were supposed to know better.

As for his apparent lack of sanity... well... again, thats his own problem. he's got enough money to afford a few sessions with a psychotherapist, should he want them. But I guess he's chosen not to go down that route. And good luck to him. As long as he and his family are happy, and he doesn't pose a threat to the public, then I don't see any major problems. And he's certainly not the first celebrity to be a few frames short of a movie-reel.

I'd agree that male homosexuality can be a bit of a faux pas in the media these days, and that a few more openly gay media personalities would probably be beneficial. But, lets not stoop to bitchiness and assumptiveness in our quest.


I am not really all that concerned with Tom Cruise per se----what does concern me is that he is so closely associated with an organization like Scientology---that when you research it--it is just not some bunch of folks following some misguided cult or something--no---the Church of Scientology is much more than that--it a supposed "religion" in which the biggest single part of it is a intelligence/counter-intelligence branch that is a miniature version of the CIA used expressly to destroy the lives of "suppressive persons" by any and all means necessary.

This religion has conducted break-ins of US federal agencies such as the FBI, the IRS and others and in some countries--they have labeled the COS a threat to their national security and ban them outright---

This "religion" has engaged in some very nasty campaigns of destroying the lives of some people--and they have been implicated in the deaths of others.

If Tom Cruise and many other actors and entertainers want to be part of such an organization---that is their business I guess---but I sure as hell am not going to give any of my money to them-----so when I know of any actor or entertainer who is a major part of some show, fillm, concert, etc.who is a COS member---they are not going to get my money that it turn goes into the coffers of what I consider to be a dangerous and potentially evil organization.

That is why I am not ever going to see a film headlined by actors like Tom Cruise, John Travlolta, etc. that I know are members of the COS unless it just happens to be on HBO, or a cable or broadcast channel. I also won't go to any concerts by some of the jazz musicians I found were also members of the COS.

As far as Tom Cruise being gay or not--I don't care one whit about that myself!!! He has a right to do just about anything he wants to or not with other consenting adults---

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 2:07 PM
I hear what you're saying Volty. But ALL religions are guilty of such crimes, IMO. Lets not forget the thousands who died in the crusades, and the continuing persecution of homosexuals by various religious groups.

The only difference seems to me to be that "Scientology" is a NEW form of religion (if it can indeed be called that) and doesn't worship any one given deity (as far as I know).

I'm certainly not denying the Scientology sucks (BIG TIME). But unless it can be proven that they are breaking the law, then we must be tolerant of it, just like any other religious group. If there are some sort of malicious and sinister goings on, then I'm sure the law will eventually pick up on it. Unless its merely a matter of the strong manipulating the weak- in which case, that seems to be an inevitable part of life, on some level.

By all means, disagree and protest though. But I doubt Tom will listen.

Mar 16, 2008, 9:37 PM
I hear what you're saying Volty. But ALL religions are guilty of such crimes, IMO. Lets not forget the thousands who died in the crusades, and the continuing persecution of homosexuals by various religious groups.

The only difference seems to me to be that "Scientology" is a NEW form of religion (if it can indeed be called that) and doesn't worship any one given deity (as far as I know).

I'm certainly not denying the Scientology sucks (BIG TIME). But unless it can be proven that they are breaking the law, then we must be tolerant of it, just like any other religious group. If there are some sort of malicious and sinister goings on, then I'm sure the law will eventually pick up on it. Unless its merely a matter of the strong manipulating the weak- in which case, that seems to be an inevitable part of life, on some level.

By all means, disagree and protest though. But I doubt Tom will listen.

The thing is... Christianity has evolved. You can find opposing perspectives, alternate perspectives and other views with ease and without cost.

Not so with Co$. . . You pay dearly in that faith. Just when you think you know everything, they come out with a new OT or tech that you have to pay upwards of 2-3 GRAND to learn. And god help you if you go "off-bridge" to learn anything. You WILL be punished and you will be turned out for your "out-ethics" .

They have settled out of court to prevent further scrutiny or acknowledge responsibility in a murder... google Lisa McPhereson. The Co$ murdered her, and settled out of court.

They have violated laws; but their lawyers have kept them from being made responsible in the eyes of the law.

But the internet will force them to responsibility in the eyes of the public.

Faith should be free. Knowledge should come without cost. The church of $cientology violates that to the core.


Skater Boy
Mar 17, 2008, 4:31 AM
The thing is... Christianity has evolved. You can find opposing perspectives, alternate perspectives and other views with ease and without cost.

Not so with Co$. . . You pay dearly in that faith. Just when you think you know everything, they come out with a new OT or tech that you have to pay upwards of 2-3 GRAND to learn. And god help you if you go "off-bridge" to learn anything. You WILL be punished and you will be turned out for your "out-ethics" .

They have settled out of court to prevent further scrutiny or acknowledge responsibility in a murder... google Lisa McPhereson. The Co$ murdered her, and settled out of court.

They have violated laws; but their lawyers have kept them from being made responsible in the eyes of the law.

But the internet will force them to responsibility in the eyes of the public.

Faith should be free. Knowledge should come without cost. The church of $cientology violates that to the core.


Quite true. Although there's always been a financial element in the established religions, and even to this day, Christianity (just for example) is quite a rich and powerful institution. But you're right, it has evolved in some ways.

Who knows, maybe COS will evolve too? Or maybe its time a governing body is introduced to prevent religions from abusing their powers... if such a thing doesn't exist already.

But it should certainly be held accountable for murder, if its in any way responsible for it.