View Full Version : wife wants to watch me and a tranny

Nov 12, 2010, 12:16 PM
My wife and i joined a porn site and watched a really cute tranny. She admitted she would love to see me fuck a tranny. I would not mind at all as I have given 2 trannys blowjobs before we were maried. Have any of you guys had this expierience? Let me add my wife does not care if I have sex with a guy but does not want to watch that. But she is all about watching me and a tranny.

Nov 12, 2010, 12:37 PM
sounds cool to me :bigrin:

i'd say go for it you both like it so whats the problem :tong::tong::bigrin:

Nov 12, 2010, 12:57 PM
I think it'd be hot to see a woman being done by a tranny.

Nov 12, 2010, 12:59 PM
Sounds like a dream come true to me...i think you should go for it...maybe she will want to join in with you!enjoy

Nov 12, 2010, 1:28 PM
Damn! Wish my wife was open like yours. Your very lucky, I'm on this site because I'm trying to find more fun in my sex life. I have been with a few Shemales and it was fun for sure!

Nov 12, 2010, 1:51 PM
I also agree with you being very lucky that wife is into it.Not many men get the chance so i say go for it.Good luck and keep us all posted on how you make out.I have always had a thing for Trannies and would love and oppertunity to be with one .It is my biggest fantasy to be with wife and a Tranny.

Nov 12, 2010, 2:31 PM
Do you have any idea just how LUCKY you are. To have a wife that wants to see you with a tranny & also gives you her blessing to be with another man (even if she does not want to see it) is a dream come true. I wish more wives could be this open minded.:three: You lucky sonagun;)

Nov 12, 2010, 2:35 PM
i am lucky and we probably will do it. She said she would fuck the tranny as well. My wife also wants to watch me get gangbanged by 4 or 5 guys. She wants a gangbang as well but not have me involved.

Nov 12, 2010, 10:00 PM
You're going to fuck a transmision?

Wow, will you take pictures? Will it be a standard or automatic? Five speed or Four? Domestic or imported? Front or rear wheel drive (4x4?, independent?)

Because a tranny isn't a person, its an object, right? (http://http://www.pamshouseblend.com/diary/17902/which-pejoratives-do-we-put-to-a-vote-apparenlty-antitransgender-ones)

I am aware that there are drag performers that use the term tra**y to refer to themselves, and I am aware that there are transgender-identified people who use the term tra**y to refer to themselves. And too, I'm aware that a good number of trans people are working to reclaim tra**y in the same way a good number of people in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community work to reclaim the word queer. But just because some African-Americans refer to others in their community by the n-word, and just because many women refer to themselves by the b-word...Well, that doesn't mean white Americans should use the n-word to refer to African-Americans, and doesn't mean that men should be referring to women by the b-word. Pejoratives such as the n-word, the b-word, and the-other-f-word are used to dehumanize people; and so is the word tra**y.

Nov 13, 2010, 12:55 AM
I say - You only live once, take advantage of it. All the best that you can be open with your wife. Live it for what it is worth.

Nov 13, 2010, 4:23 AM
Tranny is not a slur.

I am friends with Trans women who call themselves Trannies. I’m not lying or making any of this up. This is how they self identify.

I know it’s a can of worms when you tell PC Trans people like Marie Delta that yes there are lots of Trans people who do self identify as a Tranny, chick with a dick, or a shemale and there is nothing that the PC Trans people can do about it.

Tranny is a term that is used by many Transgendered women to describe themselves and they self identify as a tranny. There's nothing wrong with using the word or telling other people that they can't just because they are cisgender or their natural born gender.

Tranny is not a slur and many if not most trans people call themselves "Tranny". This tiny group of PC trans police are ignoring the reality and experience and choices of the very people they claim to be speaking for.
If they're so concerned, they should try to get trans people to feel offended by the word. Because they largely do not. Stop policing Trannies!

Well, I would never use the term and I am straight. I have too much respect for people who are unhappy with their bodies and don't feel at home in them, than to use such an abbreviation. I'm with Marie on this one.

Nov 13, 2010, 6:23 AM
Some common forms of de-railment-

Well I Know Another Person From Your Group Who Disagrees:

If, for example, the Marginalized Trans Person™ is making sense and you're beginning to get the unpleasant feeling that you might be wrong about something, just whip up your trans friend and vehemently express how they completely and stridently support your opinions on these issues.
You must discount in your own mind though you that your friend may have internalized transphobia, or how your friend may have been adversely affected by discrimination wielded by the Privileged® that you're unaware of. And, as established above, it is imperative that you discount the diversity of experience whilst seeming to support it.

After all, your trans friend is proof that there are different opinions amongst this Marginalized Group™ but the fact they agree with you means you don't have to in the least give credence to ideas alternative to your own, and certainly not from the Marginalized Trans Person™ in question.

Plus it gives you that handy progressive veneer -- see, all their accusations of transphobia are totally groundless because you have a friend who is a representative from that group -- which shows that you are open-minded.

Unless You Can Prove Your Experience Is Widespread I Won't Believe It:

If a Marginalized Trans Person™ gives you a personal testament, you can immediately assume they are speaking on behalf of their entire group of people and be very quick to point out that it's wrong for them to do so.
It's a diversionary tactic, designed to get Marginalized Trans People™ to deny your accusation -- and then, of course, Marginalized Trans People™ don't continue arguing on their main point of discussion.

Privileged People® have routinely lumped them all together as one great big monolithic group who all look the same, act the same, think the same, speak the same, dress the same, eat the same, feel the same -- you get the idea. And, of course, all of those monolithic behaviors are "other" than those of the Privileged®. Othering is a process that permits Privileged People® to consider the Marginalized Trans People™ as less than human, thereby justifying discriminative and stigmatizing behaviors against them. So naturally, it is imperative to a Marginalized Trans Person™ to make it understood their group of people are as diverse in expression and experience as Privileged People®.

So, there is a truth to stating that a issue that is very important to many Marginalized People™ is not important to all Marginalized Trans People™ -- stating Marginalized Trans People™ are not all the same. In other words, after Marginalized Trans People™ have all been regularly lumped together, you can break the pattern of lumping them all together for a short period of time, and isolate out a single Marginalized Trans Person™ as not being representative of the whole. Heck, you can say that an individual Marginalized Trans Person™ is just representing their own opinion, but their opinion can't possibly be the opinion of any sized group of Marginalized Trans People™. You can even play on this concern by implying that you think a Marginalized Trans Person™ is homogenizing all trans people.

It also works to suggest to them that their experience and viewpoint is worthless because it doesn't align with every trans person's experience and viewpoint -- and particularly if their experience and viewpoint isn't one you've decided to favor.

That is, you can take the positionthat the experiences and viewpoints of the Marginalized Trans Person™ doesn't match the experiences and viewpoints of the trans person you already know -- this is convenient if the experiences and viewpoints of the trans person you already know back up your prejudices.

Rejecting the new point of view can be belittling and offensive in the extreme to the Marginalized Trans Person™, as you are essentially denying Marginalized Trans People's™ their experiences and viewpoints if they disagree with you. Marginalized Trans People's™ personal experiences are important to them, so it's likely they will, whilst getting increasingly hurt and upset, continue to try and defend and "prove" that their experiences are real, and that they belong to a community with viewpoints that are held in common with many, if not most, of its members.

You're Just Oversensitive:

This is very similar to You're Being Overemotional, but this one has a slightly different nuance. What you're implying is that Marginalized Trans People™ are looking for offence where none exists.
Here, you can disown any of your own responsibility in minimizing or dehumanize trans people -- and minimizing and dehumanizing any marginalized people and de is absolutely the crux of any derailment. So no matter what, none of this is your fault -- nothing you or anyone else has said that was hurtful, offensive, bigoted or discriminatory.

No one apparently is really to blame here except Marginalized Trans People™, because anything that was said was said in innocence.

After all, what reason have you ever had to examine your ingrained prejudices? Why should you start now?

This is a means of telling Marginalized Trans People™ that you believe the responsibility is all theirs - if they weren't looking so hard for offence, everything would be a lot more pleasant...

But just for you -- not Marginalized Trans People™.

You're Being Overemotional:

It is very likely that the whole reason the Marginalized Trans Person™ in question is debating with you is because they've made a conscious decision to speak out about these issues, despite the pain and heartache it can often cause them.
Therefore, the "you're being hostile" bomb can often lead to an increase of anger and/or hurt. Sometimes it just leads to greater emphasis and exasperation in the argument.

It really doesn't matter, because you can still use it against trans people by accusing them of being overemotional.

You may wish to use the word "hysterical" or "mentally disordered" instead of overemotional. "Hysterical" or "mentally disordered" are words laden with negative connotations, so these terms can be particularly effective. Using these in discussions with trans women is often effective, as the opinions and feelings of trans women have historically been denied as mere "hysteria" or as an outgrowth of "Gender Identity Disorder." A great one to use with trans women as well is to ask them if they're taking estrogen -- yes, it's an oldie, but it's a classic.

Implying people have mental health issues is a great way to dismiss their concerns; it's also insensitive to people with actual mental health issues -- such as depression, bipolar conditions, or schizophrenia.

After all, proper "intellectual" discussions always involve detachment and rationality. What is "rationality"? It's a way of approaching emotional matters devoid of sentiment, particularly prized by Privileged People® as it enables a continuing inequity of power that favors them. After all, if Privileged People® aren't emotionally attached to this topic of antitransgender pejoratives by way of Lived Experience©, it is easier for them to be "rational" on the subject

And, there is doubt that as the term tra**y as used , was meant as a dehumanizing term -- which is why the GLAAD Media Reference Guide refers to the term tra**y (along with a few other terms) this way...

Defamatory: "she-male," "he-she," "it," "trannie," "tranny," "shim," "gender-bender
These words only serve to dehumanize transgender people and should not be used


Nov 13, 2010, 7:10 AM
You Just Enjoy Being Offended

Closely related to the above point, it's another critical element of a successful deraling. You really need to make sure the Marginalised Person knows you consider their issues to be completely trivial. It's insensitive in the extreme – it also exemplifies your lack of awareness and empathy.
By demonstrating you have absolutely no concept of what a particular issue or point may mean to them both within their conversation with you and beyond it, you get to show off just how cocooned and protected in Privilege® you really are. Remember how maddening this is for a Marginalised Person™ – it's a Privilege® they do not share and will probably never know so to witness it being so blithely owned and used to diminish their experience is bound to get their blood pumping.

But absolutely best of all, you are being obnoxious and hurtful enough to tell them outright that they enjoy facing discrimination and prejduice. Enjoy it so much, in fact, that they “look” for reasons to be hurt and offended! Wow. This one is almost breathtakingly perfect as a derailment tactic, it lacks any sort of conceivable class and humility and goes straight to smug viciousness. The very idea that anyone enjoys being hurt and discriminated against as a daily practice is so preposterous it could only be believed by a Privileged Person® who's never really experienced or known what it's like.

The fact is, many Marginalised People™ go out of their way to avoid these sorts of debates and confrontations because it's such a painful and unenjoyable experience. Those you are encountering in this circumstance have likely made a conscious choice to do so, even knowing it will probably go bad. For you to spit in the face of their choice in putting themselves on the line by suggesting it's all fun and games for them just adds a particularly piquant insult to injury.

But If It's Okay For Marginalised People To Use Those Words, Why Can't I?
As a Privileged Person®, it is natural that you would feel excluded and frustrated by the recent spate of Marginalised People "reclaiming" historically negative words to refer to themselves.
Not only do these Marginalised People™ kick up a great big ole stink by making it "politically incorrect" for Privileged People® to use these words - even going so far as to have some of them defined under 'hate crime' legislation! - they take the insult one step further and use them freely amongst themselves!

This is very perplexing and annoying for Privileged People®, who can only stand on the outside, gazing wistfully in, wishing it were a simpler time when it was totally okay for everyone to call women whores, Mexicans spics, Trans* folk trannies, gay men faggots and people of African descent the n-word.

After all, who do those Marginalised People™ think they are, taking ownership of language traditionally used to oppress them! That just isn't playing fair!

But take heart, because there is a way you can worm around this one - where there's Privilege®, there's always a way!

First of all, you must feign utter cluelessness about the ins & outs of reclaimation and behave as though you were under the impression that in these 'post race/sex/sexuality/gender/etc times' that we had all evolved into a new era where 'words don't mean anything' and it's totally okay for everyone to use offensive slurs and then... well: use them.

When a Marginalised Person™ calls you out on it, become indignant. Express confusion. Demand an explanation. Say that you just don't understand - if you people use those words to refer to each other, why can't I?!

You see, you're implying that they're being hypocritical. That if they are going to use abusive & oppressionist language aongst each other, they simply have to accept that they're employing a 'double standard' by preventing the Privileged® from using them.

What this enables you to ignore is the reality of the power dynamic involved. Language reclaimation is a means by which Marginalised People™ gain back some power they are traditionally denied by taking control of words used to demean and discriminate against them. When these words come from Privileged People®, there is a long and very serious negative history behind them that cannot be divorced from the words themselves. Thus, when Privileged People® employ these words, they are perpetuating that history and the psychology behind the word. They are exercising oppressive power that have become inherent to those words - a power Marginalised People™ seek to subvert and dismantle when they use them.

Pretend not to understand this. Just continue to imply hypocrisy and pout that it isn't fair.

It also ignores the fact that, from within Marginalised Groups™, discourses around abusive language are actually not simple and there are many divided and varied opinions on the subject. Treating Marginalised People™ like a hive mind is always a great way to further subtly insult them and since the point of this entire debacle is to come out with as many notches on your belt as possible, you want to make sure you slip in as many knocks below their belt as you can manage.

You’re Not Being Intellectual Enough/You’re Being Overly Intellectual
These two steps are always best exercised when married together. They can definitely be used individually, but you will further dismay and infuriate the Marginalised Person™ in question if you use them together.
The key here is maintaining a careful blend of disdain and dismissal no matter what the Marginalised Person™ throws at you.
It is important, as a Privileged Person®, to constantly hedge Marginalised People™ according to both your class and your expectations of them.

Even though the conversation taking place is reflective of or about real life circumstances and situations for human beings, you must be careful to first insist on placing it within an academic framework. If the Marginalised Person™ involved is speaking in vernacular and placing too much emphasis on Lived Experience©, you must swiftly impress that you cannot consider it a proper "debate" unless theory and philosophy play a key component, complete with big words normally not found outside of academic papers. This is another way of pressing home your own privilege by demanding the conversation take place on terms the Marginalised Person™ may not be intimate with. After all, academia has little to do with reality, but pretending that it does is sure to undermine your opponent.

It's a good opportunity also to subtly insult the Marginalised Person™'s intelligence, by suggesting they simply aren't educated, or well educated enough, to really be participating in these conversations.

However should the Marginalised Person™ suddenly reveal that they are well-versed in academia, or other Marginalised People™ who are join in, or if the whole thing began on an academic footing, you can swiftly take the other tack and dress them down for being "too intellectual". Remember, Marginalised People™ who conform to the standard perception of "intellectual" are getting above themselves and so deserve nothing but your derision.

You can talk about how they are alienating people, speaking above them and behaving in a very condescending manner. You really want to think about your language here, to truly communicate just how much disdain you have for their education/manner. "Uppity" is a particularly bristling word to People of Colour, particularly African-Americans, as they have routinely been called "uppity" when they have been "getting out of place". "Hoity-toity", "highhanded" and "snobbish" are also excellent words. It suggests that the Marginalised Person™ is entertaining lofty notions of themself that are undeserved when all they are doing is communicating in the manner you would insist on had they not. We all have places in life and the preferred place for Marginalised People™ is under your shoe.

The important thing is to really drive home that you consider their intelligence and education - whether formal or self-gained - to be subpar and that they are demeaning/ostracising others by utilising it. You want them to feel ashamed of it, or at the least reminded that Privileged People® think they have no rights to it.

It’s a really good idea to get a friend involved in this one - one of you can take the path of "intellectualism", whilst the other can be derisive of the same. This is especially useful if more than one Marginalised Person™ is involved in the conversation. Keep battering at them from all sides and things will swiftly deteriorate.

It's also really awesome to utilise the tactic of correcting grammar and/or spelling mistakes and criticising comments on form rather than content to further distract from the issues. You want people for whom the language being used is second, third or fourth, or people with less formal education to really be aware of their shortcomings and you want others for whom it is a first language and who have formal education to feel chastised by their mistakes (even though in heated conversations and general internet discourse such mistakes are common and not reflective at all of someone's capacity). This tactic covers ALL angles in this regard and is sure to incur feelings of shame and diminishment.

So I am to infer that this person and yourself, in particular identify as a "tranny"?
Because it says "male" on your/their profile...

Aside from that issue its also poorly constructed. "Tranny" could refer to a transgender male a transgender female a post op transsexual, a pre-op transsexual, a transvestite, a transgender or gender queer individual, a drag queen a drag king, or just about any member of the transgender population.

So you with your latent transphobia, yes you, with your priveledged position of straight appearing bi male, feel that you have the right to use these words. You and Laura Schlessinger (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/dr-laura-schlessinger-quits-radio-word-flap/story?id=11424039) should be right at home together.

Nov 13, 2010, 10:54 AM
The reality is that some/many bisexual men like the idea of being with a transwoman. If their female partners want to watch it seems to be a turn on for some of them. They may not use the language that some transwomen would prefer but they are bisexual and this is a bisexual site. They mean no disrespect to those who are dealing with their gender issues and have emotional wounds. It seems to me that Marie goes too far at times. We would all like to respect her and other transgendered people, I'm sure. Calling bisexual men transphobic and privileged is within her right but it may be an over reaction that grows boring? Now to be PC we should refer to these bisexual men as csimen or some such term. That is not reality for most bisexual men (those born male and are sexually attracted to both sexes). Maybe these guys who like transwomen are pansexual? They probably don't care about the label. They probably really don't give a fuck about your plight Marie. That's your plight. They do not wish to live in your gender political world. Marie reacts like a radical activist and lays on guilt trips as well if not better than a Catholic priest shaming a sinner...lol

Nov 13, 2010, 11:48 AM
Ehhh... her reaction may have been overblown, but I think it the emotion behind it highly justified. Just like if I were a black man, I wouldn't be sure whether to laugh, cry, or roll my eyes at people seeking to fuck you for the novelty of it all... and NOT FOR WHO YOU ARE. I'm guessing Marie doesn't want to be someone's sexual lab rat, which is what some of this boils down to.

I constantly have to sort out women and men who seek to date me for ticking off another "bucket fuck" off the sheet (heck, I'm guilty of it too!) Marie's probably sick of getting PM's like the OP of this thread had the good sense to post in public so we know to avoid him.

As to the "thou shalt never use the word tranny"? I ain't even trying to get in that shit... I just know never to use it to describe a person that never uses it for themselves. Tranny is a genre of porn. Or a transistor radio. Or a transmission. Or a transformer.


This thread needs a Tranny facepalm.


Nov 13, 2010, 12:19 PM
Married Bottom, I am happy for you that your wife would like to see you with anyone else, trans, not trans, whatever. Like some of the others said, that is a big step and you are lucky to have a lady that is open to different experiences.

S & G, I'm not sure why you're getting your hackles up so much. Something was said that some people consider impolite and it was commented on politely and with an attempt at humor. You were the one that started in on Marie and "ultra PC" crap. You say Tranny is not a slur and many if not most trans people call themselves "Tranny". I beg to differ. Maybe the people you hang around with call themselves rude names, maybe that's what floats your boat.. I don't know. But "many, if not most" transpeople DO NOT call themselves tranny! Again, I will state... it is a word just like nigger and bitch, they may be used in a closed context, but it is not polite. And even if you think it is a polite term, if someone asks you not to use it, and that others may also be insulted by it, why would that upset you to the extreme that it has? Why does that merit the vitriol emitting from you?

Canticle, thanks for speaking up.

And yes, before you get in an uproar everyone, Marie is my partner. So yes, I'm standing up for her and the community that I am a part of.

Which means... I have friends in the trans community, too, and they DON"T like the term.

Nov 13, 2010, 12:22 PM
and thanks to Taylor too. You posted while I was composing.

Nov 13, 2010, 3:33 PM
I think that is awesome. If your wife wants to watch you with someone else does it matter if it's a tranny or a man? Be excited that she wants to be a part of any sexual experience that involves you and someone else. That is really hot. I'm excited for you. Just enjoy it and try to see it as the great sexual experience that it could be. If she enjoys it, then be happy with her.

Nov 13, 2010, 4:07 PM
and thanks to Taylor too. You posted while I was composing.

It's just a matter of... DUDE, there are trans people that post here!! Be a little sensitive. I understand, it's the internet and no one can give you the punch in the face you rightly deserve , but STOP CONTRIBUTING TO THE FUCKWADED-NESS THAT IS THE INTERNET.


Cause that's all I'm seeing. All I'm seeing.


Nov 13, 2010, 5:02 PM
And because I'm the giving sort.

This is a site geared towards finding you a transsexual girlfriend - http://tsgirlfriend.com/



Nov 13, 2010, 7:47 PM
trannys are great in bed. i'm a crossdresser, so naturally, they are great fun. i've had a few romps with trannys and i have a girlfreind whos had several romps aswell with them, aswell as a threesome with another woman and tranny. she loved it.

Nov 14, 2010, 12:17 AM
Oh rejoyce! The PC word nazis are here! Policing and telling us the words we can and can't use like tranny!

Censorship is a great thing to these people at GLAAD and the ultra PC like Taylor, Marie, and RockGardener.

I'm so over this word police idiocy.

GLAAD needs to STFU if they expect to be taken seriously.

Everyone needs to grow up and stop trying to use censorship to prove they’re evolved or intelligent. There’s nothing evolved or intelligent about censorship of any kind.

The fact that GLAAD can’t even print the words tranny and fag in a discussion about those words proves just how childish this all is. Unbelievable. Concentrate on something important.

In a day and age when African children are dying because they lack clean drinking water and food, and people all around the world are getting infected with HIV/AIDS they are devoting themselves to policing “bad words” on television.

get a grip, and get a life.

they’re just words.

Tranny is a term used by and about TRANSVESTITES.

Frankly the only folk that even think of transsexuals when they hear or use the term Tranny appear to be transsexuals themselves and the hyper PC.

Get over yourselves, it’s not about transsexuals.

And on that note I urge you, nay, insist that you produce even one transvestite that is insulted by the term tranny. If transsexuals are insulted by a term that doesn’t even refer to them, that’s their problem.

I don't know what world GLAAD and the PC word nazis are in, but I've never come across anyone in my queer world that thought tranny was "hurtful, dehumanizing and associated with violence". :rolleyes:

I also have even met and befriended many Transgendered people who call themselves a tranny.

Are GLAAD and the hyper PC word censorship nazis for real? Hahahaha

I'm not PC. Just anti-asshole.


Nov 14, 2010, 4:09 AM
To each his/her own, Sod. And as for the new guy, L3, how a person discribes people is Their business, and you have no business calling them "PC Nazi's" or what the hell ever. Just because one group of folks do not have a problem in being discribed a certain way doesnt mean that All folks arent offended by it. It up to the individual. Not everybody thinks the same...thankfully.
Cat, flexing...

Nov 14, 2010, 5:37 AM
Oh rejoyce! The PC word nazis are here! Policing and telling us the words we can and can't use like tranny!

Censorship is a great thing to these people at GLAAD and the ultra PC like Taylor, Marie, and RockGardener.

I'm so over this word police idiocy.

GLAAD needs to STFU if they expect to be taken seriously.

Everyone needs to grow up and stop trying to use censorship to prove they’re evolved or intelligent. There’s nothing evolved or intelligent about censorship of any kind.

The fact that GLAAD can’t even print the words tranny and fag in a discussion about those words proves just how childish this all is. Unbelievable. Concentrate on something important.

In a day and age when African children are dying because they lack clean drinking water and food, and people all around the world are getting infected with HIV/AIDS they are devoting themselves to policing “bad words” on television.

get a grip, and get a life.

they’re just words.

Tranny is a term used by and about TRANSVESTITES.

Frankly the only folk that even think of transsexuals when they hear or use the term Tranny appear to be transsexuals themselves and the hyper PC.

Get over yourselves, it’s not about transsexuals.

And on that note I urge you, nay, insist that you produce even one transvestite that is insulted by the term tranny. If transsexuals are insulted by a term that doesn’t even refer to them, that’s their problem.

I don't know what world GLAAD and the PC word nazis are in, but I've never come across anyone in my queer world that thought tranny was "hurtful, dehumanizing and associated with violence". :rolleyes:

I also have even met and befriended many Transgendered people who call themselves a tranny.

Are GLAAD and the hyper PC word censorship nazis for real? Hahahaha

Do you like being addressed as a fucking wanker.. an arsehole.. a tosser.. a nasty bastard.. an idiot?

I wouldn't try and stop you using the expression "Tranny" other than by persuasion, but do me a favour and try and understand just how insulting, and yes, dehumanising and belittling it can be to so many... put you brain in gear and develop some compassion and feeling..

Nov 14, 2010, 9:06 AM
too funny, once again people are off base and getting subjective.
you are soooo luck to not only have hooked up with a tranny (sorry, thats the word i know, shemale ?) but to have a chance to do it in a relationship and with your wife and guys too ? I want to live in your world!
watched lost of shemale porn, some of these "girls" are sooooooooooooo hot, and the added bonus of often a large hard cock and in movies at least, seem to love taking anal and jsut about anything.
Im sure in real life shemales are different then in porn but it would be awesome to enjoy a sexual relation with someone who is sexy and femanine and also sporting a big hard manly cock, for me as a bi guy seems like the perect combo ! enjoy !!!

Charl 75
Nov 14, 2010, 4:46 PM
sounds cool to me :bigrin:

i'd say go for it you both like it so whats the problem :tong::tong::bigrin:

Im a transsexual x

Nov 14, 2010, 6:44 PM
So let's let the non-transgender people in society decide which terms offend trans people and which do not because, of course, trans people are too ignorant, too inferior, and too stupid to recognize for themselves what terms are used as antitransgender pejoratives...right?

Well I Know Another Person From Your Group Who Disagrees:

If, for example, the Marginalized Trans Person™ is making sense and you're beginning to get the unpleasant feeling that you might be wrong about something, just whip up your trans friend and vehemently express how they completely and stridently support your opinions on these issues.
You must discount in your own mind though you that your friend may have internalized transphobia, or how your friend may have been adversely affected by discrimination wielded by the Privileged® that you're unaware of. And, as established above, it is imperative that you discount the diversity of experience whilst seeming to support it.

After all, your trans friend is proof that there are different opinions amongst this Marginalized Group™ but the fact they agree with you means you don't have to in the least give credence to ideas alternative to your own, and certainly not from the Marginalized Trans Person™ in question.

Plus it gives you that handy progressive veneer -- see, all their accusations of transphobia are totally groundless because you have a friend who is a representative from that group -- which shows that you are open-minded.

You Just Enjoy Being Offended:

This is closely related to the above point. A privileged Person®: may make sure the Marginalized Trans Person™ knows that people more privileged than Marginalized Trans People™ consider trans issues to be completely trivial. It's insensitive in the extreme - it also exemplifies a lack of awareness and empathy.
By demonstrating you have absolutely no concept of what a particular issue or point may mean to them both within their conversation with you and beyond it, you get to show off just how cocooned and protected in your Privilege® you really are. Remember how maddening this is for a Marginalized Trans Person™ -- it's a Privilege® that they don't share and may never know. So, to witness privilege being so blithely owned and used to diminish their experience, a Marginalized Trans Person™ may just get angry.

You may even be obnoxious and hurtful enough to Marginalized Trans People™ outright that they enjoy facing discrimination and prejudice. Enjoy it so much, in fact, that they "look" for reasons to be hurt and offended.

This is almost breathtakingly perfect as a derailment tactic, as it lacks any sort of conceivable class and humility -- it goes straight to smug viciousness. The very idea that anyone enjoys being hurt and discriminated against as a daily practice is so preposterous it could only be believed by a Privileged Person® who's never hasn't experienced to the level of Marginalized Trans People™, and have no idea what it's like to have one's humanity diminished every day of their lives.

The fact is, many Marginalized Trans People™ go out of their way to avoid these sorts of debates and confrontations because it's such a painful and unenjoyable experience. Those you are encountering in this circumstance have likely made a conscious choice to confront bigotry and prejudice, even knowing it will often go badly for them.

For you to spit in the face of their choice in putting themselves on the line by suggesting it's all fun and games for them just adds a particularly piquant insult to injury.

You're Just Oversensitive:

This is very similar to You're Being Overemotional, but this one has a slightly different nuance. What you're implying is that Marginalized Trans People™ are looking for offence where none exists.
Here, you can disown any of your own responsibility in minimizing or dehumanize trans people -- and minimizing and dehumanizing any marginalized people and de is absolutely the crux of any derailment. So no matter what, none of this is your fault -- nothing you or anyone else has said that was hurtful, offensive, bigoted or discriminatory.

No one apparently is really to blame here except Marginalized Trans People™, because anything that was said was said in innocence.

After all, what reason have you ever had to examine your ingrained prejudices? Why should you start now?

This is a means of telling Marginalized Trans People™ that you believe the responsibility is all theirs - if they weren't looking so hard for offence, everything would be a lot more pleasant...

But just for you -- not Marginalized Trans People™.

Blatant transphobia meh

Nov 14, 2010, 9:59 PM
You're Being Hostile

This is a great one to pop out if it seems like they’re going to push the matter. After all, nobody wants to be “hostile”, do they? In a culture rigidly defined by social protocol, invariably designed to favour the privileged, people are very concerned about “getting along with others“.
Especially Marginalised People™! Know why? Well, since they’re marginalised, they experience a variety of discriminations, usually in many aspects of their daily lives. It is not at all unusual, therefore, for Marginalised People™ to have to be accustomed to being very, very cautious about the way they engage with the Privileged®. This is because discrimination may mean they routinely encounter violence, silencing, oppression or just good old-fashioned outright ridicule and diminishment. That can make life stressful and exhausting, so many Marginalised People™ develop complex strategies to avoid hostile engagements with Privileged People® .

Further to this, Marginalised People™ are forced into a certain sort of social behaviour by Privileged People® - “appropriate” behaviour. After all, there are different rules for them than there are for the Privileged®. This training in “appropriate” behaviour usually begins when they are very young, so it is well-ingrained.

By accusing them of hostility, you will successfully enliven their sense of caution and anxiety around this matter. You may also provoke a feeling of guilt that they are not “behaving” the way they have been trained to.

But even better - by accusing them of hostility, you pass the blame back to them, rather than consider what you might have said that was so offensive and hurtful it caused the “hostility”!

This will definitely work in your favour, because it will further insult and enrage them. You are making progress…

You're Being Overemotional:

It is very likely that the whole reason the Marginalized Trans Person™ in question is debating with you is because they've made a conscious decision to speak out about these issues, despite the pain and heartache it can often cause them.
Therefore, the "you're being hostile" bomb can often lead to an increase of anger and/or hurt. Sometimes it just leads to greater emphasis and exasperation in the argument.

It really doesn't matter, because you can still use it against trans people by accusing them of being overemotional.

You may wish to use the word "hysterical" or "mentally disordered" instead of overemotional. "Hysterical" or "mentally disordered" are words laden with negative connotations, so these terms can be particularly effective. Using these in discussions with trans women is often effective, as the opinions and feelings of trans women have historically been denied as mere "hysteria" or as an outgrowth of "Gender Identity Disorder." A great one to use with trans women as well is to ask them if they're taking estrogen -- yes, it's an oldie, but it's a classic.

Implying people have mental health issues is a great way to dismiss their concerns; it's also insensitive to people with actual mental health issues -- such as depression, bipolar conditions, or schizophrenia.

After all, proper "intellectual" discussions always involve detachment and rationality. What is "rationality"? It's a way of approaching emotional matters devoid of sentiment, particularly prized by Privileged People® as it enables a continuing inequity of power that favors them. After all, if Privileged People® aren't emotionally attached to this topic of antitransgender pejoratives by way of Lived Experience©, it is easier for them to be "rational" on the subject

But If It's Okay For Marginalised People To Use Those Words, Why Can't I?

As a Privileged Person®, it is natural that you would feel excluded and frustrated by the recent spate of Marginalised People "reclaiming" historically negative words to refer to themselves.
Not only do these Marginalised People™ kick up a great big ole stink by making it "politically incorrect" for Privileged People® to use these words - even going so far as to have some of them defined under 'hate crime' legislation! - they take the insult one step further and use them freely amongst themselves!

This is very perplexing and annoying for Privileged People®, who can only stand on the outside, gazing wistfully in, wishing it were a simpler time when it was totally okay for everyone to call women whores, Mexicans spics, Trans* folk trannies, gay men faggots and people of African descent the n-word.

After all, who do those Marginalised People™ think they are, taking ownership of language traditionally used to oppress them! That just isn't playing fair!

But take heart, because there is a way you can worm around this one - where there's Privilege®, there's always a way!

First of all, you must feign utter cluelessness about the ins & outs of reclaimation and behave as though you were under the impression that in these 'post race/sex/sexuality/gender/etc times' that we had all evolved into a new era where 'words don't mean anything' and it's totally okay for everyone to use offensive slurs and then... well: use them.

When a Marginalised Person™ calls you out on it, become indignant. Express confusion. Demand an explanation. Say that you just don't understand - if you people use those words to refer to each other, why can't I?!

You see, you're implying that they're being hypocritical. That if they are going to use abusive & oppressionist language aongst each other, they simply have to accept that they're employing a 'double standard' by preventing the Privileged® from using them.

What this enables you to ignore is the reality of the power dynamic involved. Language reclaimation is a means by which Marginalised People™ gain back some power they are traditionally denied by taking control of words used to demean and discriminate against them. When these words come from Privileged People®, there is a long and very serious negative history behind them that cannot be divorced from the words themselves. Thus, when Privileged People® employ these words, they are perpetuating that history and the psychology behind the word. They are exercising oppressive power that have become inherent to those words - a power Marginalised People™ seek to subvert and dismantle when they use them.

Pretend not to understand this. Just continue to imply hypocrisy and pout that it isn't fair.

It also ignores the fact that, from within Marginalised Groups™, discourses around abusive language are actually not simple and there are many divided and varied opinions on the subject. Treating Marginalised People™ like a hive mind is always a great way to further subtly insult them and since the point of this entire debacle is to come out with as many notches on your belt as possible, you want to make sure you slip in as many knocks below their belt as you can manage

Who Wins Gold in the Oppression Olympics?

Following on from this, if you are a member of another Marginalised Group™, you can also exploit it to indicate to the Marginalised Person™ how absolutely disdainful you are of their concerns and issues by making out that yours are far more important and imperative.
You can even suggest that your issues are more valuable than theirs, implying a hierarchy of oppression in which you always win.

You see, as a Marginalised Person ™ yourself, it is all the more infuriating to another Marginalised Person™ that you're exercising the exact same prejudices and discrimination that Privileged People® exercise against you! The Marginalised Person™ will be tearing their hair out at your obliviousness and lack of perception and this will weaken their defences.

You're As Bad As They Are!

Definitely one of the last tactics you should bring out if you're finding that the Marginalised Person™ is simply relentless and you are running out of options.
This one is an outright insult. By now they have probably ripped all your prejudices apart and harshly criticised both your attitudes and the Privileged® system you reside within. You are probably taking it very personally because it's shaking the foundations of your beliefs and making you confront aspects of your own behaviour and nature that you would rather not.

That's when you say to them: you are just as bad as the people who oppress you!

Because they're angry about the treatment they undergo and because they are aggressive and persistent in wanting to see change happen, you can target this behaviour (remembering that it is unseemly for Marginalised People™ – they're supposed to set an example at all times by being humble and long-suffering) by suggesting it puts them on a par with the people and system that stigmatise, ostracise and target them every second of every day of their lives. This also suggests that reacting to such discrimination is totally unreasonable and out of proportion (they should just take their knocks!) and that has the benefit of indicating your ignorance to just how pervasive and constant this discrimination truly is.

This one is important if you really want to demonstrate what a scumbag you are so do be careful to whip it out at precisely the right moment. Used correctly and it can be something of a slamdunk!

Nov 15, 2010, 8:23 AM
I am aware that there are drag performers that use the term tra**y to refer to themselves, and I am aware that there are transgender-identified people who use the term tra**y to refer to themselves. And too, I'm aware that a good number of trans people are working to reclaim tra**y in the same way a good number of people in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community work to reclaim the word queer. But just because some African-Americans refer to others in their community by the n-word, and just because many women refer to themselves by the b-word...Well, that doesn't mean white Americans should use the n-word to refer to African-Americans, and doesn't mean that men should be referring to women by the b-word. Pejoratives such as the n-word, the b-word, and the-other-f-word are used to dehumanize people; and so is the word tra**y.


Mimi: ... There was this skinhead that was harassing her... and she walked right up to him and said, "I'm more of a man than you'll ever be - and more of a woman than you'll ever get."

Nov 15, 2010, 9:00 AM
They do make strap ons where your wife can fuck you in the ass. I say do what ever feels good. And there is nothing like haveing a cock stuck up your ass while a pair of nice breast are banging your back. I loved it and want more!

Nov 15, 2010, 9:47 AM
Hi Marie
I am getting a little confused with your posts such as #33, 35 and37 (who is Mimi?). I do not understand who you are quoting in the yellow? Is it a poster on this site? (if so would you add their name or which post # the quote is from) Is it a quote from someone else not on this site? (if so who are they?) Are the black bold words your thoughts?

I would like to respect any person who wishes to be called by a certain name.

However, this discussion is only confusing me. I understand that some people do not wish to be called tranny. I'm not sure if "tranny" applies to transexuals/transgendered or CD's or transvestites though based upon what I read on this thread? I read where a CD/ transvestite seems to have stated that he doesn't mind being called a tranny(could be wrong Pretty Flower post #25). Are CD's and transvestites the same synomyms to speak and are they also called "tranny" by some? I understand that you (a transwoman) do not wish to be called this term and are objecting to others using it. I haven't got a clue what your longer posts such as 33, 35 and 37 mean though.

Nov 15, 2010, 10:17 AM
Hi Tenni,

Some of my longer posts are from an article called "Derailing For Dummies" (http://www.derailingfordummies.com/), it basically lists ways that some people try to divert attention from the actual subject and/ or try to defend their actions.

The parts in bold are the ways/methods that I see folks on this forum using to derail this conversation.

I dont care if people who are trans refer to themselves as "tr**ny" I dont think that its a term that should be used, however that's their wish. However I do object to the general usage of the term to refer to transgender folks by folks who arent part of the transgender community. Just as I would never presume to have the right to refer to someone using an ethnic slur or any other term that could be deemed offensive.

Yes I realize that some folks are assh*les and tend to refer to people by the most demeaning terms they can find, I cant stop that. I will, however, protest in any way I can and point out their general behavior as wrong.

In this regard, I am using this forum as a means to educate people on the ways that some folks use to derail meaningful conversations regarding usage of terms that are offensive.

If they/ you dont like it , quit posting to this topic and / or using those terms that are offensive.

Consider: if the topic of this post had read "Wife wants to watch me and a (offensive racial slur here)". Afterwards people come in and say "well I know a (racial group) person and they refer to their group/ themselves by this term."
It still does not make it right to refer to someone by that term, especially if you are an outsider to that group. To tell someone that they should not be offended by the usage of an offensive term in regards to their community is also pretty inconsiderate and uncouth.

Hi Marie
I am getting a little confused with your posts such as #33 and35. I do not understand who you are quoting in the yellow? Is it a poster on this site? (if so would you add their name or which post # the quote is from) Is it a quote from someone else not on this site? (if so who are they?) Are the black bold words your thoughts?

I would like to respect any person who wishes to be called by a certain name.

However, this discussion is only confusing me. I understand that some people do not wish to be called tranny. I'm not sure if "tranny" applies to transexuals/transgendered or CD's or transvestites though based upon what I read on this thread? I read where a transvestite seems to have stated that he doesn't mind being called a tranny(could be wrong Pretty Flower). I understand that you do not wish to be called this term and are objecting to others using it. I haven't got a clue what your longer posts such as 33 and 35 mean though.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:08 PM
Blatant ultra Politcal Correctness, guilt, shame, and control of how other people use words that they call themselves and that they want other people to call them. meh

You keep spamming the same tired PC blog entries and arguments that do not make any sense and just show how you are not living in the real world.

Even if you want to deny it completely tranny is not a slur and yes there are lots of trans people who do call themselves trannies and are perfectly fine with the term being used to describe them.

Then there are trans people like you who are cisgender-phobic and one can argue homophobic and biphobic too with your tantrums.

It isnt a matter of political correctness.. it is a matter of being polite and good manners..

Referring to a transexual as a "tranny" or "shemale" is on a par with referring to chinese as a "chink", a Pakistani as a "Paki", a Spaniard as a "deigo" an Italian" as an "eytie".. these are common disparaging references to people of certain origins in my country but in the US you have your own.. "spick" being one I find particularly obnoxious. Addressing someone in such ways is ill-mannered and shows a lack of respect for their origin and heritage.. similarly addressing people as "Proddie" for Protestant, "Papist" for Catholic, "Yid" for Jewish no better, and is potentially inflammatory and insulting to people of those religions.. addressing gay men as "poofters" or "bent", gay women as "dyke", "slut" to a woman or transexuals as "tranny" or "shemale" is no better.. how people refer to each other within their own peer group does not give you or me or anyone else a right from the outside, certainly not an automatic right, to refer to them in such disparaging terms...

It is good manners and polite.. not being PC.. I am no PC Nazi, but there are times when being politically correct is no bad thing... if you choose to be an ill-mannered lout and show little or no respect to a person by referring to people by their proper name then that is your business.. but be not surprised if some day you get more than just a mouthful of vilification for your trouble..

Nov 15, 2010, 1:03 PM
It isnt a matter of political correctness.. it is a matter of being polite and good manners..

Referring to a transexual as a "tranny" or "shemale" is on a par with referring to chinese as a "chink", a Pakistani as a "Paki", a Spaniard as a "deigo" an Italian" as an "eytie".. these are common disparaging references to people of certain origins in my country but in the US you have your own.. "spick" being one I find particularly obnoxious. Addressing someone in such ways is ill-mannered and shows a lack of respect for their origin and heritage.. similarly addressing people as "Proddie" for Protestant, "Papist" for Catholic, "Yid" for Jewish no better, and is potentially inflammatory and insulting to people of those religions.. addressing gay men as "poofters" or "bent", gay women as "dyke", "slut" to a woman or transexuals as "tranny" or "shemale" is no better.. how people refer to each other within their own peer group does not give you or me or anyone else a right from the outside, certainly not an automatic right, to refer to them in such disparaging terms...

It is good manners and polite.. not being PC.. I am no PC Nazi, but there are times when being politically correct is no bad thing... if you choose to be an ill-mannered lout and show little or no respect to a person by referring to people by their proper name then that is your business.. but be not surprised if some day you get more than just a mouthful of vilification for your trouble..

While I appreciate and understand the point you make with this post I have a gut feeling reading this whole thread that all this upset is indicative more of the need to have and support a knee jerk reaction than it is to offer useful information...DRAMA appears to be the main course here!

Nov 15, 2010, 1:36 PM

This thread needs a Tranny facepalm.


YAY!!! Ironhide!!

Nov 15, 2010, 4:05 PM
Why WOULDN'T you????

Nov 15, 2010, 4:24 PM
You're Being Overemotional

It is very likely that the whole reason the Marginalised Person™ in question is debating with you is because they’ve made a conscious decision to speak out about these issues, despite the pain and heartache it can often cause them.
Therefore, the “you’re being hostile” bomb can often lead to an increase of anger and/or hurt. Sometimes it just leads to greater emphasis and exasperation in the argument.

It really doesn’t matter, because you can still use it against them by accusing them of being overemotional. You may wish to use the word “hysterical” instead. “Hysterical” is also a word laden with negative connotations, so it’s particularly effective. Using this one in discussions with women is highly advisable, as the opinions and feelings of women have historically been denied as mere “hysteria”, but it works against almost anyone. A great one to use with women as well is to ask them if they’re “PMSing”. Yes, it’s an oldie but a classic.

If you need more variety, some more handy argument winners involving speculating as to people’s neurotypical status: ask them if they’re “neurotic” or “schizo” for example. Implying people have mental health issues is a great way to dismiss their concerns; it’s also insensitive to people with actual mental health issues!

After all, proper “intellectual” discussions always involve detachment and rationality. What is “rationality”? It’s a way of approaching emotional matters devoid of sentiment, particularly prized by Privileged People® as it enables a continuing inequity of power that favours them: after all, if they aren’t emotionally attached to the topic by way of Lived Experience©, it is easier for them to be “rational”.

Being Offended Is Great For You!

A follow-on from "You Just Enjoy Being Offended", this one has a particularly nasty flavour sure to make any Marginalised Person™ recoil in horror.
This is specifically for those Marginalised People™ who work at agencies and organisations with a focus on services catering to their Marginalised Group™. Remember that working in such positions means they are actively trying to effect change that will benefit their Marginalised Group™. This means they are obliged to deal with discrimination and opposition from the Privileged® whilst maintaining professionalism and being severely confronted with the degree of resistance to their efforts to eliminate oppression. This process would be extremely exhausting and even depressing. Keep all that in mind, because this tactic is especially sleazy and you want to be able to appreciate its derailing hurtfulness on all levels.

Suggest that the Marginalised People™ who work at these services must go crazy with ecstasy every time a new hate-crime is reported, or another example of discrimination is brought to attention, because, get ready for it, it justifies their existence.

Yup. Because obviously, all the Marginalised Services Providers care about is staying in business There's no way there could possibly be a personal imperative for them involved, or that they would be in any way aversely affected by dealing constantly with acts of violence or oppression against them and their fellows. So, clearly, they must thrive on being "offended".

Even when being "offended" means having been bashed to within an inch of their life.

Well. Done. You.

Nov 15, 2010, 4:36 PM
First let me say, you are a lucky guy. I have had a few experiences with transexual's. one was ok, one really bad, and one was mind blowing. My advice would be check out an escort site, and one that has reviews and will cater to a couple. Not all like doing couples.
Good luck!

Nov 15, 2010, 6:48 PM
You're Taking Things Too Personally

Similar to You’re Being Overemotional and yet with particular uses of its own.
You see, when you say “you’re taking things too personally” you demonstrate your ignorance that these issues ARE personal for them!

That’s highly insulting and is sure to rub anyone up the wrong way. That you're already refusing to consider their reality is giving them a pretty good indication of how the conversation is going to degress, yet the natural human need for understanding will probably compel them to try and reason with you, or at least to point you in the direction of some educational resources that will help you gain insight into their experiences. This can enable you to once again make a demand for them to personally educate you instead.

By denying the conversation is personal for them, you also reveal your own detachment: there’s really nothing at stake for you in getting into this argument, you’re just doing it for kicks. They will be all too aware of this, and it will begin to work on their emotions, preparing them nicely for the next steps you will take them through.

mr swallow
Nov 15, 2010, 7:02 PM
:three::bipride::flag4: go for it I have done it with many a trannyie and it is fantastic who know's she may get in on the action. Maybe she wants to follow your lead on sucking a strange cock

mr swallow
Nov 15, 2010, 7:07 PM
My wife and i joined a porn site and watched a really cute tranny. She admitted she would love to see me fuck a tranny. I would not mind at all as I have given 2 trannys blowjobs before we were maried. Have any of you guys had this expierience? Let me add my wife does not care if I have sex with a guy but does not want to watch that. But she is all about watching me and a tranny.being a tranny myself i love giving bjs to bi staright or married men they are great,have done single men but perfer married usally there wife's are watching to see if I do anything differant then they do.I swallow all

Nov 15, 2010, 7:22 PM
While I appreciate and understand the point you make with this post I have a gut feeling reading this whole thread that all this upset is indicative more of the need to have and support a knee jerk reaction than it is to offer useful information...DRAMA appears to be the main course here!

If an appeal for people to consider the sensitivities of others is dramatic then I'd have to plead guilty... the subject of the debate is irrelevant if people refer to others in a manner which is less than considerate and respectful..

Nov 15, 2010, 9:34 PM
You're Being Overemotional

It is very likely that the whole reason the Marginalised Person™ in question is debating with you is because they’ve made a conscious decision to speak out about these issues, despite the pain and heartache it can often cause them.
Therefore, the “you’re being hostile” bomb can often lead to an increase of anger and/or hurt. Sometimes it just leads to greater emphasis and exasperation in the argument.

It really doesn’t matter, because you can still use it against them by accusing them of being overemotional. You may wish to use the word “hysterical” instead. “Hysterical” is also a word laden with negative connotations, so it’s particularly effective. Using this one in discussions with women is highly advisable, as the opinions and feelings of women have historically been denied as mere “hysteria”, but it works against almost anyone. A great one to use with women as well is to ask them if they’re “PMSing”. Yes, it’s an oldie but a classic.

If you need more variety, some more handy argument winners involving speculating as to people’s neurotypical status: ask them if they’re “neurotic” or “schizo” for example. Implying people have mental health issues is a great way to dismiss their concerns; it’s also insensitive to people with actual mental health issues!

After all, proper “intellectual” discussions always involve detachment and rationality. What is “rationality”? It’s a way of approaching emotional matters devoid of sentiment, particularly prized by Privileged People® as it enables a continuing inequity of power that favours them: after all, if they aren’t emotionally attached to the topic by way of Lived Experience©, it is easier for them to be “rational”.

You're Just Oversensitive

Once again, though very similar to You're Being Overemotional, this one has a slightly different nuance.
What you're implying is that the Marginalised Person™ is looking for offence where none exists.
Once again, you're disowning your own responsibility, and this is absolutely the crux of any derailment – you just can't repeat or reinforce it often enough. No matter what, none of this is your fault – nothing you said that was hurtful, offensive, bigoted or discriminatory is really to blame here, because you said it in all innocence! After all, what reason have you ever had to examine your ingrained prejudices? Why should you start now?

So you want the Marginalised Person™ to know this is how you feel and that you really believe the responsibility is all theirs – if they weren't looking so hard for offence, everything would be a lot more pleasant!

(For you)


Nov 15, 2010, 11:32 PM
I suspect that many people here simply didn't understand that "tranny" was considered an offensive word by many in the trans communities. There's no shame in not knowing that. Life is a learning experience, after all.

But don't you just love how assholes play the so-called "political correctness" card when someone calls them on their bullshit?

For those idiots who just don't get it: it has nothing to do with political correctness. In my not-so-humble opinion, "political correctness" is largely a myth perpetuated by those who are challenged by the notion of simple decency. It's a way to censor those of us who are offended by offensive language.

Of course you have the right to be an asshole. But I have the right to call you on it.


Nov 16, 2010, 12:17 AM
Personally had no clue that the term "tranny" was offensive. I thought it was simply a short word for transsexual. Glad I know this now, before I used the term!

Nov 16, 2010, 12:43 AM

Nov 16, 2010, 11:17 AM
But If It's Okay For Marginalised People To Use Those Words, Why Can't I?

As a Privileged Person®, it is natural that you would feel excluded and frustrated by the recent spate of Marginalised People "reclaiming" historically negative words to refer to themselves.
Not only do these Marginalised People™ kick up a great big ole stink by making it "politically incorrect" for Privileged People® to use these words - even going so far as to have some of them defined under 'hate crime' legislation! - they take the insult one step further and use them freely amongst themselves!

This is very perplexing and annoying for Privileged People®, who can only stand on the outside, gazing wistfully in, wishing it were a simpler time when it was totally okay for everyone to call women whores, Mexicans spics, Trans* folk trannies, gay men faggots and people of African descent the n-word.

After all, who do those Marginalised People™ think they are, taking ownership of language traditionally used to oppress them! That just isn't playing fair!

But take heart, because there is a way you can worm around this one - where there's Privilege®, there's always a way!

First of all, you must feign utter cluelessness about the ins & outs of reclaimation and behave as though you were under the impression that in these 'post race/sex/sexuality/gender/etc times' that we had all evolved into a new era where 'words don't mean anything' and it's totally okay for everyone to use offensive slurs and then... well: use them.

When a Marginalised Person™ calls you out on it, become indignant. Express confusion. Demand an explanation. Say that you just don't understand - if you people use those words to refer to each other, why can't I?!

You see, you're implying that they're being hypocritical. That if they are going to use abusive & oppressionist language aongst each other, they simply have to accept that they're employing a 'double standard' by preventing the Privileged® from using them.

What this enables you to ignore is the reality of the power dynamic involved. Language reclaimation is a means by which Marginalised People™ gain back some power they are traditionally denied by taking control of words used to demean and discriminate against them. When these words come from Privileged People®, there is a long and very serious negative history behind them that cannot be divorced from the words themselves. Thus, when Privileged People® employ these words, they are perpetuating that history and the psychology behind the word. They are exercising oppressive power that have become inherent to those words - a power Marginalised People™ seek to subvert and dismantle when they use them.

Pretend not to understand this. Just continue to imply hypocrisy and pout that it isn't fair.

It also ignores the fact that, from within Marginalised Groups™, discourses around abusive language are actually not simple and there are many divided and varied opinions on the subject. Treating Marginalised People™ like a hive mind is always a great way to further subtly insult them and since the point of this entire debacle is to come out with as many notches on your belt as possible, you want to make sure you slip in as many knocks below their belt as you can manage

I dont care if members of a group want to refer to themselves as flaming assh*l3s with wings, it is still wrong for outsiders to refer to members of that group as such.

BTW if you want to be refered to as a flaming assh*l3 with wings thats your right , but that doesnt extend to anyone else

Nov 16, 2010, 11:18 AM
Could we get any more sensitive? Everyone seems to want a 'card' to play.

Nov 16, 2010, 11:38 AM
You're Just Oversensitive

Once again, though very similar to You're Being Overemotional, this one has a slightly different nuance.
What you're implying is that the Marginalised Person™ is looking for offence where none exists.
Once again, you're disowning your own responsibility, and this is absolutely the crux of any derailment – you just can't repeat or reinforce it often enough. No matter what, none of this is your fault – nothing you said that was hurtful, offensive, bigoted or discriminatory is really to blame here, because you said it in all innocence! After all, what reason have you ever had to examine your ingrained prejudices? Why should you start now?

So you want the Marginalised Person™ to know this is how you feel and that you really believe the responsibility is all theirs – if they weren't looking so hard for offence, everything would be a lot more pleasant!

(For you)

Nov 16, 2010, 11:57 AM
So wait Marie

You're saying if someone's all going off "I WANT TRANNY I WANT TRANNY" and you say "TRANNY IS OFFENSIVE" and they are all "LOL WHATEVER I WANT TRANNY I WANTRY TRANNY" later down the road we'll see "WHY CANT I FIND TRANNY?!" and you'll be "GEE I DONT KNOW! LOLWUT"

This is all it boils down to to me.

If I want something, and someone gives advice on how to improve chances and I laugh and say 'whatever' and ignore it, should I have the audacity to be upset when I'm STILL looking later down the road ?

Nov 16, 2010, 12:06 PM
So wait Marie

You're saying if someone's all going off "I WANT TRANNY I WANT TRANNY" and you say "TRANNY IS OFFENSIVE" and they are all "LOL WHATEVER I WANT TRANNY I WANTRY TRANNY" later down the road we'll see "WHY CANT I FIND TRANNY?!" and you'll be "GEE I DONT KNOW! LOLWUT"

This is all it boils down to to me.

If I want something, and someone gives advice on how to improve chances and I laugh and say 'whatever' and ignore it, should I have the audacity to be upset when I'm STILL looking later down the road ?

Gee Joe, I think you've got it ;)

Nov 17, 2010, 12:48 AM
LMAO Marie that's rich, you think I'm a troll just because I am Transgendered and call myself a tranny. I do not get all up in arms about the term tranny.

I didnt see Your name mentioned anywhere, but the other guy has a distinctly familiar ring to his words and that person IS a troll. Being an insultive nasty jerk is what makes a troll a troll. If you arent, then whats the prob?
I'm sorry that the OP had to have his thread high jacked by all of this bickering, but every person has their own opinions and folks ought to just agree to disagree and go from there. Using slang terminology is just a matter of class and taste, some folks have it, others dont. If You want or prefer to call yourself a Tranny, thats up to you, its Your personal preference. Not everybody holds this preference. Thats just how it is, deal wif it.

Nov 17, 2010, 5:46 AM
I think people who refer to others by slang are fuctards

Nov 17, 2010, 6:07 AM


You Just Enjoy Being Offended

Closely related to the above point, it's another critical element of a successful deraling. You really need to make sure the Marginalised Person knows you consider their issues to be completely trivial. It's insensitive in the extreme – it also exemplifies your lack of awareness and empathy.
By demonstrating you have absolutely no concept of what a particular issue or point may mean to them both within their conversation with you and beyond it, you get to show off just how cocooned and protected in Privilege® you really are. Remember how maddening this is for a Marginalised Person™ – it's a Privilege® they do not share and will probably never know so to witness it being so blithely owned and used to diminish their experience is bound to get their blood pumping.

But absolutely best of all, you are being obnoxious and hurtful enough to tell them outright that they enjoy facing discrimination and prejduice. Enjoy it so much, in fact, that they “look” for reasons to be hurt and offended! Wow. This one is almost breathtakingly perfect as a derailment tactic, it lacks any sort of conceivable class and humility and goes straight to smug viciousness. The very idea that anyone enjoys being hurt and discriminated against as a daily practice is so preposterous it could only be believed by a Privileged Person® who's never really experienced or known what it's like.

The fact is, many Marginalised People™ go out of their way to avoid these sorts of debates and confrontations because it's such a painful and unenjoyable experience. Those you are encountering in this circumstance have likely made a conscious choice to do so, even knowing it will probably go bad. For you to spit in the face of their choice in putting themselves on the line by suggesting it's all fun and games for them just adds a particularly piquant insult to injury.

But If It's Okay For Marginalised People To Use Those Words, Why Can't I?
As a Privileged Person®, it is natural that you would feel excluded and frustrated by the recent spate of Marginalised People "reclaiming" historically negative words to refer to themselves.
Not only do these Marginalised People™ kick up a great big ole stink by making it "politically incorrect" for Privileged People® to use these words - even going so far as to have some of them defined under 'hate crime' legislation! - they take the insult one step further and use them freely amongst themselves!

This is very perplexing and annoying for Privileged People®, who can only stand on the outside, gazing wistfully in, wishing it were a simpler time when it was totally okay for everyone to call women whores, Mexicans spics, Trans* folk trannies, gay men faggots and people of African descent the n-word.

After all, who do those Marginalised People™ think they are, taking ownership of language traditionally used to oppress them! That just isn't playing fair!

But take heart, because there is a way you can worm around this one - where there's Privilege®, there's always a way!

First of all, you must feign utter cluelessness about the ins & outs of reclaimation and behave as though you were under the impression that in these 'post race/sex/sexuality/gender/etc times' that we had all evolved into a new era where 'words don't mean anything' and it's totally okay for everyone to use offensive slurs and then... well: use them.

When a Marginalised Person™ calls you out on it, become indignant. Express confusion. Demand an explanation. Say that you just don't understand - if you people use those words to refer to each other, why can't I?!

You see, you're implying that they're being hypocritical. That if they are going to use abusive & oppressionist language aongst each other, they simply have to accept that they're employing a 'double standard' by preventing the Privileged® from using them.

What this enables you to ignore is the reality of the power dynamic involved. Language reclaimation is a means by which Marginalised People™ gain back some power they are traditionally denied by taking control of words used to demean and discriminate against them. When these words come from Privileged People®, there is a long and very serious negative history behind them that cannot be divorced from the words themselves. Thus, when Privileged People® employ these words, they are perpetuating that history and the psychology behind the word. They are exercising oppressive power that have become inherent to those words - a power Marginalised People™ seek to subvert and dismantle when they use them.

Pretend not to understand this. Just continue to imply hypocrisy and pout that it isn't fair.

It also ignores the fact that, from within Marginalised Groups™, discourses around abusive language are actually not simple and there are many divided and varied opinions on the subject. Treating Marginalised People™ like a hive mind is always a great way to further subtly insult them and since the point of this entire debacle is to come out with as many notches on your belt as possible, you want to make sure you slip in as many knocks below their belt as you can manage.

Nov 17, 2010, 7:00 AM
Marie is doing what all Trans "women" do. Spreading, drama, flipping out and thinking that by doing all of this he/she is being effeminate and a "real" woman and that this is how actual cisgender women act.

Marie will never be an actual cisgender woman no matter how many hormones he/she takes or whatever mutilations and cosmetic surgery he/she gets. He will just be a shemale.

..and so the true contemptuous and contemptible character of the beast shows itself...:rolleyes:

Nov 17, 2010, 10:34 PM

In The Hobbit they speak with very thick Cockney accents. They turn to stone when exposed to sunlight and they enjoy eating meat (such as mutton, hobbits and Dwarves) and drinking beer. While threatening, the trolls in The Hobbit serve as a comic element. They even have normal names: Tom, Bert, and Bill Huggins (the only case in which a surname is given).


Nov 18, 2010, 12:54 PM
Go for it Married Bottom! You're lucky to have a woman like that.

mr swallow
Dec 31, 2010, 6:36 PM
Well my wife brought home a another women the other night said she was new with the Compnany and had offered her the spare bedroom.She was tall nice set of tits well rounded my mouth and cock felt a stire.My wife noticed the way I was looking and said be nice.I got a place setting for her so we could all eat together.We had a little wine with dinner and I must have been stareing at her but I noticed she was differant she had an adam's apple.I thought about it for a little while & then I said to my wife can I see you in the kitchen.We excused ourself's she said what is the matter with you staring at her that way I said I think it's a guy. she said your fucking nuts. I said ok you should know.I cleaned up the dishes they went upstaires to change.I was just about finished cleaning up when I felt a pair of hands exploring my ass & cock area I said without turning around dont want to make to wrong impression with your new employee then i turned to find a manwomen????? holding my cock in his hands thur my pants I was so I started to say something and his tongue enetered my mouth and we french kissed before falling to the kitchen floor where she he started kissing me all over my body my clothes still on I statred to wingle around & I heard my wife call my name she he said weare in the kitchen she came in and said happy anaiversery honey got you something special this year. she then pulled up a chair and watched as I was made love to by thsis tranny who we keep employed on the wife's payroll at her company she has taught me a lot she atkes me out to buy clothes and whatever and we also have great sex I just love the way she enter's me anal lly I havent fiquered out what I am buying my wife next yera but I think I know.

Jan 1, 2011, 5:53 AM
My wife and i joined a porn site and watched a really cute tranny. She admitted she would love to see me fuck a tranny. I would not mind at all as I have given 2 trannys blowjobs before we were maried. Have any of you guys had this expierience? Let me add my wife does not care if I have sex with a guy but does not want to watch that. But she is all about watching me and a tranny.

go for it and let your wife participating. see how a beautyful trans can also fuck your wife. i did it, i do it and i will do it again and again..

Jan 3, 2011, 1:36 PM
you are a lucky man indeed, enjoy every minute of it !!!

Jan 3, 2011, 3:33 PM
Lighten up people. PC's getting a little on the stupid side. This from a long-haired, cracker-assed redneck. Or you can just refer to me as a Dutch-Irish-Muscogee-American. Remember it's not what is said, it's "HOW" it's said!
Funny when you think about it...Bigots think everyone should think like they do.
PC people think everyone should think like they do...Both sides believe they're right & should be able to force all others to their way of thinking...Like I said...LIGHTEN-UP!!!

Jan 3, 2011, 3:54 PM
Having sex with a tranny is my biggest fantasy. Would love to have it cum true. Lucky you to have the opportunity to do it as well as your wife wanting to join in.

Jan 3, 2011, 7:12 PM
Someone else far away said...

I had my own related experience...

I used to talk to guys who were into "trans" women. Some reasons cited for their interest were... We are men so we are easier to relate to and have the same interests etc., we don't get moody and we aren't as sensitive. We are extra horny because we are men, love sex because we are men... That was when I decided to stop hanging out with guys who were into uǝɯoʍ „suɐɹʇ„ men.

Jan 4, 2011, 10:24 AM
I'll have you know I pulled a muscle turning this monitor upside down to read that last part.

Jan 4, 2011, 12:31 PM
i'd say go for it, then that way you and your lovely wife can get the best of both worlds and have fun doing it together.

Jan 8, 2011, 3:32 PM
Whau cool I am jealous on you. Screwing with Trannies with a girlfriend is one of my biggest sexual fantasies.

You are one Lucky guy

Jan 22, 2014, 9:34 AM
My wife and i joined a porn site and watched a really cute tranny. She admitted she would love to see me fuck a tranny. I would not mind at all as I have given 2 trannys blowjobs before we were maried. Have any of you guys had this expierience? Let me add my wife does not care if I have sex with a guy but does not want to watch that. But she is all about watching me and a tranny.

My late wife and I had a( she called herself a chick with a dick) many years ago, that rented a room from u for several ears. We all played. You can see in y pic how we liked to play. By the way what a nice dick she has.

Jan 22, 2014, 4:47 PM
As a self-proclaimed Bi sexual man in his 40's and just proclaimed myself less than 3 yrs ago. If my wife was in agreement to allow for such pleasure and communication with a transgender person, my ad would say: Bi sexual man and wife seeking a beautiful transgender woman for dating. Enough said.

Jan 23, 2014, 3:50 PM
lucky guy, that would be so hot, hell being with a tranny alone

Jan 23, 2014, 5:05 PM
wow.....some of the "tranny" comments have been absolutely hilarious. The OP and his wifey want to have sex with a tranny and all the trannies here get all up in arms. Well I guess he wasn't talking about y'all was he? WOW. Does anyone here really believe he was being derogatory? He didn't say that he and the missus wanted to do it with a homosexual guy who can't decide if he is a gay man or a woman so he dresses in girls clothes and pretends, did he? I'm sorry, it's not like he says a real derogatory word like a racial slur or refered to a gay man as a fag. THAT would be derogatory. The rest of you ultra sensitive trannies need to get a life.

tranny (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tranny&defid=60542)
1. transvestite
2. transsexual
3. transparency (photog.)
4. transit van (veh.)
"Fuck. I have left the trannies of the trannies in the back of the tranny."