View Full Version : Not Picky or Wishy Washy

Sep 24, 2007, 2:07 AM
:flag4::color::color:I have a question for anyone who stumbles across this who like me falls in the center of the Kinsey Scale. Do you find you are not as picky in many areas as your heterosexual or homosexual counterparts? And secondly, do you find you may actually be a bit more logical than they?

Let me list a few areas where my friends on the other sides are much pickier and sometimes not as thoughtful.

Music; I love acoustic music. I love show tunes. In winter I love classical music. In the spring it is time to rock and roll. Jazz is best in the evening. Christian rock is needed when I need to be awakened to God’s love. I use all the presets on the radio and then some. I even like some rap. I have many friends who they are eclectic because they like heavy metal and oldies, but don’t dare play disco. I say how can you not like KC and the Sunshine Band or the Average White Band. See where I’m headed?

Food; There are very few things I won’t eat. No details needed, but I know you also know some picky eaters.

Politics: I am officially an independent with libertarian leanings. I don’t trust either side and I am not going to follow the rhetoric of one side blindly. Most of my friends and co-workers claim the same, but will only quote people from one side or the other.

Cars; Most are wonderful. OK, I am not a Ford guy, but the Taurus is still a nice ride. So are Hyundai’s (Hyundays) and you cannot beat my Saabs.

And so it goes. Name the category and I can probably name good people, things, or ideas from all sides of the debate. Reading the papers reminds me daily how most people do not feel this way. Trying to order pizza with six people today really brought it home. I’m of the put it on and I will eat it school. Maybe that is why my physique is so bearish. The rest of the table had their favorites and do not ask them to deviate. And this was not a table of old conservatives.

What all this has made me wonder is, are most bisexuals not that picky and closed minded, or was I just born on the fence. I do not plan to change for anyone, but I am curious.

Sep 24, 2007, 2:35 AM
I can be that way but I usually chalk it up to the fact that I'm a gemini. Permanently playing both sides. :bigrin:

Sep 24, 2007, 2:51 AM
Someone's sexual orientation has nothing to do if they're picky or not picky, about anything.

Same with being logical or intelligent.

As far as astrology goes I have the same viewpoint on it that the character of Edmund does in King Lear. ;)

I do think that most people are picky about who they pick as a partner, or they should be and should try not be very needy and expect that one person (or more than one person if they're so incredibly needy that one partner can't possibly take care of them enough) to take care of them, to fix everything wrong with them, or give them happiness or any of that stuff that they themselves have to do.

Sep 24, 2007, 4:18 AM
in my opinion you are receptive, flexible and fair-minded.

i don't label it as being "not picky" nor "wishy washy" because i believe it is simply an element of certain personality types. and i don't think personality types are tied with one sexual orientation over the other.

i read some texts on Buddhism, and a few of the ideas expressed about the
traits of Bodhisattvas and the like further validated my ideas that some people are more comfortable with being expansive than others. From my point
of view there are many messages in the world that bombard humans while they develop (age -9 months to 29 years) and one of those messages is that a truly strong adult person who is highly favored to succeed is consistent and unyielding. the only way to be respected (and depending on the person,
respected and feared) is to be firmly resolved in regards to values, morals and
for some also behavior and preferences. In my experience I've come across those (i mean self-help books, motivational speakers, religious teachers, pastors, school administrators, teachers, ex's, etc) who espouse the idea that a person who is open to giving everyone or everything their due consideration, who is generally open-minded is immature, weak and inconsistent in a way that is negative. but i've grown to realize that i wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that this describes every human and I can proudly say that i am consistent at being tolerant and receptive.

i say that because there were times in the past where i questioned
myself and asked myself "am i truly an insubstantial person because i am
comfortable with changing my mind about things that most people that i encounter are stubborn about?" i can relate to you when you said "Reading the papers reminds me daily how most people do not feel this way." i think those who are proud of being resolute in whatever the topic is at hand feel as though they have to persuade/convince others to their side and sometimes they are the loudest voices out there. also i'm not sure if i'm noticing this because i'm gradually paying more attention to politics or if it truly is a growing trend, but i notice that more politicians are willing to say "i've changed my mind..." or "i've learned some things that i wasn't
aware of before and now..." within a 1 or 2 year period. i'd like to see more of


i had to look up the word "expansive" just now to make sure I am using the
same word that I came across in contemporary buddhist texts and there is one definition that expresses what i am trying to say and one that does not. i mean expansive as in "friendly and open and willing to talk" and not the definition "marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur."

Sep 24, 2007, 7:07 AM
We r human beins hun..bright thick stupid smart picky choosy snobby nice orrible bad tempered arrogant tarty sexy violent peaceful bigotted racist sportlovin/hatin classy yummie honest lyin sneaky str8 up etc etc etc.. we no diff from the rest of humanity..we jus r an will b till they call our boat in...

shameless agitator
Sep 24, 2007, 5:44 PM
I tend to be pretty eclectic as well and am always up to trying something new. I don't know that these traits are necessarily linked in any way to sexual orientation, but I'm not willing to dismiss the idea out of hand as so many of the others apparently are. I wonder if any sociological studies have ever been done on the subject.

Sep 24, 2007, 6:28 PM
well I'm a "3" on the kinsey scale, and I generally find that I'm a bit more levelheaded and mature than my partners, sorry Siruya.

anyways I dont think any one "scale, quiz, or rating" can defien who you are a s a person, it shows one part of you thats it. but thats ust my opinion take it or leave it as you will.