May 31, 2015, 2:06 PM
Sorry to those who have the person blocked but you still might find the analysis of interest. It is a very simple quick analysis. This is a simple analysis of polls created in the past few weeks by one poster.

Results indicate that the sexual activity asked in questions was generally not done by the pollster.

In two cases he admitted to the sexual activity that he was survey other bisexual posters. He ate cum at least once. He pissed on another man who was masturbating one to three times.

In most polls fewer than ten replies indicates that the survey sample is too small to indicate any validity. Therefore there was no serious attempt to find the most common sexual behaviours of bisexual posters on this site.

Colour variation is just an accident that I could not fix quickly.

What is the purpose of creating such polls?
Is the purpose of these polls a biphobic attack on this bisexual site with the intention of degrading sexual acts (most sensationalist) done by bisexuals on this site?

Your thoughts.

.................................................. .................................................. .............................
Poll question Do you own dildos and use them in your ass or cunt, or someone else's ass or cunt?
I don't own any sort of sex toys or use them in myself or in anyone elsepole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Ever get on your knees in a mens room or ABS and suck off all cummers?
I have never done this and do not want to pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Have you swallowed cum from all the cocks that you have ever sucked
I'm not into swallowing cumpole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

males is it your role in life to suck dick?
I am not like this for oral sex or sex at allpole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

If you love black dick and black men are you envious of this chick?
No I'm not sexually attracted to black men or into BBC/BBD, etc. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)…

Do you like having your mouth skullfucked, shared by men, and taking their loads? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16959-Do-you-like-having-your-mouth-skullfucked-shared-by-men-and-taking-their-loads)
I am not into this and have never done it. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

If you were in a library and a man passed you a note asking for sex what would you do (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16964-If-you-were-in-a-library-and-a-man-passed-you-a-note-asking-for-sex-what-would-you-do)
I have never done this and do not want topole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Guys: Do you ever want to put your legs in the air and give a man some pussy or cunt?
I'm not a bottom for anal sex at all and don't think of men this way pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

When was the last time you had cum shot into your freshly fucked gaping ass or twat?
It's never happened. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Guys: If you cheated on your wife/GF why did you cheat on her?
no reply
People obsessed with black cock would you take a black man's fist or arm up your ass? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16782-People-obsessed-with-black-cock-would-you-take-a-black-man-s-fist-or-arm-up-your-ass)
I'm not sexually attracted to black men or a bottom at all pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Have you ever had sex in a park, or in a public bathroom in a park? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16800-Have-you-ever-had-sex-in-a-park-or-in-a-public-bathroom-in-a-park)
I have never done this and don't really want to pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Ever piss on a man while he beats off and gets hard? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16927-Ever-piss-on-a-man-while-he-beats-off-and-gets-hard)
It's happened once or twice, or 3X or so. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Do you like to eat cum out of a freshly fucked asshole or twat? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16944-Do-you-like-to-eat-cum-out-of-a-freshly-fucked-asshole-or-twat)
I have never done this and do not want topole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
Have you ever been picked up and had sex with a stranger in a car while walking?
I have no desire to ever do this and have never done it. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

May 31, 2015, 3:15 PM
Sorry to those who have the person blocked but you still might find the analysis of interest. It is a very simple quick analysis. This is a simple analysis of polls created in the past few weeks by one poster.

Results indicate that the sexual activity asked in questions was generally not done by the pollster.

In two cases he admitted to the sexual activity that he was survey other bisexual posters. He ate cum at least once. He pissed on another man who was masturbating one to three times.

In most polls fewer than ten replies indicates that the survey sample is too small to indicate any validity. Therefore there was no serious attempt to find the most common sexual behaviours of bisexual posters on this site.

Colour variation is just an accident that I could not fix quickly.

What is the purpose of creating such polls?
Is the purpose of these polls a biphobic attack on this bisexual site with the intention of degrading sexual acts (most sensationalist) done by bisexuals on this site?

Your thoughts.

.................................................. .................................................. .............................
Poll question Do you own dildos and use them in your ass or cunt, or someone else's ass or cunt?
I don't own any sort of sex toys or use them in myself or in anyone elsepole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Ever get on your knees in a mens room or ABS and suck off all cummers?
I have never done this and do not want to pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Have you swallowed cum from all the cocks that you have ever sucked
I'm not into swallowing cumpole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

males is it your role in life to suck dick?
I am not like this for oral sex or sex at allpole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

If you love black dick and black men are you envious of this chick?
No I'm not sexually attracted to black men or into BBC/BBD, etc. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)…

Do you like having your mouth skullfucked, shared by men, and taking their loads? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16959-Do-you-like-having-your-mouth-skullfucked-shared-by-men-and-taking-their-loads)
I am not into this and have never done it. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

If you were in a library and a man passed you a note asking for sex what would you do (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16964-If-you-were-in-a-library-and-a-man-passed-you-a-note-asking-for-sex-what-would-you-do)
I have never done this and do not want topole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Guys: Do you ever want to put your legs in the air and give a man some pussy or cunt?
I'm not a bottom for anal sex at all and don't think of men this way pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

When was the last time you had cum shot into your freshly fucked gaping ass or twat?
It's never happened. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Guys: If you cheated on your wife/GF why did you cheat on her?
no reply
People obsessed with black cock would you take a black man's fist or arm up your ass? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16782-People-obsessed-with-black-cock-would-you-take-a-black-man-s-fist-or-arm-up-your-ass)
I'm not sexually attracted to black men or a bottom at all pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Have you ever had sex in a park, or in a public bathroom in a park? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16800-Have-you-ever-had-sex-in-a-park-or-in-a-public-bathroom-in-a-park)
I have never done this and don't really want to pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Ever piss on a man while he beats off and gets hard? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16927-Ever-piss-on-a-man-while-he-beats-off-and-gets-hard)
It's happened once or twice, or 3X or so. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

Do you like to eat cum out of a freshly fucked asshole or twat? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16944-Do-you-like-to-eat-cum-out-of-a-freshly-fucked-asshole-or-twat)
I have never done this and do not want topole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
Have you ever been picked up and had sex with a stranger in a car while walking?
I have no desire to ever do this and have never done it. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're completely obsessed with me, and can't stop trolling/stalking/harassing me, and have waaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands when you're not making silly videos masquerading as "art" or being a bi or gay married man's personal cumrag and bootycall while he cheats on his husband or wife with you.

What's the big deal about me not having done certain sexual acts? I'm answering honestly. This is a bisexual sex site for adults and you're way too hung up about things and annoyed that bisexual men and women do certain sex acts or have sex in certain places. :rolleyes: You're not the boss or owner of this site despite how you are a troll, cyber-bully, and stalk/harass people on here who you don't like.

May 31, 2015, 3:25 PM

May 31, 2015, 3:30 PM
Says who? LMAO you? :rolleyes:

May 31, 2015, 4:13 PM
Truth hurts,don't it Pole? You fool no one.

May 31, 2015, 4:15 PM
Truth hurts,don't it Pole? You fool no one.
What are you going on about now? :rolleyes: I don't really care what a guy from flyover country with genital warts, and a control freak Canadian think about me or my polls.

If you happen not to like my posts, then don't click on them or read them.

May 31, 2015, 4:31 PM
What are you going on about now? :rolleyes: I don't really care what a guy from flyover country with genital warts, and a control freak Canadian think about me or my polls.

If you happen not to like my posts, then don't click on them or read them.
For somebody claming to be from NYC, you have an awfully thin skin.

May 31, 2015, 4:48 PM
For somebody claming to be from NYC, you have an awfully thin skin.
Nope I don't have a thin skin.

But if someone does attack me, I don't take it.

But again since you're very slow...if you don't like my posts then don't click on them. It's that simple. :rolleyes:

May 31, 2015, 5:03 PM
Sorry to those who have the person blocked but you still might find the analysis of interest. It is a very simple quick analysis. This is a simple analysis of polls created in the past few weeks by one poster.

Results indicate that the sexual activity asked in questions was generally not done by the pollster.

In two cases he admitted to the sexual activity that he was survey other bisexual posters. He ate cum at least once. He pissed on another man who was masturbating one to three times.

In most polls fewer than ten replies indicates that the survey sample is too small to indicate any validity. Therefore there was no serious attempt to find the most common sexual behaviours of bisexual posters on this site.

Colour variation is just an accident that I could not fix quickly.

What is the purpose of creating such polls?
Is the purpose of these polls a biphobic attack on this bisexual site with the intention of degrading sexual acts (most sensationalist) done by bisexuals on this site?

Your thoughts.

I hadn't ever checked the answers to the polls, but if you are accurate I do not think it is a bi-phobic attack. Possibly there is a secret hidden somewhere, and these questions are an attempt to gain some self acceptance. For instance. "I may have done this, but at least I haven't done this, this or this." The sheer number of queries would make you wonder as to how serious of a emotional upheaval that event must have been. However, you are your brothers keeper and aside from correcting bad manners, you must allow people to work their way through it. Attempting an intervention on a forum is going to be no more successful than a cry for help on one. You must stay in the roll of the adult or parent through the duration of these emotional outbursts. On the playground it is better to be the teacher than to be one of the children. People use their sexuality to different ends. Reward, punishment, shame, control, submission, validation, duty, anger and many more that I wouldn't understand. My reason is pleasure. Why allow a poster on a website to affect that?

May 31, 2015, 5:06 PM
Nope I don't have a thin skin.

But if someone does attack me, I don't take it.

Attack? No , just shining light on the terribly obvious,Church Lady (Pole)

May 31, 2015, 5:13 PM
Attack? No , just shining light on the terribly obvious,Church Lady (Pole)
Your genital warts must be annoying you as usual. I'm not into everything sexual as nobody is; but keep obsessing about me it's funny.

May 31, 2015, 5:15 PM
I hadn't ever checked the answers to the polls, but if you are accurate I do not think it is a bi-phobic attack. Possibly there is a secret hidden somewhere, and these questions are an attempt to gain some self acceptance. For instance. "I may have done this, but at least I haven't done this, this or this." The sheer number of queries would make you wonder as to how serious of a emotional upheaval that event must have been. However, you are your brothers keeper and aside from correcting bad manners, you must allow people to work their way through it. Attempting an intervention on a forum is going to be no more successful than a cry for help on one. You must stay in the roll of the adult or parent through the duration of these emotional outbursts. On the playground it is better to be the teacher than to be one of the children. People use their sexuality to different ends. Reward, punishment, shame, control, submission, validation, duty, anger and many more that I wouldn't understand. My reason is pleasure. Why allow a poster on a website to affect that?In every group there is someone who is "That Guy"....

May 31, 2015, 5:18 PM
I hadn't ever checked the answers to the polls, but if you are accurate I do not think it is a bi-phobic attack. Possibly there is a secret hidden somewhere, and these questions are an attempt to gain some self acceptance. For instance. "I may have done this, but at least I haven't done this, this or this." The sheer number of queries would make you wonder as to how serious of a emotional upheaval that event must have been. However, you are your brothers keeper and aside from correcting bad manners, you must allow people to work their way through it. Attempting an intervention on a forum is going to be no more successful than a cry for help on one. You must stay in the roll of the adult or parent through the duration of these emotional outbursts. On the playground it is better to be the teacher than to be one of the children. People use their sexuality to different ends. Reward, punishment, shame, control, submission, validation, duty, anger and many more that I wouldn't understand. My reason is pleasure. Why allow a poster on a website to affect that?
This is a sex site for bisexual adults. :rolleyes: If you don't like certain threads or topics then don't click on them.

May 31, 2015, 5:26 PM
Your genital warts must be annoying you as usual. I'm not into everything sexual as nobody is; but keep obsessing about me it's funny.Really , now Church Lady that was supposed to be an insult? Hell, my Drill Sergeant's turds could come up with better...in their sleep(with better grammar too)

May 31, 2015, 5:26 PM
It would seem a more in depth anal ysis of the volume and contents of the 'recent' posts would be in order. (A poll is also a thread.) Are there any interesting or boner twitching replies? Are the threads too vulgar for a non clinical BIsexual site? Remember this site is about any nonviolent acts involving one or more consenting adult humans.

I'm not into kissing or nipple play with a man. I'd rather read about it than do it. OH NO!, a new poll?

May 31, 2015, 5:30 PM
Really , now Church Lady that was supposed to be an insult? Hell, my Drill Sergeant's turds could come up with better...in their sleep(with better grammar too)
LMAO!!!!!! You can't even write proper sentences that are structurally and grammatically correct. :rolleyes: I certainly don't consider anything you or other trolls are posting to be insulting at all.

May 31, 2015, 5:30 PM
Biphobia is aversion toward bisexuality and bisexual people as a social group or as individuals. People of any sexual orientation can experience such feelings of aversion. Biphobia is a source of discrimination against bisexuals, and may be based on negative bisexual stereotypes or irrational fear.

You may have a point as to whether the pollster’s reasons for creating polls that he does not practise is a method of claiming that he is not “as bad” as others.He presents himself as bisexual with a monosexual Church Lady morality. Yet he just as well may be a hetero Church Lady in reality who is busy creating negative stereotypes about bisexuality. Have you noticed that some of his questions posters seem to lack the ability to empathize with the poster. It still leaves the question why he bothers to create so many sexual practices that he claims to have no interest in. It has been pointed out previously by other members that the pollster may not be an adult. Yet, they are on an adult site creating questionable situations.

The issue remains that the pollster seems to have an aversion /fascination with certain sexual acts. Look at the very diverse and large porn images that he posts. It is more a fascination than an aversion. In their total presentation they appeal the base and darker sides of some people's sexual behaviour.

The pollster's polls do little to improve any monosexual's opinion about bisexuality who comes across this site. His polls present the more salacious aspects of sex regardless of the sexuality of the people involved.

Yet, these polls exist on a bisexual site thus giving the impression that this is what bisexuality is all about. It goes no deeper than skin and intellectually obsessive with piss, cum and penetration. There is no human emotional aspect to bisexuality that is presently dominating the site. No socio politics about bisexuality. Since Biphobia is a source of discrimination, the polls present a false representation of many aspects of bisexuality. The pollster aims to create negative stereotypes of bisexuality.

No one is forcing the pollster to create polls that have nothing to do with his own sexual practices. No one is picking on him. These are his truths.

May 31, 2015, 5:45 PM
Biphobia is aversion toward bisexuality and bisexual people as a social group or as individuals. People of any sexual orientation can experience such feelings of aversion. Biphobia is a source of discrimination against bisexuals, and may be based on negative bisexual stereotypes or irrational fear.

You may have a point as to whether the pollster’s reasons for creating polls that he does not practise is a method of claiming that he is not “as bad” as others.He presents himself as bisexual with a monosexual Church Lady morality. Yet he just as well may be a hetero Church Lady in reality who is busy creating negative stereotypes about bisexuality. Have you noticed that some of his questions posters seem to lack the ability to empathize with the poster. It still leaves the question why he bothers to create so many sexual practices that he claims to have no interest in. It has been pointed out previously by other members that the pollster may not be an adult. Yet, they are on an adult site creating questionable situations.

The issue remains that the pollster seems to have an aversion /fascination with certain sexual acts. Look at the very diverse and large porn images that he posts. It is more a fascination than an aversion. In their total presentation they appeal the base and darker sides of some people's sexual behaviour.

The pollster's polls do little to improve any monosexual's opinion about bisexuality who comes across this site. His polls present the more salacious aspects of sex regardless of the sexuality of the people involved.

Yet, these polls exist on a bisexual site thus giving the impression that this is what bisexuality is all about. It goes no deeper than skin and intellectually obsessive with piss, cum and penetration. There is no human emotional aspect to bisexuality that is presently dominating the site. No socio politics about bisexuality. Since Biphobia is a source of discrimination, the polls present a false representation of many aspects of bisexuality. The pollster aims to create negative stereotypes of bisexuality.
:rolleyes: No I don't. I simply write about sex acts that a lot of people of all genders and sexual orientations do. Including...bisexuals. But stay hidden in your troll cave where you ignore reality and the ways adults have sex. :rolleyes:

If you want to see someone that's actually biphobic and homophobic look in the mirror at yourself Tenni/Jim Riley, and read your posts.

No, Jim Riley, it isn't. Not editing that out either... hide some more?



May 31, 2015, 6:09 PM
:rolleyes: No I don't. I simply write about sex acts that a lot of people of all genders and sexual orientations do. Including...bisexuals. But stay hidden in your troll cave where you ignore reality and the ways adults have sex. :rolleyes:

[/I]Bullshit. Tenni posted the evidence.

May 31, 2015, 6:15 PM
Bullshit. Tenni posted the evidence.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really call that BS he posted "evidence"? :rolleyes: LMAO!!!!!!!!! But you're another person who like tenni/Jim Riley doesn't live in reality, is closeted, and who doesn't want to face up to the multitude of ways people of all genders/sexual orientations, including bisexual people have sex.

Tenni is one of those people that thinks that if you repeat a lie enough that someone will believe it, and he's akin to a person throwing shit against a wall hoping that one time it will stick....but so are you.

People are driven off of this site not because of people like myself and others posting and writing about adults having sex; but from trolls like you and tenni who stalk and harass anyone who you don't like. People who joined this site long before I did have said how Tenni is nothing but a troll that was banned before, and he does love to stalk/harass/bully anyone who he doesn't like or agree with. But he's boring and sad like that since he doesn't get out much unless he's hooking up with married closeted bi and gay men who use him as their booty call and jizz rag. ;)

May 31, 2015, 6:24 PM
Just what mm sexual activities DOES this guy enjoy? LOL He claims to be faithful and monogamously married to his husband. I don't doubt that in the least, but with his attitude and personality I am surprised he ever found a same sex mate who could put up with him. From the compilation of his poll responses and reading between the lines, he MIGHT enjoy fucking his husband in the ass and having his hubby suck him off. It's not clear if he ever places his mouth on his hubby's cock or others' cocks, but if he does, he does not allow even his hubby's cum to pass his lips. He appears to enjoy pissing on his hubby and possibly other people on occasion and there have been hints in other of his posts that he might occasionally invite other men or women to his marital bed (with his hubby's agreement). It's not clear whether he allows his hubby to touch or have sex with other people or if he just has to sit and watch. I think that like most closed-minded Puritans he subconsciously wishes he could do most of the things he says he hates and doesn't do and he is jealous and very critical and unsympathetic to the people who are out there daily enjoying a healthy, varied and exciting sexual life with one partner or with multiple partners with or without benefit of a wedding ring.

May 31, 2015, 6:35 PM
Just what mm sexual activities DOES this guy enjoy? LOL He claims to be faithful and monogamously married to his husband. I don't doubt that in the least, but with his attitude and personality I am surprised he ever found a same sex mate who could put up with him. From the compilation of his poll responses and reading between the lines, he MIGHT enjoy fucking his husband in the ass and having his hubby suck him off. It's not clear if he ever places his mouth on his hubby's cock or others' cocks, but if he does, he does not allow even his hubby's cum to pass his lips. He appears to enjoy pissing on his hubby and possibly other people on occasion and there have been hints in other of his posts that he might occasionally invite other men or women to his marital bed (with his hubby's agreement). It's not clear whether he allows his hubby to touch or have sex with other people or if he just has to sit and watch. I think that like most closed-minded Puritans he subconsciously wishes he could do most of the things he says he hates and doesn't do and he is jealous and very critical and unsympathetic to the people who are out there daily enjoying a healthy, varied and exciting sexual life with one partner or with multiple partners with or without benefit of a wedding ring.
:rolleyes: Neither my husband or myself are Puritan. If you have read my posts you'll see what we're both into sexually with each other and when we've had sex with men and women before we were in a relationship together. Not everyone's into swallowing cum, facials, etc.

Yes we're monogamous and no we don't cheat on each other. People can be monogamous if that's what they want. But you are extremely insecure and jealous that we have a satisfying relationship and sex life together, while you're stuck in the closet at your mom's house, and not getting any sex except with your hand when you have phone/cyber sex. ;)

May 31, 2015, 6:35 PM
Sorry to those who have the person blocked but you still might find the analysis of interest. It is a very simple quick analysis. This is a simple analysis of polls created in the past few weeks by one poster.

Results indicate that the sexual activity asked in questions was generally not done by the pollster.

In two cases he admitted to the sexual activity that he was survey other bisexual posters. He ate cum at least once. He pissed on another man who was masturbating one to three times.

In most polls fewer than ten replies indicates that the survey sample is too small to indicate any validity. Therefore there was no serious attempt to find the most common sexual behaviours of bisexual posters on this site.

Colour variation is just an accident that I could not fix quickly.

What is the purpose of creating such polls?
Is the purpose of these polls a biphobic attack on this bisexual site with the intention of degrading sexual acts (most sensationalist) done by bisexuals on this site?

Your thoughts.

.................................................. .................................................. .............................
Poll question Do you own dildos and use them in your ass or cunt, or someone else's ass or cunt?
I don't own any sort of sex toys or use them in myself or in anyone elsepole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.

Ever get on your knees in a mens room or ABS and suck off all cummers?
I have never done this and do not want to pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..

Have you swallowed cum from all the cocks that you have ever sucked
I'm not into swallowing cumpole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..

males is it your role in life to suck dick?
I am not like this for oral sex or sex at allpole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦

If you love black dick and black men are you envious of this chick?
No I'm not sexually attracted to black men or into BBC/BBD, etc. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)…
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦

Do you like having your mouth skullfucked, shared by men, and taking their loads? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16959-Do-you-like-having-your-mouth-skullfucked-shared-by-men-and-taking-their-loads)
I am not into this and have never done it. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.

If you were in a library and a man passed you a note asking for sex what would you do (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16964-If-you-were-in-a-library-and-a-man-passed-you-a-note-asking-for-sex-what-would-you-do)
I have never done this and do not want topole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.

Guys: Do you ever want to put your legs in the air and give a man some pussy or cunt?
I'm not a bottom for anal sex at all and don't think of men this way pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)

When was the last time you had cum shot into your freshly fucked gaping ass or twat?
It's never happened. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.

Guys: If you cheated on your wife/GF why did you cheat on her?
no reply
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..
People obsessed with black cock would you take a black man's fist or arm up your ass? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16782-People-obsessed-with-black-cock-would-you-take-a-black-man-s-fist-or-arm-up-your-ass)
I'm not sexually attracted to black men or a bottom at all pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..

Have you ever had sex in a park, or in a public bathroom in a park? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16800-Have-you-ever-had-sex-in-a-park-or-in-a-public-bathroom-in-a-park)
I have never done this and don't really want to pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦.

Ever piss on a man while he beats off and gets hard? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16927-Ever-piss-on-a-man-while-he-beats-off-and-gets-hard)
It's happened once or twice, or 3X or so. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦

Do you like to eat cum out of a freshly fucked asshole or twat? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16944-Do-you-like-to-eat-cum-out-of-a-freshly-fucked-asshole-or-twat)
I have never done this and do not want topole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦
Have you ever been picked up and had sex with a stranger in a car while walking?
I have no desire to ever do this and have never done it. pole_smoker (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?159571-pole_smoker)
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.
…why don’t you just put pole on ignore & go on about your business…if enough of you put him on ignore no one will read his posts…EXCEPT...the ones of us who like them…there’s something seriously wrong with you if you have nothing better to do than monitor pole’s posts…

May 31, 2015, 6:47 PM
Why do you think that the pollster is creating so many sexual polls that he has no interest in Charles? The pollster has not given a clear answer why he creates polls that he personally has no interest in.

"why don’t you just put pole on ignore & go on about your business"

The thing about the ignore button is that you can still read the blocked posts if you wish. Those threads still overcome other threads when created with sufficient numbers. Other members theads are pushed off the front page. The blocker doesn't see the blocked threads but new threads by others are pushed off. Other posters stop posting since no one is responding to their thread. Catch 22.

Simplistic solutions like blocking work if you want them to work for your privacy. They don't do the overall site a bit of good.

This is a site for bisexuals is what the banner states. It is not a sex site per sei. Sex site and bisexual site are not synonyms. Of course, some sexual aspects will be discussed.

Piss is not a bisexual activity exclusively and it may be even discussed at some point as a sexual play by a bisexual. Is it because the person is bisexual that they have an interest in piss play? Or is it regardless of their sexuality, they have a kink about piss play? But by a person pollster who doesn't do it and doesn't want ? wtf is the purpose of that ? The lack of sensitivity to others on the site is obvious.

The pollster has tended to use what trolls have been accused of and even himself to deflect his responsibility for his own actions. He's not a cyber bully..you are...He's not a troll you are. He doesn't create polls about sex acts that he has no interest in..YET, the evidence was there in the polls. Clear as can be that the pollster has another reason for creating than anything personal about himself .

Cuttin..You could be a profiler for the FBI...lol Good summation!

May 31, 2015, 7:09 PM
Why do you think that the pollster is creating so many sexual polls that he has no interest in Charles? The pollster has not given a clear answer why he creates polls that he personally has no interest in.

"why don’t you just put pole on ignore & go on about your business"

The thing about the ignore button is that you can still read the blocked posts if you wish. Those threads still overcome other threads when created with sufficient numbers. Other members theads are pushed off the front page. The blocker doesn't see the blocked threads but new threads by others are pushed off. Other posters stop posting since no one is responding to their thread. Catch 22.

Simplistic solutions like blocking work if you want them to. They don't do the overall site a bit of good.

This is a site for bisexuals is what the banner states. It is not a sex site per sei. Sex site and bisexual site are not synonyms. Of course, some sexual aspects will be discussed. Piss is not a bisexual activity exclusively and it may be even discussed at some point as a sexual play. But by a person who doesn't do it and doesn't want ? wtf is the purpose of that ?

The pollster has tended to use what trolls have been accused of and even himself to deflect his responsibility for his own actions. He's not a cyber bully..you are...He's not a troll you are. He doesn't create polls about sex acts that he has no interest in..YET, the evidence was there in the polls. Clear as can be that the pollster has another reason for creating than anything personal about himself .

Cuttin..You could be a profiler for the FBI...lol Good summation!Church Lady thrives on the fact that this board is not actively moderated. If I was a Mod ,I'd have IP banned him long ago (Rule#2)

May 31, 2015, 7:14 PM
Why do you think that the pollster is creating so many sexual polls that he has no interest in Charles? The pollster has not given a clear answer why he creates polls that he personally has no interest in.

"why don’t you just put pole on ignore & go on about your business"

The thing about the ignore button is that you can still read the blocked posts if you wish. Those threads still overcome other threads when created with sufficient numbers. Other members theads are pushed off the front page. The blocker doesn't see the blocked threads but new threads by others are pushed off. Other posters stop posting since no one is responding to their thread. Catch 22.

Simplistic solutions like blocking work if you want them to work for your privacy. They don't do the overall site a bit of good.

This is a site for bisexuals is what the banner states. It is not a sex site per sei. Sex site and bisexual site are not synonyms. Of course, some sexual aspects will be discussed. Piss is not a bisexual activity exclusively and it may be even discussed at some point as a sexual play. But by a person who doesn't do it and doesn't want ? wtf is the purpose of that ?

The pollster has tended to use what trolls have been accused of and even himself to deflect his responsibility for his own actions. He's not a cyber bully..you are...He's not a troll you are. He doesn't create polls about sex acts that he has no interest in..YET, the evidence was there in the polls. Clear as can be that the pollster has another reason for creating than anything personal about himself .

Cuttin..You could be a profiler for the FBI...lol Good summation!
This is a sex site for bisexual adults, and no you don't own it, and do not have anything better to do than police what other people post that you happen to not like.

If you don't like someone's threads just ignore them or don't read them. :rolleyes:

The only thing cuttin is good at profiling is the next dude he'll have phone/webcam sex with while in his mom's spare guest room, and hearing her when she or other relatives want something from him, and he thinks they don't know that he's bisexual. :rolleyes:

May 31, 2015, 7:16 PM
Church Lady thrives on the fact that this board is not actively moderated. If I was a Mod ,I'd have IP banned him long ago (Rule#2)
LMAO!!!!!! IF this forum was moderated trolls like you would be banned long before me.

You clearly don't know how I.P. addresses and such things work. LOL :rolleyes:

May 31, 2015, 7:33 PM
…why don’t you just put pole on ignore & go on about your business…if enough of you put him on ignore no one will read his posts…EXCEPT...the ones of us who like them…there’s something seriously wrong with you if you have nothing better to do than monitor pole’s posts…

Just ignore Tenni and the other prudes, they've got way too much time on their hands, and are severely mentally ill, or at least obsessed with thinking that they run this site and what gets posted on it.

May 31, 2015, 7:44 PM
LMAO!!!!!! IF this forum was moderated trolls like you would be banned long before me.

You clearly don't know how I.P. addresses and such things work. LOL :rolleyes:Keep on assuming.....

May 31, 2015, 8:37 PM
(Quoting tenni): "The thing about the ignore button is that you can still read the blocked posts if you wish. Simplistic solutions like blocking work if you want them to. They don't do the overall site a bit of good."

I guess you could still read "you know who's" posts if you remove him from your ignore list, but why in the hell would anyone who's dealt with him and dumped him into their ignore bin want to let him out? You will only read past and present blocked threads and posts from those on your ignore list if you inexplicably remove them from your ignore list and go back to read them. The Forum posts he originated that I no longer see are mostly all polls he created to offend others, tittilate himself and create opportunities to get himself a hardon by picking fights with and/or bullying the respondents. His posts and rants have not one iota of redeeming value on this site. So, hey, if miss a friendly post to one of the threads he initiated that are not visible to me because he's on ignore, that's fine with me. You're dang skippy and dead on that blocking/ignoring people like him works! It sure does work for me! I very much disagree that blocking/ignoring offensive jerkoffs is any way "simplistic" or that doing so does not do the site a bit of good. It does a world of good. Ask anyone of the dozens of other site members who have relegated him to the ignore list. I occasionally and unavoidably see his words when another poster quotes him. I'd rather not, but I can live with that minor annoyance

Oh and my "profiling ability" comes from having met a few people very similar to him in real life. That's how I learned it's best to ignore people like him and not have anything to do with them if I don't have to.

May 31, 2015, 11:06 PM
(Quoting tenni): "The thing about the ignore button is that you can still read the blocked posts if you wish. Simplistic solutions like blocking work if you want them to. They don't do the overall site a bit of good."

I guess you could still read "you know who's" posts if you remove him from your ignore list, but why in the hell would anyone who's dealt with him and dumped him into their ignore bin want to let him out? You will only read past and present blocked threads and posts from those on your ignore list if you inexplicably remove them from your ignore list and go back to read them. The Forum posts he originated that I no longer see are mostly all polls he created to offend others, tittilate himself and create opportunities to get himself a hardon by picking fights with and/or bullying the respondents. His posts and rants have not one iota of redeeming value on this site. So, hey, if miss a friendly post to one of the threads he initiated that are not visible to me because he's on ignore, that's fine with me. You're dang skippy and dead on that blocking/ignoring people like him works! It sure does work for me! I very much disagree that blocking/ignoring offensive jerkoffs is any way "simplistic" or that doing so does not do the site a bit of good. It does a world of good. Ask anyone of the dozens of other site members who have relegated him to the ignore list. I occasionally and unavoidably see his words when another poster quotes him. I'd rather not, but I can live with that minor annoyance

Oh and my "profiling ability" comes from having met a few people very similar to him in real life. That's how I learned it's best to ignore people like him and not have anything to do with them if I don't have to.

…a damn good question…

Jun 1, 2015, 12:34 AM
Years ago, when handling some cases regarding "Obscenity" the US Supreme Court said that one of the identifying characteristics of "obscenity" is that the material in question has "No Morally Redeeming Social Value."

Well, using that standard as set back at a time that nearly all the members of the Court were pretty intelligent and reasonable individuals, the person in question here-----meets this standard of what constitutes being "obscene" because he never says much if anything of any value or worth. Even if a person talks about "negative things" on a regular basis, it can be done in a way that has some merit and value---but this sad sack never says much of anything of value or merit.

He is all about being negative, contrarian, stirring up negative things as much as possible and just generally, being a total ass.

Jun 1, 2015, 5:37 AM
Years ago, when handling some cases regarding "Obscenity" the US Supreme Court said that one of the identifying characteristics of "obscenity" is that the material in question has "No Morally Redeeming Social Value."

Well, using that standard as set back at a time that nearly all the members of the Court were pretty intelligent and reasonable individuals, the person in question here-----meets this standard of what constitutes being "obscene" because he never says much if anything of any value or worth. Even if a person talks about "negative things" on a regular basis, it can be done in a way that has some merit and value---but this sad sack never says much of anything of value or merit.

He is all about being negative, contrarian, stirring up negative things as much as possible and just generally, being a total ass.Actually he does Voltie, if I may take issue wivya.... he is opposed 2 the routine circumcision of infants and of young boys as well as girls.. in my opinion that makes the man in some small but important way morally redeemable... and every so often, while he remains a bloody pain in arse and generally of little worth on (and prob off) site he comes up with other bits and pieces with which I can agree, so he does have some merit. Sufficient? Now there is a question:eek2:.....

Morality as we both know is a very subjective thing.... my sense of morality doesn't exactly match urs or ne1 elses, not even Kate's and serpently not dimwit's who, as a human being (an assumption although I am unsure whether he is of homo sapiens) I find him 2 b such a martinet and a prude in so many ways... as well as unpleasant, destructive and vindictive hypocrite... but then I am troll and stalker of Poley Plop, so what do I know:confused:

Jun 1, 2015, 6:09 AM
It's actually cool reading these threads with the polio blocked. Cuts all the nonsensical shit out.

Jun 1, 2015, 8:37 AM
Voltie and darkeyes
You raise some interesting possibilities. Is creating and posting polls about sexual practices of bisexuals that the pollster has no interest in that sexual activity obscene? I agree that the polls are obscene by their numbers and not necessarily the questions asked. The obscenity may be the number of polls and prevention of more interpersonal issues about bisexuality being discussed due to the irrelevance of the questions to the pollster.

I agree with darkness that morality has a certain subjectivity. However, each society defines the border of acceptable behaviour. The sexual acts themselves may not be obscene but the behaviour of the pollster is questionable and unanswered by the pollster. The pollster may have a few moral issues such as circumcision. However, this has not been a topic that the pollster even dared to poll on. The pollster is firm in his disapproval on circumcision. He has started threads about his moral issue but fills them with rambling copies of data. He is firm in his position of creating these polls on bisexual.com (http://bisexual.com) even if he has already made up his mind that he disapproves of such sexual behaviour.

The obscenity is not the pollster’s opinion that he does not like or have any interest in the topics of his polls but the fact that he creates and fills the site with these polls. That may be the obscenity and morally questionable issue. The obscenity may be that the polls are unreasonable and therefore his behaviour appears unreasonable and obscene. What we have happening is unmonitored behaviour which debases bisexuality with mockery.

Jun 1, 2015, 10:08 AM
Years ago, when handling some cases regarding "Obscenity" the US Supreme Court said that one of the identifying characteristics of "obscenity" is that the material in question has "No Morally Redeeming Social Value."

Well, using that standard as set back at a time that nearly all the members of the Court were pretty intelligent and reasonable individuals, the person in question here-----meets this standard of what constitutes being "obscene" because he never says much if anything of any value or worth. Even if a person talks about "negative things" on a regular basis, it can be done in a way that has some merit and value---but this sad sack never says much of anything of value or merit.

He is all about being negative, contrarian, stirring up negative things as much as possible and just generally, being a total ass.…right…& posts like this are just briming over with positivity & value or merit…if you REALLY feel about pole as you say…you’d put him on ‘ignore’ & do just that…ignore the f--- out of him & not bother the rest of us with these crappy posts……the peoblem is: there are several of you that have been on this site so long that you think that you OWN it & can dictate to everyone else what they can or can’t post…well guess what…you DON’T own it & you can dictate sh-t to anyone else…you can only post your opinion…& opinions are like ass-holes…everyone has them…& yours is no better than pole’s…he has as much right to post what he does as you have to post all these crap posts…

Jun 1, 2015, 10:26 AM
I don't know why you guys are wasting so much time and effort on a troll who is probably just a bored teenager.

Jun 1, 2015, 3:24 PM
I don't know why you guys are wasting so much time and effort on a troll who is probably just a bored teenager.
…I like you’re attitude…a bunch of members are nothing but his puppets…he pulls the strings & they jump…

Jun 1, 2015, 3:28 PM
I have ps blocked

Melody Dean
Jun 1, 2015, 3:34 PM
Why do you think that the pollster is creating so many sexual polls that he has no interest in Charles? The pollster has not given a clear answer why he creates polls that he personally has no interest in.

I think the answer is obvious. He does it because it pisses you off. And without a moderator, there's nothing you can do about it. The more anyone complains, the more he does it. Any aggressive answer to him sets him off. And then, if he finds out what gets under your skin, or someone else's, he'll continue to do it.

As hard as it is, I think the best course of action is ignoring him entirely, or keeping your replies objective and ignore any personal attacks. Basically, if it makes you mad, that's his goal, and you shouldn't answer.

Jun 1, 2015, 5:01 PM
I don't know why you guys are wasting so much time and effort on a troll who is probably just a bored teenager.
I'm not a teenager, anymore than you're actually a real lawyer.

Jun 1, 2015, 5:28 PM
You are all missing the point: It's ALL ABOUT HIM. Its ALWAYS ABOUT HIM.

If people don't post (and even if they do) he keeps piling on his own garbage and it always comes back to HIM. It might not stink so bad if the poles were not as dumb as "do you think the sun will come up tomorrow ?". They are either disgusting songs about AIDS or simply downright dumb. Seriously ?!?!? They waste bandwidth, fill the forum with garbage and even legitimate discussions are soiled by the dumb "chime-ins" buy "some kind of super member" Pole.... nice you think so much of yourself. You are too dumb to know better.

The thing is: These are lame poles on dumb subjects that sound like shit an elementary school child might post.

I'm sure I'm not alone (nor should I be) in writing to Drew and reporting each and every post by Pole_smoker and his secret alter-ego Charles-Smythe who seems more and more to be one in the same person. If you have not, please do write to Drew, flag each of this dumb posts, and get these morons banned. Pole_has taken to personal insults against those who have the nerve to criticize his drivel. I don't think Drew is here often, but if he opens his e-mail and finds enough complaints, he will take action.

FWIW: I have every right to point out how dumb your poles and posts are. If you don't like it, simply stop coming here Smythe and Pole..... Thank you Tenni, you hit the nail on the head....and a number of my friends here have said the same thing...these guys Pole and Smythe are a cancer here. DREW WAKE UP !!!


Jun 1, 2015, 5:43 PM
You are all missing the point: It's ALL ABOUT HIM. Its ALWAYS ABOUT HIM.

If people don't post (and even if they do) he keeps piling on his own garbage and it always comes back to HIM. It might not stink so bad if the poles were not as dumb as "do you think the sun will come up tomorrow ?". They are either disgusting songs about AIDS or simply downright dumb. Seriously ?!?!? They waste bandwidth, fill the forum with garbage and even legitimate discussions are soiled by the dumb "chime-ins" buy "some kind of super member" Pole.... nice you think so much of yourself. You are too dumb to know better.

The thing is: These are lame poles on dumb subjects that sound like shit an elementary school child might post.

I'm sure I'm not alone (nor should I be) in writing to Drew and reporting each and every post by Pole_smoker and his secret alter-ego Charles-Smythe who seems more and more to be one in the same person. If you have not, please do write to Drew, flag each of this dumb posts, and get these morons banned. Pole_has taken to personal insults against those who have the nerve to criticize his drivel. I don't think Drew is here often, but if he opens his e-mail and finds enough complaints, he will take action.

FWIW: I have every right to point out how dumb your poles and posts are. If you don't like it, simply stop coming here Smythe and Pole..... Thank you Tenni, you hit the nail on the head....and a number of my friends here have said the same thing...these guys Pole and Smythe are a cancer here. DREW WAKE UP !!!


My polls are not "all about me". :rolleyes:

Charles and I are not the same person.

If you haven't noticed or don't know by now...this is a bisexual sex site for adults.

Your "friends"? You have no real or actual friends NJbiGuy01. Your "wife" who you cheat on with people does not count since you clearly don't love her or care for her, and it's a sexless marriage of convenience when anyone else would have just manned up and gotten a divorce by now.

My polls are about all the various ways bisexual adults have sex with each other.

If you don't like them and are a prude as you and others are, then don't read them.

Now if you really want to see an actual troll or "cancer to the site" look at yourself and at your own posts.

Jun 1, 2015, 5:52 PM
Pole: Anyone who can post the trash that you do and think it's a remotely "normal" sexual discussion is clearly disturbed. There is no sane reason (other than being retarded) that questions like this serve any meaningful purpose here. You are just too immature or dumb to realize it. I'm all for mature discussions about relationships and sexual matters in a mature dialogue. Disgusting posts about songs about AIDS, and people cumming into a "freshly fucked gaping ass" really have no place here. I'm sure you have an equally dumb reason why they should. Please share it before your banned.

Do you like wrecking a woman's pussy with your dick and with another man? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16985-Do-you-like-wrecking-a-woman-s-pussy-with-your-dick-and-with-another-man)Do you like having your mouth skullfucked, shared by men, and taking their loads? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16959-Do-you-like-having-your-mouth-skullfucked-shared-by-men-and-taking-their-loads)Do you enjoy giving a woman oral or vaginal sex when she has her period? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16983-Do-you-enjoy-giving-a-woman-oral-or-vaginal-sex-when-she-has-her-period)When was the last time you had cum shot into your freshly fucked gaping ass or twat? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16914-When-was-the-last-time-you-had-cum-shot-into-your-freshly-fucked-gaping-ass-or-twat)

Jun 1, 2015, 6:27 PM
Pole: Anyone who can post the trash that you do and think it's a remotely "normal" sexual discussion is clearly disturbed. There is no sane reason (other than being retarded) that questions like this serve any meaningful purpose here. You are just too immature or dumb to realize it. I'm all for mature discussions about relationships and sexual matters in a mature dialogue. Disgusting posts about songs about AIDS, and people cumming into a "freshly fucked gaping ass" really have no place here. I'm sure you have an equally dumb reason why they should. Please share it before your banned.

Do you like wrecking a woman's pussy with your dick and with another man? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16985-Do-you-like-wrecking-a-woman-s-pussy-with-your-dick-and-with-another-man)

Do you like having your mouth skullfucked, shared by men, and taking their loads? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16959-Do-you-like-having-your-mouth-skullfucked-shared-by-men-and-taking-their-loads)

Do you enjoy giving a woman oral or vaginal sex when she has her period? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16983-Do-you-enjoy-giving-a-woman-oral-or-vaginal-sex-when-she-has-her-period)

When was the last time you had cum shot into your freshly fucked gaping ass or twat? (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?16914-When-was-the-last-time-you-had-cum-shot-into-your-freshly-fucked-gaping-ass-or-twat)

No I'm not "disturbed".

You and other prudes need to get out from under your rocks, out of your caves, and get out into the world and you'll realize that people including bisexual people do have sex like this.

For someone such as yourself who claims to be highly sexually active with women and men, who has done 3 ways with random guys on cruise ships and random couples you met, written personal ads looking for random dudes, used glory holes at bookstores and men's bathrooms, and been to bath houses and sex clubs you really are a prude and cowardly closet queen in every sense of those terms.

Jun 1, 2015, 6:41 PM
I think the answer is obvious.

For me I think it's somewhere between Asperger's Syndrome and social engineering.

It's the continual day in and day out consistency that's impressive.


Jun 1, 2015, 7:00 PM
Special Needs people. We must adapt and learn to exist with them. They are in airplanes, restaurants, movie theaters, and of course, the internet. These disabilities are seldom intentional, and they have no clue as to what they are doing. If you yell at a barking dog, it only barks more. That is its nature.

Jun 1, 2015, 7:23 PM
Special Needs people. We must adapt and learn to exist with them. They are in airplanes, restaurants, movie theaters, and of course, the internet. These disabilities are seldom intentional, and they have no clue as to what they are doing. If you yell at a barking dog, it only barks more. That is its nature.
Yes, and you're a "special needs" person that you're describing. ;)

Jun 1, 2015, 9:16 PM
Attack? No , just shining light on the terribly obvious,Church Lady (Pole)

…why do you call pole church lady?...

Jun 1, 2015, 10:17 PM
This put a smile on my face.

Jun 1, 2015, 10:34 PM
Special Needs people. We must adapt and learn to exist with them. They are in airplanes, restaurants, movie theaters, and of course, the internet. These disabilities are seldom intentional, and they have no clue as to what they are doing. If you yell at a barking dog, it only barks more. That is its nature.

Are you certain that you are not being condescending towards people with "special needs"? They don't lash out and name call. I agree that many are now socialized to "fit in" to society and a functioning adult who earns a pay check or working as a volunteer at a job that they enjoy and feel part of society. There is a desire to function within society. Their social skills are developed so that they may integrate in society whether they developmentally challenged, blind, Aspergers, mental health community etc. The person's goal is usually to integrate. I see several developmentally challenged people at my gym doing tasks and feeling happy to chat up members. They socialize very well and act responsibly to the gym community. I agree that society does not lock people away unless for their protection or others. Turettes may be controlled with training to some degree so that they do not deviate too far from the norm. They may function using public transit without incident and people accept minor jerks and sounds. (seen it on subways) Society does accommodate and yes there is room for improvement. Still the person's goal should be to be an individual that socializes sufficiently well enough to be tolerated by most kind and caring people.

People who do not conform to societal norms with some modification to adapt such as support from guide dogs etc. are removed from airplanes and restaurants etc. for the safety of the community. That will not happen here. There has been some progress recently and so there is hope that the community may move forward.

Jun 2, 2015, 3:01 PM
I'm not a teenager, anymore than you're actually a real lawyer.

If you're not a teenager, I feel sorry for you, because your posts have the maturity level of a 16-year-old.

Jun 2, 2015, 3:50 PM
If you're not a teenager, I feel sorry for you, because your posts have the maturity level of a 16-year-old.
Just because I write about sex and post porn pics on an adult bisexual site it doesn't make me immature. :rolleyes: It makes you a prude.

Let's consider the source: You're a bisexual married man that cheats on his wife with random guys he meets in cyber sex chatrooms on adult sex sites like this. You also love to pretend to be a lawyer on the internet. :rolleyes:

Jun 2, 2015, 5:14 PM
I think the answer is obvious. He does it because it pisses you off. And without a moderator, there's nothing you can do about it. The more anyone complains, the more he does it. Any aggressive answer to him sets him off. And then, if he finds out what gets under your skin, or someone else's, he'll continue to do it.

As hard as it is, I think the best course of action is ignoring him entirely, or keeping your replies objective and ignore any personal attacks. Basically, if it makes you mad, that's his goal, and you shouldn't answer. …as smart as these guys claim to be…you’d think they’d figure that out…I figured it out my second day on the site…

Jun 2, 2015, 6:12 PM
If you're not a teenager, I feel sorry for you, because your posts have the maturity level of a 16-year-old.

You give him too much credit...it's more like a kindergarten age child...."have you seen Mary's panties !!" "I saw Joe's weenie!"...comparing him to a retard actually insults mentally challenged people.

Jun 2, 2015, 7:27 PM
…as smart as these guys claim to be…you’d think they’d figure that out…I figured it out my second day on the site…

Well although the behavior we see is pretty much self evident, it's what truly drives the behavior that is the question, for me anyways. And I do find social dynamics on forums to be an interesting topic.


Jun 2, 2015, 7:57 PM
Well although the behavior we see is pretty much self evident, it's what truly drives the behavior that is the question, for me anyways. And I do find social dynamics on forums to be an interesting topic.

------ …Interesting topic…expound on please…I find it interesting…

Jun 2, 2015, 8:00 PM
I urge everyone on the site who's disgusted with Smythe_smoker or Charles_Pole (same thing really) to report their posts and hopefully Drew will get the message and ban/block these clowns.

Jun 2, 2015, 8:07 PM
…Interesting topic…expound on please…I find it interesting…

Well I've spent the last several years as an intimate member of a different forum in which there was an extreme amount of psychological tinkering and manipulating on the part of particular social structures in order to evoke particular reactions. There was not too much direct interaction between myself and these "social structure(s)", I was more of an observer of them. Now mind you, I didn't go to this site for the purpose of experiencing such things as I had a different motivation for being there, it was just one of those experiences you pick up along the way I guess.


Jun 2, 2015, 8:13 PM
Well I've spent the last several years as an intimate member of a different forum in which there was an extreme amount of psychological tinkering and manipulating on the part of particular social structures in order to evoke particular reactions. There was not too much direct interaction between myself and these "social structure(s)", I was more of an observer of them. Now mind you, I didn't go to this site for the purpose of experiencing such things as I had a different motivation for being there, it was just one of those experiences you pick up along the way I guess.

------…can I interpret that to mean there was a small group trying to control the site?…possible some of the older members who thought their longivity gave them some special privileges to try to dictate what they can & can’t post?...

Jun 2, 2015, 8:23 PM
…can I interpret that to mean there was a small group trying to control the site?…possible some of the older members who thought their longivity gave them some special privileges to try to dictate what they can & can’t post?...

No, it's simply rational adults fed up with the childish drivel certain people post and that others endorse.

Jun 2, 2015, 8:28 PM
Well I've spent the last several years as an intimate member of a different forum in which there was an extreme amount of psychological tinkering and manipulating on the part of particular social structures in order to evoke particular reactions. There was not too much direct interaction between myself and these "social structure(s)", I was more of an observer of them. Now mind you, I didn't go to this site for the purpose of experiencing such things as I had a different motivation for being there, it was just one of those experiences you pick up along the way I guess.

Which site was it? What you wrote in the thread abut Monsanto makes sense now if you did go to a forum like that.

Jun 2, 2015, 8:35 PM
…can I interpret that to mean there was a small group trying to control the site?…possible some of the older members who thought their longivity gave them some special privileges to try to dictate what they can & can’t post?...
Exactly all sites have cliques but this site has a few trolls/haters who like to think that because they've been here they can dictate just what other people should and should not be able to post about...when they're not the owners of the site or in power at all. These people are very vocal and are trolls/haters/bullies when everyone else just simply doesn't click or reply to threads they do not like or are not interested in.

Jun 2, 2015, 8:43 PM
…can I interpret that to mean there was a small group trying to control the site?

No, it was not something so simple as that. It was a much more complex situation than simply what was in control of the site itself.

possible some of the older members who thought their longivity gave them some special privileges to try to dictate what they can & can’t post?...

There was very little that could not be discussed or posted about. It wasn't about hierarchy either.


Jun 2, 2015, 8:45 PM
What you wrote in the thread abut Monsanto makes sense now if you did go to a forum like that.

Stereotypically thinking about it won't do either of us any good. And unfortunately I can't link my direct experiences to you.


Jun 2, 2015, 8:51 PM
Stereotypically thinking about it won't do either of us any good. And unfortunately I can't link my direct experiences to you.

OK, what was the name of the site you went to where this happened?

Jun 2, 2015, 8:55 PM
Exactly all sites have cliques but this site has a few trolls/haters who like to think that because they've been here they can dictate just what other people should and should not be able to post about...when they're not the owners of the site or in power at all. These people are very vocal and are trolls/haters/bullies when everyone else just simply doesn't click or reply to threads they do not like or are not interested in.

Your effect here on this community has been the most profound issue on the site that I have noticed since being here. It dominates the site in such a way that the community feels fractured and a bit hopeless and it is expressed throughout the forum. And you're quite aware that you're having this effect.


Jun 2, 2015, 9:36 PM
Your effect here on this community has been the most profound issue on the site that I have noticed since being here. It dominates the site in such a way that the community feels fractured and a bit hopeless and it is expressed throughout the forum. And you're quite aware that you're having this effect.


Along with comments from Hard Cell supports that this is a Biphobic attack by one or two trolls who are possibly anti bisexual. It is not just a matter of personally blocking the characters as it is a site attack. The vast majority of threads started on the top four pages are all by the same person. Flooding the site with such nonsense is part of a plan to destroy the site.

Former trolls such as Mr Suck, Top Fucker, Drugstore Cowboy, Bisexual Virgin etc. all tried.

Jun 2, 2015, 9:58 PM

Along with comments from Hard Cell supports that this is a Biphobic attack by one or two trolls who are possibly anti bisexual. It is not just a matter of personally blocking the characters as it is a site attack. The vast majority of threads started on the top four pages are all by the same person. Flooding the site with such nonsense is part of a plan to destroy the site.

Former trolls such as Mr Suck, Top Fucker, Drugstore Cowboy, Bisexual Virgin etc. all tried.
:rolleyes: I have told you and other trolls many times why I make polls, and post pics whenever one of you asks. Or haven't you been paying attention?

Since you have a horrible memory here it is again: This is a bisexual sex site for adults. I make polls about the various ways that adults of all sexual orientations including bisexual people have sex, and I answer them honestly. When I make polls I assume that since this site is full of other bisexual/LGBT adults that at least one person has done that sexual act and people answer accordingly that they have, or have not.

Try getting out from your cave sometime and actually meet other adults who have sex and you'll discover the various ways people have sex.

Nothing I post is biphobic, however you are very biphobic and troll, stalk/harass, and bully and claim anyone who you don't like is simply not bisexual but gay.

Nobody is trying to "destroy the site" except for trolls/bullies such as yourself who get all hung up and stalk/harass/bully other people who they do not like to try to get them to leave the site-as you've done many times in the past, or to get them to stop posting, and people such as yourself who are the real trolls think that you actually own this site, or control what gets posted or written about or who can post...when in reality you don't control anyone, and you do not own this site.

Jun 2, 2015, 11:38 PM
Thanks pole for your explanation. Now, let me share my observations about what you are doing and misunderstanding about this site.

This is a site for the bisexual community and not an adult sex site. (argue all you want read the banner) The site is for the community of bisexuals who are members of this site. Share and chat has been the most successful community activities over the past ten years or so.

“I make polls about the various ways that adults of all sexual orientations including bisexual people have sex, and I answer them honestly.”
Did Drew hire you to do this? (no he has not announced this) You are doing it for yourself but you do not enjoy nor like the polls sexual acts that you start. This is illogical to me and I suspect others.

“When I make polls I assume that since this site is full of other bisexual/LGBT adults that at least one person has done that sexual act and people answer accordingly that they have, or have not.”
Have you considered that a person who has done the sexual act and enjoys it should probably start a poll if they want to?

There is no point trying to assume or control the number and topics of threads. Write a few a week and let it go. Many of your polls have no text replies and fewer than ten post on the survey. Could you be misunderstanding what other bisexuals on this site do and want an answer about on this site?

Jun 3, 2015, 1:10 AM
The ignore feature works fine. I have no clue what tenni posted and I'm not reading it.

Jun 3, 2015, 6:19 AM
The ignore feature works fine. I have no clue what tenni posted and I'm not reading it. …it’s a relief not to be bombarded by their one sided rants isn’it?...

Jun 3, 2015, 7:40 AM
:rolleyes: I have told you and other trolls many times why I make polls, and post pics whenever one of you asks.... This is a bisexual sex site for adults.

I'm picking up what you're putting down. You have stated this numerous times for everyone to see. So essentially it's your job to define what bisexuality is for everyone else. And that's why you need to consistently keep pushing the image of bisexuality that you push with lots of threads everyday. Because the world is a big place after all so when you speak for everyone that means you need lots of threads which focus on the physical act of physically acting upon genitals. Because that's what it means to be bisexual.

The speaking for other people part (by continually casting this image of bisexuality)....just curious as to why you feel you have such an authority and a responsibility to do such a thing?


Jun 3, 2015, 7:46 AM
… their...

Is this an "us and them" situation you're experiencing here?


Jun 3, 2015, 8:12 AM
Is this an "us and them" situation you're experiencing here?

------ …I just came along voicing my own opioion…because I agreed with pole a couple of times I became the enemy & they made it ‘us’ & ‘them’…

Jun 3, 2015, 9:41 AM
Further reinforcing the concept that Smythe and Pole are either partners or the same person.

Jun 3, 2015, 1:30 PM
I'm picking up what you're putting down. You have stated this numerous times for everyone to see. So essentially it's your job to define what bisexuality is for everyone else. And that's why you need to consistently keep pushing the image of bisexuality that you push with lots of threads everyday. Because the world is a big place after all so when you speak for everyone that means you need lots of threads which focus on the physical act of physically acting upon genitals. Because that's what it means to be bisexual.

The speaking for other people part (by continually casting this image of bisexuality)....just curious as to why you feel you have such an authority and a responsibility to do such a thing?

You assume, and project way too much about people and what they do, and why they do it.

Jun 3, 2015, 1:34 PM
I'm picking up what you're putting down. You have stated this numerous times for everyone to see. So essentially it's your job to define what bisexuality is for everyone else. And that's why you need to consistently keep pushing the image of bisexuality that you push with lots of threads everyday. Because the world is a big place after all so when you speak for everyone that means you need lots of threads which focus on the physical act of physically acting upon genitals. Because that's what it means to be bisexual.

The speaking for other people part (by continually casting this image of bisexuality)....just curious as to why you feel you have such an authority and a responsibility to do such a thing?


Well articulated Hardcell.

Post 71 indicates the failure of pole to communicate politely or the lack of cognitive skills to dialogue. Each person other than pole and Charles has /is deciding how to react to this attempt to destroy the bisexual site. Some are stating that blocking is working for them.

Why are other member not creating threads on topics beyond the genitals?
Do other member see bisexuality as pole presents it?

Maybe, they have and the thread was pushed down before I can see it? I know that marine20, Semod, Hardcell and Melody have created threads within the past few weeks.

Jun 3, 2015, 1:39 PM
You assume, and project way too much about people and what they do, and why they do it.

So you're saying its some sort of secret? Your motivation is secret? I was just stating all of the self evident things you do that anyone can quickly confirm for themselves on the forum.

So why the secrecy? What is not self evident here that is not known by me in regards to what motivates you?


Jun 3, 2015, 1:44 PM
So you're saying its some sort of secret? Your motivation is secret? I was just stating all of the self evident things you do that anyone can quickly confirm for themselves on the forum.

So why the secrecy? What is not self evident here that is not known by me in regards to what motivates you?

Again you're going on with the projections and assumptions. :rolleyes: Nothing I'm doing is a "secret", etc. especially when I asked you about another site you posted on multiple times asking you what the name of the site was, and you have yet to actually answer my question or say what site it was.

Jun 3, 2015, 1:52 PM
Again you're going on with the projections and assumptions. :rolleyes: Nothing I'm doing is a "secret", etc. especially when I asked you about another site you posted on multiple times asking you what the name of the site was, and you have yet to actually answer my question or say what site it was.

A question is not a projection nor is it an assumption. It's a question...as in, more information is required.

So if I've made an assumption about you, let's talk about it.


Jun 3, 2015, 2:05 PM
And maybe someday far, far into the future I'll make a thread here about that "other site". But that is not the topic of this thread and I only referenced my experiences because I'm GENUINELY interested in the social dynamics of web forums. And so the topic in this thread seems to be the social dynamics on THIS forum and....eh, you, and the assumptions I've made about you, which you're going to clear up any second now.... :P
