View Full Version : Sexuality coming full circle...

Apr 27, 2007, 6:31 AM
Recently the stars aligned and everything just "clicked" together, like pieces of an intricate puzzle. I realized that I am Bisexual. Its been six months since I have faced up to myself inside that jam-packed-with-thoughts brain of mine. At first I was very confused (really, I'm straight and gay?) , then I was a little shocked (I am not the person I grew up thinking I was. Is this possible?), then I was very, very angry. I felt like my identity was altered, I was not the same, I was no longer "myself", whatever that means anyways (considering I have obviously been this way since I was younger).

I think I connected the dots all along, but only now am I allowing myself to see the whole picture. I am wanting to understand and accept myself. I don't know a lot of gay or, to my knowledge, Bi people. I feel like I have no one to relate to, or to talk to about how it all unfolded for them.

When did your sexuality come full circle? I understand its constantly changing, and everyone's circumstances aid in their repression (if any) and discovery in a unique way. Of course, my story is longer and detailed and blah blah blah...but at this point, I feel I just need to listen to others. I need to know that I am not alone on the journey at this point in my life, where the discovery is so fresh and still a little confusing, and exciting in a way I cant quite figure out (especially since I am happily married and I don't want a different partner).

Ive only just signed up here, and I am worried (mostly after seeing random pictures of naked parts on profiles) that maybe this isn't a serious board for friendship and support....but I'm going to put this out there anyways and see what comes back! Thank for your thoughts!

Apr 27, 2007, 9:05 AM
Not altogether sure of what you mean by "come full circle"? which makes it more difficult to answer. Please don't be put off by some of the pics, if you're looking for support and insight you'll find many people here who are happy to provide the one and share the other.

Apr 27, 2007, 11:33 AM
Just because their are the "privates pics" does not mean that people here are like they are at other "bisexual" sites---we do have some of the people who merely are looking for hook-ups--but most want more than that.

They want to make some friends---find out information and such about bisexuality---just give it time.

Apr 27, 2007, 11:59 AM
This is very much the site for friendship and exploration! You do have those here who are just here to hook up, but there are more folks here looking for answers and offering support than I have found in any other online forum!

I was about 37 when I realized I was bisexual. I was a very late bloomer, though looking back I can see the clues laying everywhere, but I repressed them and lived my life like I was straight. I am much, much happier now. Since my self discovery, I feel more at peace with myself than ever.

Best of luck in your journey!

Apr 27, 2007, 10:41 PM
I think what you mean by "coming full circle" is to realize who you are sexually. Many of us, like me, have known essentially all our lives (deep down) WHO we are and WHAT we want BUT in this world of labels, etc. we have a hard time finding an appropriate "label" for ourselves. This is what happened to me for years. So we try to "fit in" with certain groups and eventually figure out that we don't. We are hetero, gay, bi, whatever. but the labels really don't fit. Once you understand what you are, accept that and even (if you are lucky) find a label that everyone accepts that applies to you, then you have "come full circle"

For me, finding the "label" for my soul took many years and a lot of side trips.....hetero---------> yes, but then no. . . . . . .gay-----> YES, but then again no. . . . .Bi?--------->definitely......but then .. . . . .actually no.....
transgendered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely....

I knew it ALL THE TIME from age 8!!! just didn't know what to call it and what it was until i discovered it....


Apr 27, 2007, 11:01 PM
I used to think i was lesbian till few years ago, and i marry to a girl and then discovered ther other side. There were lots of questions inside my head.
Is it right? Am i ok? Then i tried to convince myself that i'm pure, 100 % les, and i was wrong. Of course that was something that caused lots of troubles inside my marriedge, but i have much more clearer picture about myself now when i solved those problems in my head.

So, as long you had any doubts in your head are you gay or straight or whatever, it speaks for itself - yes, you are bisexual. Explore that side of your personality.

Apr 27, 2007, 11:07 PM
I can relate to coming full circle. Ever since adolescence I was attracted to both sexes. My parent sent me to a psychiatrist because they did not want their son to be gay. It hurt a lot. This experience taught me to hide, even from myself.

Finding acceptance begins inside though. Once you are able to accept yourself then you will find others accept you too. When I hit my mid 20's I began accepting myself as bisexual. I thought I had fully accepted myself, but I had not really until recently. I am now able to talk comfortably about being a bisexual man. This is how I am wired. I always have been bisexual and I am now comfortable with myself.

We all have different experiences, but we all go through similar emotions and feelings. Although I have not been a member of this site very long, here you will find kind and supportive people who are willing to listen, and when needed offer their experiences and advice.

I hope that you have a wonderfull journey, full of joy and love. :male: